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The contents of this series have been drawn together chiefly from general, personal, and miscellaneous files accumulated in SZ's offices at Oxford and Birmingham Universities, the Zoological Society of London, and UEA. Some material from what is now Series SZ/CSA (The Chief Scientific Adviser) are included, as these were incorporated into current files at UEA on transfer to Norwich. With separate personnel operating independently in the running of SZ's empire, filing arrangements and 'classifications' varied somewhat. There are therefore, inevitably, arbitrary separations from, or overlaps with, files within this series and other series - notably series SZ/BU (Birmingham University), SZ/CSA, SZ/PUB (publications, lectures etc), SZ/WF (Wolfson Foundation), and SZ/ZOO (Zoological Society of London) .

It is impossible to separate neatly SZ's social, scientific, and public lives; these files therefore contain correspondence with organisations as well as individuals, and deal with both public and private business. Similarly files of correspondence in other series will contain some material of a personal nature. An asterisk indicates those organisations or publications with which SZ is known to have had a formal connection, for example as a patron, sponsor, member, officer, or consultant. The files are arranged alphabetically by principal correspondent, either personal or corporate.

The contents include correspondence with friends, other scientists, and colleagues in government circles. Family correspondence is conspicuously slight. Files also include related material, for example: photographs; news-cuttings; and drafts and copies of speeches, papers, and publications.

The greater part of the pre-1960 material relates to SZ's scientific research; that of the later period focusses on his multi-faceted public life, his later writings, or reflects his general curiosity about everything under the Sun. As with files of correspondence in other series, in particular SZ/BU and SZ/ZOO, SZ's talent for picking the brains of all whom he met is evident.

The types of item to be found include: invitations - to official functions, to speak or lecture, to contribute to publications; exchanges of a social nature; correspondence relating to an individual's career and employment; nominations for honours; congratulations to SZ on his honours or appointments; advice on the education of the offspring of friends and colleagues; medical advice; requests for SZ's autograph; letters from victims of the Diaspora who claimed kinship with him; appeals for SZ's support of activities, campaigns, or organisations; enquiries from postgraduate students and others conducting research into science or defence policy, or international relations; comments on his writings; correspondence on works of art and antiques; and unsolicited correspondence formerly assigned to folders variously marked 'Eccentrics' or 'Nuts'. In some cases files include photographic or other non-text material.

The size of file ranges from a single scrap of paper with an address or telephone number, as in the cases of Kevin Maxwell and Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, to multiple sub-files sometimes extending over several boxes. Into the latter category fall the files relating to Edgar Kingston-McCloughry, Lord Mountbatten, Professor Charles Oxnard, and Prince Philip.


Abberley Hall [School] Appeal, 1967, 1977

Abercrombie, Prof. Michael, and Mrs Jane Abercrombie, 1941, 1948, 1951, 1953-54, 1956, 1964, 1966, 1979

Aberle, Dr, 1934

Abraham-Schmidt, Dr Grete, 1934

Abrams, M.E., 1963

Abramson, Rudy, 1985

Academia Europaea (Sir Arnold Burgen), 1988-89

Academic Press, 1984

Academy of Sciences of Lisbon*, 1959, 1961-64

Accademia Italiana, 1990

Acland, Sir Antony, 1990

Action for Dysphasic Adults (ADA, Christina Shewell), 1982

Action Group on Immigration and Nationality (AGIN, Ann Dummett), 1980

Adam, Lt. Col. J.M., 1965

Adams, Jad, 1990, 1992-93

Adams, Mrs Mary, 1957-1961, 1984

Adams, Dr Walter, 1964

Adamson, Joy, 1962

Addison, Lord, 1951

Adeane, Sir Michael, and Lady Adeane, 1965, 1969, 1984-86

Adlard, St John C., 1982

Adley, Robert, MP, 1982

Admiralty Board, 1988

Adrian, Lord, 1956-57, 1960, 1963, 1967, 1971, 1977, 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993

Advanced Class Dinner Club, 1965

Agate, Joe, 1963

Agnew, Doreen (Doreen Jessell), 1978

Agnew, Mr and Mrs Geoffrey W.S., 1950-54, 1960-62, 1968, 1972

Agnew, Harold M., 1982-1984, 1987, 1989

Agnew’s, 1956, 1989, 1992

Agranat, Dr Abe, 1964

Agricultural Research Council, 1969

Aigrain, Pierre, 1981

Airey of Abingdon, Baroness, 1979?, 1984 see also Neave, Airey

Aitken, Jonathan, MP, 1977

Aitken, Robert, 1981

Alanbrooke Memorial Statue Appeal Fund, 1992

Albert Einstein Medical Center, 1965

Albert Einstein Peace Prize Foundation, 1980, 1982-85, 1987

Aldeburgh Festival: Snape Maltings Foundation (Mrs Jeremy Thorpe), 1978

Alderson, Dr Thomas, MRC Radiology Unit, 1973

Aldington, Lord (Toby Low), 1978, 1981-82

Aldrich, Dr Robert, 1964

All Souls College, Oxford , 1981, 1990

Allan, F.L., Wallasey Grammar School, 1958-59

Allen, Fred, Cambridge Exploration Project, 1988

Allan, John, SACS, 1963

Allen, Dr, Rhodes House, Oxford, and Carnegie Research Fund, 1946

Allen, Sir Douglas, 1968

Allen, Dr Edgar, 1934

Allen, Dr J.F., St Andrews University Dept of Physics and Astronomy, 1991

Allen, Dr Kevin, Glasgow University Dept of Social and Economic Research, 1973

Allen, Robert F. Jr, 1975

Allen & Unwin Ltd, Publishers (Charles Furth), 1971

Allibone, Prof. T.E., 1986, 1988

Alpha (Kenneth Moss), 1983

Alternative Society, 1976

Altmann, Dr Stuart, Yerkes Primate Center, 1956, 1958, 1963, 1965-66

Alzheimer’s Research Trust, 1993

AMAX (American Metal Climax Inc.), and Arthur Reef, 1972-1986, 1988-89, 1992 see also Series SZ/CME

American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1974, 1978, 1980, 1982

American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 1953

American Lectures in Living Chemistry, 1962

American Mining Congress, 1973

American Philosophical Society*, 1965-68, 1970-73, 1976-79, 1985-88, 1991-92

Amery, Julian, 1956

Amoroso, Prof. Emmanuel C., 1956-58, 1960-63, 1965, 1981-83

Anderson, D.J., 1955

Anderson, Dr Diana, BIBRA and International Union of Toxicology, 1986

Anderson, Dr Digby, Social Affairs Unit, 1986

Anderson, Lt General Sir John, 1961

Andrade, E.N., 1951, 1967

André, Gérard, 1986, 1988-89, 1991-92

Andrews, Mr and Mrs David, 1956, 1958-59, 1962, 1973

Andrews, Dr Peter, Natural History Museum, 1993

Anglesey, Marchioness of, 1987

Anglian Water Authority (J. Alan Tetlow), 1979

Anglo-French Society of Sciences*, 1940, 1944-46 see also Series SZ/TQ

Anglo-German Foundation for the Study of Industrial Society, n.d.

