Browse Archive
SZ/AB - Atomic Bomb (7 records)
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SZ/AEAF - [Allied Expeditionary Air Force] (15 records)
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SZ/AeRC - Aeronautical Research Council, R.A.F. Aircraft Research Committee (3 records)
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SZ/ARC - Agricultural Research Council (14 records)
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SZ/AS - Anatomical Society (9 records)
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SZ/BAB - Bulletin of Animal Behaviour (5 records)
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SZ/BAU - Bombing Analysis Unit (135 records)
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SZ/BBSU - British Bombing Survey Unit (111 records)
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SZ/BC - Bedford College (7 records)
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SZ/BSU - [Bombing Survey Unit] (6 records)
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SZ/BU - Birmingham University (11 records)
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SZ/BUF - Operation Buffalo (6 records)
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SZ/CA - Consumers' Association Ltd (2 records)
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SZ/CBW - UN Group of Consultant Experts on Chemical and Bacteriological (Biological) Weapons (7 records)
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SZ/CF - Conservation Foundation (11 records)
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SZ/CIR - Committee of Inquiry on Rabies (16 records)
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SZ/CPC - Colonial Products Council (4 records)
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SZ/CS - Cadbury Schweppes (5 records)
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SZ/CSA - [Chief Scientific Adviser's papers] (196 records)
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SZ/CSP - Council for Scientific Policy (2 records)
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SZ/DC - Development Committee (2 records)
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SZ/DF - The Ditchley Foundation (8 records)
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SZ/DSIR - Department of Scientific & Industrial Research, Committee on Overseas Scientific Relations (1 record)
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SZ/FPS - Fauna Preservation Society (2 records)
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SZ/HL - House of Lords. Miscellaneous papers relating to debates, bills, select committees (47 records)
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SZ/LF - Lovelace Foundation (4 records)
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SZ/MMT - Mountbatten Memorial Trust (15 records)
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SZ/MOS(1) - Ministry of Supply, Advisory Council on Scientific Research and Technical Development, Land-Mine Detection Sub-Committee (3 records)
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SZ/MOS(2) - Ministry of Supply, Advisory Council on Scientific Research and Technical Development (4 records)
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SZ/MOS(3) - Ministry of Supply Advisory Council on Scientific Research and Technical Development (3 records)
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SZ/MR - Committee on the Management and Control of Research and Development (4 records)
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SZ/NATO - NATO Science Committee (6 records)
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SZ/OB - Ordnance Board (2 records)
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SZ/OECD - Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, Committee for Scientific Research (5 records)
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SZ/OEEC - Organisation for European Economic Cooperation, Governing Committee on Scientific and Technical Personnel (3 records)
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SZ/ORC - Overseas Research Council (3 records)
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SZ/PS - Physiological Society (2 records)
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SZ/PSA - Advisory Committee on Poisonous Substances used in Agriculture and Food Storage (4 records)
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SZ/PUB - Publications (books, articles, lectures, speeches, broadcasts), 1926-1993 (3 records)
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SZ/PUG - Pugwash Movement (5 records)
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SZ/RS - Royal Society (27 records)
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SZ/SE - Society of Endocrinology (5 records)
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SZ/TF - Tree Foundation (8 records)
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SZ/TP - Ministry of Labour and National Service Technical Personnel Committee (6 records)
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SZ/TQ - [Tots and Quots] (3 records)
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SZ/UEA - University of East Anglia (10 records)
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SZ/UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organisation (2 records)
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SZ/UNPO - UN Panel on Economic and Social Consequences of the Arms Race and Military Expenditure (5 records)
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SZ/UNSCCUR - United Nations Scientific Conference on the Conservation and Utilization of Resources, August - September 1949 (10 records)
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SZ/WF - Wolfson Foundation (12 records)
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SZ/WHO - World Health Organization, Advisory Committee on Medical Research (3 records)
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SZ/WI - Weizmann Institute of Science (3 records)
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SZ/WWF - World Wildlife Fund (7 records)
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SZ/ZOO - Zoological Society of London (16 records)
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