Anglo Jordanian Society, 1989

Anglo-Soviet Materials Limited, 1990

Animals*, 1962-64, 1966

Anjou, Dir Ingwar, 1960

Annan, Lord (Noel), 1952, 1954, 1956-57, 1959-1962, 1964, 1967-68, 1970, 1972, 1976, 1978, 1983

Annenberg, Mr and Mrs Walter, 1970-71, 1974, 1976, 1990

Anstey, Dr E., 1966

Anti-Apartheid Movement, 1967

Antiques Fair, Olympia, 1987

Antrim, Earl of, 1966

Apelgot, Sonia, Institut Curie, 1983

Appleton, Sir Edward, 1956, 1966-68

Appleyard, Brian, 1992

Appleyard, Raymond K., 1977

Arbon, Langrish & Co. Ltd, 1956

Architectural Review, 1976

Arculus, Sir Ronald, 1983

Ardwick, Lord, 1989

Argent, G., 1970

Argov, Shlomo, 1981

Argus South African Newspapers Ltd, 1971

Aring, Dr Charles D. 1960, 1962-64, 1966-67, 1970

Armistice Festival, 1986

Armitage, Prof. A.L., Vice-Chancellor, Manchester University, 1970

Arms Control Association * (Spurgeon M. Keeny), 1986

Armstrong, John, and Annette Armstrong, 1966, 1972, 1976-77, 1993

Armstrong, Sir Robert, 1977, 1979, 1981, 1983-88, 1991

Armstrong, Sir William, 1970, 1981

Army and Navy Club*, 1964

Army Benevolent Fund, 1988

Arnold, Sir John, President, Royal Courts of Justice, 1982

Arnold, Arnold, Grafton Books, 1989

Aron, Dr Claude, and Professor Max Aron, 1953-55

Aronson, Professor Shlomo, 1987-88

Aronstam, B., 1954

Arran, Earl of, 1962-63, 1967

Arthur D. Little Ltd, 1971, 1978

Arts Council of Great Britain, 1970, 1972, 1975

Aserappa, Tilak, 1979-1990

Ashby, Lord (Eric), 1955, 1973, 1975-76, 1978-79, 1982, 1984

Ashmore, Admiral of the Fleet Sir Edward, 1976, 1982, 1983

Ashton, F. Ltd (Mr Jones), 1983

Ashton, Sir Frederick, 1967, 1988, 1990

Ashworth, John, 1978, 1980, 1982-83, 1986, 1989-1990

Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, 1972-76, 1987

Aspinall, Wayne, 1977-78

Associated Television, 1966

Association Nationale des Francais Ayant Subi un Cancer (Mme P. Carde), 1985

Association of British Science Writers, 1964

Association of Clinical Biochemists, 1965, 1983

Association of Consulting Engineers (P.J.M. Pellereau), 1983

Association of Jewish Survivors from the Nazi Persecution (José Moskovits), 1977

Association of Learned & Professional Society Publishers*, 1973-77

Association of Professional Scientists and Technologists (B.A. Henman), 1971

Association of Researchers in Medical Sciences (ARMS), 1980

Association of Scientific Workers*, 1945-1950

Assoun, Jackie, TIZKOR, 1992

Aston University, 1981

Astor, Brooke (Mrs Vincent Astor), 1980, 1983, 1986-88, 1990

Astor, Hon. David, 1975, 1985, 1989, 1992-93

Astor, Hon. Gavin, 1963

Astor, Sir John J., 1967, 1977-78, 1980, 1992

Aterman, Dr Kurt, 1986, 1988

Athenaeum, The* , 1947-1953, 1955-1963, 1966-68, 1970-71, 1973

Atkins, Sir Hedley, 1974

Atkinson, Dr H.H., 1991-93

Atkinson, R.S., 1959

Atlantic Institute, 1967

Attenborough, David, 1983

Auden, Dr John B., 1951

Austin, Gabriel, 1990

Ausubel, Nathan, 1972

Avery & Co., Wine Merchants, Bristol, 1953

Avon, Countess of, 1986, 1989

Avon Wildlife Trust*, 1982, 1984

Ayer, Prof. Alfred J., 1947-1959, 1965


Bacharach, Dr. Alfred L., 1939-1941, 1949-1951, 1954-55

Back Pain Association, 1972-74

Bacon, Priscilla, Lady, 1985, 1987

Bagley, Dr M.J., Famous People's Eye Glasses Museum, Henderson, Nevada, 1975

Bagnall, Nicholas, 1976

Bagrit, Lady (Stella), 1987

Baillie, Ann, 1966

Baillie, Sir Gawaine, 1968

Bailliere, Tindall & Cox Ltd, 1957

Baird, Josie, 1970

Baker, Canon John, Westminster Abbey, 1980

Baker, Prof. J.F., Cambridge University Dept of Engineering, 1957

Baker, Dr John R., Oxford University Dept of Zoology, 1931, 1948-1950, 1952, 1954, 1957, 1962, 1966, 1976

Baker, Kenneth, Secretary of State for the Environment, 1985

Baker-Munton, M.H. (Marty), Munton & Fison Ltd, 1978-79, 1981

Balchin, Nigel, 1965, 1968

Baldry, Reg, nd.

Baldwin, Elaine, 1972

Baldwin, Nicholas, 1981

Balfour Diamond Jubilee Trust, 1984

Balinski, Professor Michel L., 1979

Ball, Dr G.R., 1964

Ball, George, 1976, 1982, 1984-85, 1988-1992

Ball, Dr H.W., Natural History Museum, 1977

Ballantrae, Lord see Fergusson, Bernard

Balliol College, Oxford, 1989

Balogh, Stephen, 1971

Balogh, Thomas, 1956

Bancroft, Lord (Ian Bancroft), 1980, 1991

Bangham, Humphrey, 1980

Banks, E., Sarawak Museum, 1931

Bannerman, David, George Lodge Fund, 1969

Bar-Ilan University, 1980

Barber, John C., 1983-84

Barclay-Smith, Prof. S., and Phyllis Barclay-Smith, 1933, 1940-41

Bargmann, Prof. W., 1954, 1956, 1959, 1965

Barker, Brian M., 1976

Barlow, Dr Erasmus, 1984, 1988-89

Barlow, Henry, 1969

Barnato Walker, Mrs Diana, 1981, 1992

Barnes, Dr J.M., 1975 [correspondence is with Mr Barnes' widow]

Barnes, Sir John, and Lady Barnes, 1974, 1980, 1983, 1987, 1993

Barnett, Corelli ('Bill'), 1991

Barnett, Prof. C.H., St Thomas’s Hospital Medical School, 1964

Barnett, Prof. S.A. (Tony), 1950-51, 1967-69, 1971, 1979-1980

Barnicot, Prof. N.A., University College, London Dept of Anthropology, 1938, 1966, 1968, 1970

Baroda, Maharaja of (Lt Col. Fatesinghrao Gaekwad - ‘Jackie’), 1974, 1979, 1984-85, 1988-89

Barraclough, Air Chief Marshal Sir John, 1982

Barram, S.A., 1973

Barrett, Dr Richard H., 1968, 1971-1986, 1988 see also Series SZ/CHST

Barrie & Rockliff, Publishers (Michael Hodson), 1968

Barrington, Prof. Ernest J.W., 1968, 1971, 1975, 1977, 1986

Barrington, F.J.F., 1938, 1948, 1953

Barry, Sir Gerald, 1952-1961, 1965, 1967

Barry, John, 1981-82

Bart, Arthur E., 1984

Bartlett, Sir Frederick, 1952

Bartlett, Vernon, 1980

Barton, Prof. D.H.R., Imperial College, 1969

Barton, H. Ronald, 1957

Baruch see Belle W. Baruch Foundation

Barwell, Mrs A., 1932

Bath Cancer Unit Appeal*, 1983

Bath Institute of Medical Engineering*,1980-1991, 1993

BATS, The, 1972

Batty, Arthur N., 1968

Batzdorf, Prof. Ulrich, UCLA Dept of Surgery/Neurosurgery, 1985

Baumgartner, Leona, 1946-47, 1949, 1951-53, 1955-1964, 1966-1972, 1984

Bayliss, Sir Richard, 1990

Baynes-Cope, A.D., British Museum, 1974

BBC, 1988, 1990

Beach, Frank A., 1950-1951

Beadnell, Admiral Charles M., 1934

Bean, David R., 1966-67

Beards, H.L. (Leslie), 1974

Bearsted, Viscount, 1952, 1961, 1970-73

Beattie, Ian A., 1973

Beattie, John, 1935, 1963

Beck, Peter, 1990

Beckerman, Prof. Wilfred, 1974, 1979-1980, 1983, 1989-1993

Bedford, Ronald, 1971, 1982

Beefsteak Club*, 1957, 1961, 1970-71, 1973, 1978, 1981-82, 1985-86

Beer, Francis A., 1966

Beesley, Prof. Michael E., 1972

Beetham, Sir Michael, 1982, 1987-88, 1992

Begg, Admiral of the Fleet Sir Varyl, 1973

Behavioural and Brain Sciences, 1979

Behrens, E. Michael, 1959-1971, 1974, 1979-1981, 1983, 1986-87, 1989 see also Series SZ/ZOO

Bein, Prof. Hugo J., Ciba, 1970

Belchem, Maj. General R.F.K. (‘David’), 1954-57, 1959, 1961-64, 1976, 1978, 1981

Belham, Graham, 1973

Bell, Adrian, UEA School of Education, 1989

Bell, David E., 1978

Bell, Hesketh, 1932

Bell, Richard, 1987

Bell, Mrs W.F. (Katherine), 1983

Bell Laboratories (J. ‘Terry’ Eisinger), 1977-78, 1982

Bellairs, A. d'A., n.d.

Belle W. Baruch Foundation*, 1964-65, 1967

Bellew & Higton Publishers, n.d.

Bellingham, Henry, MP, 1990

Bellot, Dr H. Hale, 1956

Belshaw, Prof. Deryk G.R., 1992

Belstead, Lord, 1988

Bemrose, Michael, 1991-92

Ben Uri Art Society, 1965

Ben-David, Joseph, 1959

Benn, Eddie, SHAPE, 1964

Bennett, Peter, 1981

Bennet-Clark, Prof. Thomas, 1951-52, 1957

Bennett Evans, George L., 1956

Benney, Gerald, 1973

Benoit, Prof. Jacques, 1954-55, 1977

Benson, Stephen, Chief Minister, World Government of the Age of Enlightenment, 1982

Bentley, W., British Embassy, Tokyo, 1956

Berg, Adrian, 1988

Bergel, Prof. F., 1967, 1975, 1978, 1980

Berlin, Sir Isaiah, 1971-72, 1974, 1981, 1992

Bern, Prof. Howard A., 1951

Bernal, J.D., 1947, 1977, 1984

Bernhard, Prof. C.G., Royal Academy of Sciences, Stockholm, 1971

Bernstein, Lord (Sidney Bernstein), 1946-1982, 1984 see also Series SZ/BIRT

Berry, Lady Pamela, n.d.

Bertoia, Roger, 1982

Bessborough, the Earl of, 1965-67, 1971, 1980, 1987, 1989

Bethune, Lilla (Lilla Flower), 1958, 1960, 1964, 1976,1985-86

Betjeman, Sir John, and Lady Betjeman, 1954, 1959-1961, 1966, 1969, 1992

Bettelheim, Wilhelm, 1983

Betts, Dr A.O., Royal Veterinary College, 1985

Bevan, Aneurin, MP, Minister of Health, 1946

Bevan, Dr James, 1984, 1989-1990

Beveridge, Prof. W.I.B., 1967

Bhaba, Homi, 1965

Bhagavantam, Suri, 1966

Biddle, Dr W.F., 1973

Biggs, Stephen, 1981

Bilbey, Victor, 1982

Binet, Dr, 193?

Bingham, Harold C., 1929

Biochemical Society, 1961

Biological Engineering Society, 1978

Biotechnology Europe Congress, 1981

Birch, Derek, 1984

Bird, Walter, photographer, 1964

Birdsall, J. Neville, Birmingham University Dept of Theology, 1972

Birmingham Botanical Gardens*, 1964, 1969, 1983-85, 1988-89

Birmingham City Police, 1960

Birmingham Ethnic Education and Advisory Service, 1984

Birmingham Housing Trust, 1966

Birmingham Mail (H.R.G. Whates, Editor), 1956

Birmingham Medical Group, Consultative Council*, 1979

Birmingham Post and Mail Ltd, 1976

Bishop, Dr Peter, 1936, 1939, 1949-1950, 1953-57, 1962, 1965, 1977, 1979

Black, Dr D.H., 1963

Black, Dr John Nicholson, 1980-81

Black, Professor Misha, 1966-67

Black Sheep [shop], Aylsham, 1989

Blackaby, Frank, 1986

Blackburn College of Technology and Design, 1966

Blackenham, Lord, n.d.

Blacker, Lt Col. L.V.S., 1954

Blackett, Lord (Patrick M.S. Blackett), 1946-1955, 1957-1961, 1963, 1965-67, 1972, 1974, 1982

Blackie Ltd, Publishers, 1976

Blackman, Thomas M., 1947

Blackwell Scientific Publications and Basil Blackwell Ltd, 1962, 1985

Blaikley, J.B., 1948

Blake, Lord (Robert N.W. Blake), 1956-57, 1960, 1970-71, 1986

Blake, Dr Pamela (Mrs Perkins), 1958-59, 1976-77 see also Series SZ/OEMU

Blakiston, Georgiana (Mrs Noel Blakiston), 1985

Blanc, Baron Alberto, 1954

Bland, Peter P., 1971

Blastein, Yvonne, 1967

Bletchley Park Trust, 1992-93

Bligh, Tim, 1963

Bloch, Admiral René M., 1968-1979, 1981-83, 1990

Bloch, Michael, 1978

Bloom, Justin L., US Embassy, London, 1982-83

Bloomstein, Tex, BBC TV, 1981

B'nai B'rith Central Twenty Five Plus Unity Lodge (Michael Baxter), 1988

Board of Deputies of British Jews, 1979, 1981, 1983-84

Boas, Dr George, 1957

Bockhouse, Dr R.M., 1954

Bodmer, Sir Walter, 1986, 1988, 1990

Boerrigter, Dr J.H.J., 1936-38

Boissard Cancer Research Fund, 1987

Bolitho, Hector, 1959

Bolt, Dr G.L., West Norfolk & King's Lynn General Hospital, 1973

Bolton, Mrs Felicity, 1950

Bomber Command Association, 1992

Bondi, Sir Hermann, 1970-71, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1981, 1987

Bonham-Carter, Rear-Admiral Christopher, 1967

Bonham-Carter, Mark, 1962

Bonner, Dr James, Caltech, 1949, 1955, 1957, 1959

Book Bay, The, (Charlotte Moffat), 1975

Books and Bookmen, 1974

Boothby, Lord (Robert Boothby), 1963, 1978

Boreham, Robert E., 1978

Borgin, Prof. Karl, 1982-83, 1988

Bosanquet, Reginald, 1973

Bosco, Francis N., 1974

Boscott, Dr R.J., 1965, 1967-68

Bose, Nirmal Kumar, Indian Museum, Calcutta, 1962-63

Botanical Society of the British Isles, 1965

Bott, Dr E.C.A. (Ted), 1978-79, 1982-83, 1990

Bottomley, Sir Norman, 1956

Boughton, Lilian K., Agricultural Research Council, 1970 see also Series SZ/ARC

Bourne, Dr Geoffrey H., 1948-49, 1953, 1955-57, 1961, 1968-69, 1971-72, 1976

Böving, Dr Bent G., 1965

Bowden, Dr B.V., 1956

Bowden, Professor Ruth, 1970, 1980

Bowdler Henry, C., 1934

Bowen, Prof. Ian, 1948

Bowes & Bowes Bookshop, 1983

Bowhill & Elliott Ltd, 1982

Bowles, Dr Gordon T., University of Tokyo, 1958

Bowness, Sir Alan, 1989, 1991-92

Boycott, B.B., King's College, London, Dept of Biophysics, 1971

Boycott, Dr John, 1959

Boyd, Viscount, of Merton (Alan Lennox-Boyd), 1961, 1964, 1970, 1973-75, 1977, 1980, 1983

Boyd, Sir Denis, 1955

Boyd, Mr and Mrs E.A., 1955-56, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1966, 1971

Boyd, Prof. J. Dixon, 1939, 1945-1961, 1963-68

Boyd-Carpenter, John, 1968

Boyden, Prof. Alan, 1935

Boyle, Sir Dermot, 1979

Boyle, Sir Edward, 1965

Brabourne, Lord (John Knatchbull), and Lady Brabourne (Countess Mountbatten), 1964-1977 see also Knatchbull, The Hons Norton and Timothy

Brackley, John, and Mrs Frieda Brackley, 1952-53

Bradbury, Dr J.T., University of Louisville Medical School, 1949

Bradford University, 1972, 1977-1982, 1989, 1991-92

Bradshaw, Dr David, Worcester College, Oxford, 1989

Bragg, Sir Lawrence, 1964-67

Brain, Malcolm, 1981

Brain, Lord (Russell Brain), 1959, 1963-64

Bramall, Lord, 1987, 1989

Brambell, Prof. F.W. Rogers, 1939, 1949-1953, 1956, 1959-1961, 1963-64, 1966, 1968

Brancaster Manorial Trust* (Michael Cory-Wright), 1963-64

Brand, Dr Gerd, Science Center Berlin, 1972

Brandon, Ruth, 1985

Brassington, Linda, 1989-1991

Bratby, John, 1978

Braude, Dr Ben B., 1976

Bray, Jeremy, 1972

Bredin, Mrs Lucy Carter, 1955

Breneman, Dr W.R., Indiana University Dept of Zoology, 1954

Brenner, Dr Robert M., Oregon Regional Primate Center, 1991

Brenner, Sydney, 1992

Brereton, Graham, 1984

Brewster, Kingman, 1979-1980, 1988

Briers, Mrs Betty, 1979

Briggs, Prof. Asa, Vice-Chancellor, Sussex University, 1975

Bright, Bruce, 1973

Brink, Dr Vernon H., 1963

Brinson, Peter, Director, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, 1972-73

Bristol University Dept of Child Health, International Centre for Child Studies (Prof. Neville Butler), 1982

Bristow, Philip, 1988

Britain and Israel, 1970

Britain Israel Public Affairs Committee, 1982

British Airways, 1989-1990

British Antarctic Survey, 1984

British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1973-74, 1976, 1980, 1991 see also Series SZ/BAAS

British Association for Canadian Studies (BACS), 1981

British Association for Commercial and Industrial Education (BACIE), 1977

British Beekeepers Association, 1979

British Coal, ORE, 1989

British Council*, 1941-43, 1945-46, 1952-53, 1958-59, 1961-62, 1971, 1975, 1980

British Council for Ageing (Hugh W. Mellor), 1976

British Deaf Association, 1980

British Digestive Foundation*, 1974

British Ecological Society, 1988

British Empire Cancer Campaign, Birmingham Branch*, 1947-1963

British Epilepsy Association*, 1981-82, 1984-87, 1991, 1993

British Friends of the Diaspora Museum [Beth Hatefutsoth] (Mrs June Jacobs)*, 1977, 1980

British Friends of Neve Shalom, 1985

British Fur Trade Association, 1989

British Gas, 1991

British Institute of International and Comparative Law, 1965

British Institute of Management, 1971

British Institute of Radiology*, 1977-1980, 1982, 1984

British-Italian Society, 1975

British Journal of Animal Behaviour, 1961 see also Series SZ/BAB

British Journal of Social Medicine* , 1947-1951, 1953

British Library Lending Division (Maurice Line), 1975

British Maritime League (later British Maritime Charitable Foundation)*, 1982-83, 1985-87, 1991-92

British Medical Association*, 1945, 1947-1950, 1958, 1961, 1970

British Medical Journal, 1970, 1979

British Museum, 1982

British National Committee for the History of the Second World War, 1988

British Nuclear Forum, 1981, 1986-87

British Ornithologists' Union*, 1957-1963

British Parliamentary Group, 1982

British Pest Control Association, 1982

British Photobiology Group (E.M.F. Roe), 1966

British Psychological Society (Grace Rawlings), 1966

British Rail, 1990

British Science & Technology Trust, 1987

British Social Biology Council, 1956

British Society for 18th Century Studies, 1974

British Society for International Health Education (J. Ward Daw), 1961, 1966

British Society for Population Studies, 1979, 1981

British Society for Research on Ageing (Dr David A. Hall), 1972

British/Soviet Joint Commission, 1978

British Technion Committee (H.M. Goldberg), 1959

British Technology Group, 1991

British Television & Electronics, 1949

British Thyroid Foundation, 1991

British Trust for Conservation Volunteers (Ian Branton), 1983

British Trust for Ornithology, 1989-1990

British Wildlife Society - Junior Explorers, 1976

Britten, Benjamin, 1968

Brockway, Lord (Fenner Brockway), 1982

Broda, Prof. E., 1983

Brodal, Prof. Alf, 1970

Bromet, Messrs, 1969

Bromhall, Derek, Genesis Films, 1984

Bromhall, Dr J.D., Fisheries Research Station, Aberdeen, Hong Kong, 1965-66

Bronk, Detlev, Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, 1958-1962, 1964-67

Bronowski, Dr Jacob, 1951-52, 1957, 1973, 1979-1980

Brooke, Bryan N., Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham, 1962

Brooke, Humphrey [file empty]

Brooker, Spencer T., T.C.S. Brooke Antiques, 1982

Brookner, Lauren, 1983

Brooks, D.M., 1973

Brooks’s Club*, 1960, 1970-71, 1973-75, 1978-1983, 1989, 1991

Broom, Air Marshal Sir Ivor, 1987

Broom, Dr R., Transvaal Museum, 1947, 1950

Brosan, Dr G.S., Director, North East London Polytechnic, 1980

Broster, L.R., 1934

Brown, George, MP, 1969

Brown, Dr Harold, 1964, 1970, 1972-74, 1977-78, 1983-86, 1988-89

Brown, Harriet, 1987

Brown, Harrison, 1971, 1973-74, 1976-77

Brown, Sir Lindor, 1958

Brown, Prof. Neville, Birmingham University Dept of Political Science and International Studies, 1987

Brown, Dr W.D., and Miss Karin Brown, 1986

Browne, Sir Denis, 1965

Browne, Desmond, 1989

Bruce, Hon. David, and Mrs Evangeline Bruce, 1970, 1977-78

Bruce, Prof. James D., MIT, 1981

Brumwell, J.R.M. (Marcus), 1945-46, 1948, 1951, 1954, 1956-59, 1963-65, 1971-72 see also Gaitskell, Hugh

Brun, Regis, 1990

Brunel University, 1989

Bruwer, Dr Andre, 1986

Bryant, Sir Arthur, 1971-72

Bryce-Smith, Prof. D., 1972, 1977, 1982

BSC Footwear ltd, Factories Division (J. Clarkson), 1968, 1970-71

Buccleuch, Duke of, and Mollie, Duchess of, 1957, 1965

Buchan, Alastair, Institute for Strategic Studies, 1959

Buckland Club, Birmingham (R.N. Wadsworth), 1984

Buckley, T.J., 1980-81

Buckner, J.M., 1972

Bucy, Paul C., 1989

Bud, Dr Robert, Science Museum, 1988

Budberg, Baroness (Moura), 1964

Budd, L.H., 1958-59

Buhler, Robert, 1964, 1966, 1971

Bull, Major J.B., 1945

Bull, Lt General O., 1982

Bullard, Sir Edward, 1978-79, 1986-87

Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 1975, 1981

Bullock, Matthew, 1983

Bundy, McGeorge, 1961, 1968, 1973, 1977-1980, 1982, 1985-87, 1989-1990, 1993

Bunting, Prof. A.H., 1967

Buonventura, Mrs Sarah de, 1970

Burgen, Sir Arnold, 1987

Burke, Mrs D. (Helena), 1972

Burke, Prof. Derek, n.d.

Burne, R.H., 1934, 1936

Burnett, Piers, Burnett Books Publishers, 1982-83

Burnhams, The, Horticultural Society, 1990

Burns, Prof. Ben Delisle, 1949-1950, 1958, 1963

Burns, Lt General E.L.M., 1967

Burns, Richard, 1981

Burns, Dr R.K., Carnegie Institution, Washington, 1950

Burrows, Sir Bernard, 1958

Burrows, Harold, 1952

Burrows, H. Jackson, 1954, 1967, 1969, 1972

Burt, William, 1979-1980, 1983

Burton, C.G., Secretary, Birmingham University, 1950

Burton, Dr H.S., 1970

Bush, I.I., Birmingham University Dept of Physiology, 1962

Bush, Sarah L., 1982

Butcher-Roe, B.C., 1980

Butler, Anne, n.d.

Butler, Dr D.G., University of Toronto Dept of Zoology, 1969

Butler, R.A., 1965, 1971

Butler, Sir Robin, 1988-1991

Butlin, Sir William (Billy), 1965

Butterfield, Lord (John), 1977, 1979, 1992

Butterworth, Sir John, 1983

Butterworths Scientific Publications, 1960

Button, Henry G., Christ’s College, Cambridge, 1983

Buxton, Lord (Aubrey Buxton), 1958, 1961-1978, 1983, 1986, 1989

Buxton, Cindy, Great Falklands Auction, 1982

Bye, Erik, 1985, 1987

Byers, Lord (Frank), 1971-72

Byrne, Dr W.W., 1956


Caccia, Lord (Harold), 1963, 1965, 1985-86

Cadbury, Sir Adrian, and Lady Cadbury, 1975, 1986-88 see also Series SZ/CS

Cadbury, Mrs Charles (Jill), 1975

Cadbury, Dominic, 1989 see also Series SZ/CS

Cadbury, Mr and Mrs Lawrence, 1958-59, 1962, 1968, 1970-71

Cade, A.J., 1980

Cade, Sir Stanford, 1946

Cadogan, Peter, 1982

Cadzow, Brian, and John B. Cadzow, Glendevon Farms (Winchburgh) Ltd, 1971, 1974, 1977

Café Royal, 1988

Cairns, Rear-Admiral the Earl of (David), 1975

Cairns, Sir Hugh, 1939, 1946, 1948, 1950-51

Cake & Biscuit Alliance (W.P. Bowman, United Biscuits Limited), 1979

Calder, Nigel, 1964, 1966, 1968-69, 1972-1973, 1980, 1982 see also Ritchie-Calder, Lord

Callaghan, James, MP, 1982-85

Cambridge and London Galapagos Islands Expedition* (Richard Barling), 1972-73

Cambridge Review (R.A. Becker), 1956

Cambridge Symphony Orchestra Trust, 1977, 1979

Cambridge Union Society, 1985

Cambridge University Charities Appeal (Camelot Rag 1972), 1971

Camerini, Il Duca, 1954, 1958

Cameron, Neil, 1972

Cameron, Sir Roy, 1954, 1957, 1962

Camm, Sir Sidney, 1966

Campbell, C.B.G., Indiana University Center for Neural Sciences, 1967

Campbell, Diana, n.d.

Campbell, J., 1962

Campbell-Gray, Diana, 1962

Campbell-Robson, Dr L., 1988

Campion, Bernard (Barney), 1974, 1990

Canadian Manufacturers Association, 1973

Canavan, Dr Gregory H., Los Alamos National Laboratory, 1985

Cancer Research Campaign, 1973

Canfield, Cass, 1962, 1969

Canivenc, Prof. R., Bordeaux University Faculty of Medicine, 1975, 1978-1980, 1983-84

Cape Times, The, 1973

Capener, Norman, 1956

Cappieri, Prof. Mario, 1966

Careers Research and Advisory Centre, 1967

Carey, Corinne, 1985

Carlisle, Dr David B., 1950, 1956-57

Carnegie Institution of Washington ( C.P. Haskins, President), 1970-72

Carnovale, Marco, 1986

Carpenter, Clarence Raymond, 1937-1941, 1950, 1960

Carrington, Lord (Peter), 1980, 1983-86, 1990

Carrington, Richard, 1967

Carrington, Whately W., 1936

Carswell, Robert, and Mrs Mary Carswell, 1970, 1972, 1982-86, 1989-1990, 1992

Carter, Ashton B., Harvard University Center for Science and International Affairs, 1986

Carter, Luther, 1990

Carver, Lord (Michael), 1980, 1982, 1985-1990

Cary, Sir Michael, 1967, 1976

Casey, John L., 1972

Cashman, Lt Commander M., Kidney Research Unit for Wales Foundation, 1981

Casson, Sir Hugh, 1957, 1965, 1968-1971, 1976, 1978, 1980-83, 1990-91

Castillo, Dr Enrique B., Hospital Rivadavia, Buenos Aires, 1940, 1964

Castle, Charles, 1964

Castles, Commodore Bryan J., Australian High Commission, London, 1964

Catchpole, Dr H.R., University of Illinois College of Medicine, 1958

Catherwood, Sir Frederick, 1974

Cator, Lady Penelope, 1982

Caulfield, Catherine, 1989

Causey, Gilbert, Royal College of Surgeons, 1965

Cauveren, Sydney, 1979

Cavalli-Sforza, Prof. Luca L., Stanford University Medical Center, 1973

Cavanagh, J.B., and C.W.M. Adams, Guy's Hospital Payling Wright Memorial Fund, 1964

Cave, Professor A.J.E., 1950-1960, 1962-68, 1979-1980, 1985-1991

Cavendish, Lady Elizabeth, 1959-1960

Cecil, Lord David, 1953

Central Office of Information (Tom Frost), 1972

Central Veterinary Society, 1970

Centre for Exploitation of Science and Technology (CEST), 1989

Centre for Studies in Social Policy, 1978

Centre du Documentation du CNRS (Yvonne Salle), 1974

Century Hutchinson Publishing Group Limited (Paul Sidey), 1987

Chadwick, Prof. Owen, 1983, 1985, 1987-88

Chaffey, D.R., 1965

Chain, Sir Ernst, 1967, 1969

Chakravorty, Prof. Maharani, Banaras Hindu University, 1980

Chalfont, Lord (Alun), 1972, 1976-78, 1981-86, 1988, 1993

Challen, Andrew, 1982

Chalmers, Mrs Doris, 1978

Chalmers, Dr Neil R., Director, Natural History Museum, 1992 see also Series SZ/BMNH

Chalmers Mitchell, Sir Peter, 1928, 1932 see also Series SZ/ZOO

Chang, Professor K.S. Francis, University of Hong Kong Dept of Anatomy, 1964

Chaplin, Viscount (Anthony), 1955-1956, 1962, 1965, 1967-1968

Chappell, Jane, n.d.

Chapple, Frank, Electrical Trades Union, 1974

Chapple, Sir John, 1992

Chard, Dr Tim, St Bartholomew’s Hospital Medical College, 1985

Charkin, Richard, Oxford University Press, 1986, 1988

Charles, HRH The Prince of Wales, 1970-72, 1976, 1980-83, 1985-86, 1988, 1990, 1992 Closed

Charles, Enid, n.d.

Charles, Sir John, Ministry of Health, 1952-53

Charles, Dr L.J., 1960

Charlesby, Prof. Arthur, 1985

Charleston Manor Festival, 1975

Charlton, Michael, BBC TV, 1978

Charnley, Professor John, and The John Charnley Trust, 1974, 1983

Charter 88, 1988, 1991 see also Constitutional Reform Centre

Chartered Institute of Patent Agents, 1991

Charteris, Lord (Martin), 1975, 1985

Chateureynaud-Duprat, Pierrette, CNRS Institut de Biologie Animale, 1982

Cheatham, Thomas P., Grumman International Incorporated, 1971

Checketts, Squadron Leader David, n.d.

Chelsea Boys’ Club Ltd, 1981

Chelsea College (Mrs Marjorie Young, Personnel Officer), 1976

Chemical Defence Establishment, Porton Down, 1984, 1992

Chemical Products, 1947

Chemical Society, The, 1973

Chenhalls, Alfred T., 1940

Chernukh, Prof. A.M., 1976

Cheshire, Leonard, 1985

Cheslin Ken MP, 1963

Chester Jones, Prof. Ian, 1949-1965

Chiantia, Colonel T., Italian Embassy, London, 1964

Chiffelle, Dr Thomas L, Lovelace Clinic Albuquerque, 1952, 1956

Child, Mrs Ena (Ena Burrill), 1965, 1976, 1980, 1982-88, 1992

Childe, V. Gordon, 1977, 1988

Children's Experience Centre (Rosemary Goldsmith), 1981

Chilver, Sir Henry, 1976, 1980-81

Chilver, Richard, and Prof. Elizabeth ('Sally') Chilver, 1974, 1976, 1982, 1984-1986 see also series SZ/BC and SZ/ITB

Chisholm, Colonel Archie H.T., 1972, 1984, 1988

Chisholm, Air Commodore R.Æ (Rory), and Sanchia Chisholm, 1950, 1953-54, 1956, 1959, 1968, 1985, 1988

Chivers, David J., Duckworth Laboratory of Physical Anthropology, Cambridge, 1966-67

Cholmondley, Sybil, Marchioness of, 1964-65, 1971

Chopra, Prof. S.R.K., 1967, 1989

Christ Church, Oxford*, 1962, 1965, 1972-73, 1975, 1978-1980, 1989-1993

Christ Church (Oxford) United Clubs (John Arkell), 1972

Christiansen, Arthur (Chris), Daily Express, 1948-49, 1952-55, 1957, 1962-63

Christie, Ian, British Film Institute, 1990

Christies, 1965, 1968, 1974, 1982-83, 1986-1991

Christopherson, Prof. Derman G., 1966

Christ’s College, Cambridge*, 1966-67, 1974-1987, 1989, 1991-92

Chronicle (Dag Hammarskjold Information Centre on the Study of Violence and Peace), 1983

Churchill, Winston S., MP, 1977

Churchill College, Cambridge, 1964-65, 1974, 1977

Ciba Foundation, 1951-57, 1964-66, 1972-75, 1978

Ciba Limited, 1936-38

Cisar, Peter, 1980

City University, The, 1982, 1988

Clapham, Sir Michael, 1959, 1962, 1974

Claridge, Prof. Gordon, 1988

Clark, Alan, 1985

Clark, Dean A., Massachusetts General Hospital, n.d.

Clark, Dr Eliot R., University of Pennsylvania Dept of Anatomy, 1934

Clark, Lord (Kenneth), 1967, 1971, 1986

Clark, Judy V., University of Sussex Science Policy Research Unit, 1986

Clark, Michael, The Plessey Company, 1971-72, 1977-79, 1982-86

Clark, Ronald W., 1962, 1964-67, 1969-1970, 1980

Clark, Prof. Sir Wilfred E. Le Gros, 1933, 1946-49, 1951-53, 1958-59, 1961

Clark, William, Overseas Development Institute Ltd, 1966

Clarke, Arthur C., 1985, 1988

Clarke, Sir Cyril, 1975-76, 1978, 1980, 1982-85, 1987

Clarke, Richard C, Bristol Zoological Gardens, 1934-35

Clarke, Sir Richard (‘Otto’), and Lady Clarke, 1963, 1972, 1981

Clarke, Roland, 1986

Clarkson, Prof. B.L., 1980

Clayson, Sir Eric, The Birmingham Post & Mail Ltd, 1964

Clayton, Prof. Keith M., 1978-1980, 1982, 1984-85, 1989 see also Series SZ/UEA

Clegg, Dr Hugh, British Medical Journal, 1965, 1974-75

Cleland, Lady, 1967

Clemens, Prof. Walter C. Jr, Boston University College of Liberal Arts, 1970

Clements, Dr E.M.B., 1955, 1960, 1964, 1968

Clibbon, Sheila, 1972

Clore, Sir Charles, 1960, 1963-67, 1969, 1973-76, 1985-86

Coalfield Communities Campaign, 1985

Coates, Wells, 1954

Cochrane, Air Chief Marshal the Hon. Sir Ralph, 1950, 1959

Cockburn, Sir Robert, 1972, 1992

Cockcroft, Sir John, and Lady Cockcroft, 1962-64, 1980-81, 1984, 1986

Cockerell, Michael, BBC, 1982

Coggan, Dr Donald, Archbishop of York, 1972

Coggins, Jamie, 1989?

Cohane, John P., 1977-78

Cohen, Lord, of Birkenhead (Henry Cohen), 1952, 1959-1960, 1962-64

Cohen, Sir Andrew, and Lady Cohen, 1960-61, 1968-69

Cohen, Dr H.M., City of Birmingham Education Committee School Health Service, 1964

Cohn, Alfred E., Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, 1952

Coke, Viscount ('Eddy' Coke), 1972, 1980, 1986, 1990

Colebrook, Joan, n.d.

Coleby, Bryan, 1971

Coleman, Dr Alice, King’s College, London, 1977

Coleman, Vernon, 1967

Collier, Richard, author, 1958

Collier, Richard, St Peter Mancroft, Norwich, 1981

Collingridge, David, Aston University Technology Policy Unit, 1981

Collins, Basil, 1982-87, 1990, 1992 see also Series SZ/CS

Collins, Warwick, 1979-1980

Collins Publishers, 1948, 1959, 1970-71, 1975, 1977, 1979, 1985, 1988-89

Collip, Dr J.B., 1933-34

Colnaghi (P&D Colnaghi Ltd), 1988-1990

Colville, Sir John (‘Jock’), 1976, 1980

Colyer, Sir J.F., 1952

Comas, Juan, Ciudad Universitaria, Mexico, 1964-66

Combe, Robin, n.d.

Combe, Lady Silvia, and Simon Combe, 1953-54, 1957-58, 1960, 1962-63

Comfort, Dr Alex, 1962 [concerning]

Coming up Trumps (Mrs Rosemary Phipps), 1986

Committee of Directors of Polytechnics, 1991

Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals, 1989

Commonwealth Friendship Movement (Mrs Stella Monk), 1976

Commonwealth Jewish Council, The (Greville Janner), 1986

Commonwealth Mycological Institute, 1975

Compagnons du Beaujolais (Harry H. Waugh), 1966

Company of Cutlers in Hallamshire (Allan Sykes), 1962

Computers and Operational Research (Dr Samuel J. Raff), 1972

Conant, Dr James B., 1954

Conference of the Committee on Disarmament, 1976

Congress of Endocrinology, 2nd International , 1964

Conning, Prof. D.M., British Nutrition Foundation, 1986

Conservation Foundation [UK] (David Shreeve),1982

Conservation Society, Yorkshire Branch, 1971

Constable Publishers (John Jolliffe), 1969

Constitutional Reform Centre, 1986, 1988 see also Charter 88

Control (Paul Newnham), 1961

Cook, Colin E., 1982

Cook, E., 1967

Cook, Frank, 1937

Cook, Martin, 1989

Cook, Richard A., 1990

Cook, Robert C., 1964

Cook, Sir William, 1987, 1992

Coolidge, Harold J., Harvard Museum of Comparative Zoology, 1933-34, 1936, 1951

Cooper, Miss, 1973

Cooper, Lady Diana, 1964, 1981-82

Cooper, Sir Frank, 1982

Coote, Colin R., The Daily Telegraph, 1962

Coote, John 1992

Copeman, Dr W.S.C., 1961, 1964

Copisarow, Sir Alcon, 1981, 1991-92

Copp, Dr D.J.B., Institute of Biology, 1955

Corbally Stourton, N.E., 1982

Corkhill, W.H., 1951

Cornell University Program on Science, Technology and Society, 1971-72

Corner, Dr George, 1934-35, 1937, 1948-1956, 1958, 1960, 1962-65, 1971-72, 1981

Cornford, Sir Clifford, 1979-1980, 1987

Corradini, Dr Alessandro, United Nations, 1971

Cory-Wright, Michael, and Mrs Elizabeth Cory-Wright, 1959, 1975

Cosin, Dr L.Z., United Oxford Hospitals, 1973

Cotton, Adam, 1976, 1979-1981, 1984

Cotton, Derek, and Gloria Cotton, 1963-66, 1970, 1976

Cotton, Jack, 1959-1964

Cottrell, Sir Alan, 1992

Council for Arms Control, 1981, 1983

Council for Educational Advance*, 1964

Council for a Livable World Education Fund, 1980

Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences (CIOMS), 1983

Council for the Protection of Rural England*, 1990-91

Council for Science and Society, 1976

Council of Christians and Jews, 1966

Council of Europe, 1972, 1975

Council of Industrial Design (Paul Reilly), 1965

Council of Science and Technology Institutes, 1975, 1979

Council on Foreign Relations Inc., 1971, 1986, 1989-1990, 1992

Country Life, 1976

Coupland, Prof. R.E., Nottingham University Dept of Human Morphology, 1976

Courcel, HE Geoffroy, Baron de, 1972

Courrier, Prof. Robert, Collège de France, 1953, 1956-58, 1961-62, 1965-66, 1968

Courtauld Institute of Art, 1983, 1986, 1990

Courtillot, Vincent, French Ministry of Education, 1991

Courtiour, Roger C., 1977

Cowan, W. Maxwell, 1979-1982

Cowgill, Ursula M., 1970, 1986

Cowley, Lt General Sir John, 1962

Cox, Sir Gordon (E.G.Cox), Agricultural Research Council, 1961, 1964, 1966-67 see also Series SZ/ARC

Cox, Ian H. Shell Petroleum Company Ltd, 1952, 1958-1966, 1968

Cox, Sir Trenchard, 1948, 1954, 1962

Craddock, Sir Beresford, 1960

Craig, Air Chief Marshal Sir David, 1990-91

Craigton, Lord, 1972-73, 1982-83, 1986-87

Crammond, Joan, 1986, 1991

Cramond, Susan E., 1989

Cranium Club*, 1973-74, 1976, 1980, 1983-87, 1993

Crathorne, Lady (Nancy), 1963

Crawford, Prof. Michael A., 1976, 1987

Crawley, Aidan, 1957

Creed, Mrs Valerie, 1979

Creighton, Gordon, 1987

Crew, Prof. Frank A.E., 1946-47, 1949, 1954, 1963, 1969

Crichton, Ian, 1964

Crick, Dr Francis H.C., Cambridge University Postgraduate Medical School, 1966

Crikler, Dr Dennis, 1992

Critchley, Julian, MP, 1975

Crombie, Dr D.L., 1966

Cromer, the Earl of (‘Rowley’), 1972-73

Cromer, Esmé, 1991

Crook, John H., Bristol University Dept of Psychology, 1966

Crook, Professor Paul, 1992

Cross, Sir Barry, 1975, 1989-1990

Crossman, Richard H.S., MP, 1951-52, 1954-55, 1957, 1962-63, 1966, 1971, 1979

Crow, Sir Alwyn, 1979 [concerning]

Crow, Dr W.B., 1964, 1971

Crowther, Sir Geoffrey, 1958

Crowther, J.G. (Jimmy), 1948-49, 1953, 1957-58, 1967-68, 1973, 1977, 1981 see also Series SZ/TQ

Crowther, Prudence, 1983

Croxford, Victor W., 1971

Crozier, Brian, 1978

Crutchley, Brooke, 1978

Csizmadia, Prof. Imre G., CERN, 1985

Cudlipp, Lord (Hugh), 1967-68, 1974-76, 1980-82

Cudlipp, Percy, New Scientist, 1957

Cullen, John, 1989

Culshaw, Mrs Doris, 1952

Cummings, E. E., and Mrs Marion Cummings, 1946-47, 1949-1955, 1958, 1960, 1962, 1964-69, 1978, 1980, 1982, 1984

Cunningham, Sir Charles, n.d. [concerning]

Cunningham, Ian, 1968

Cure, Dr Michel, 1966

Curran, Mrs Alice, 1964

Curtis, Miss, 1985

Curtis, Edward P. (Ted), 1963

Curtis Brown, Publishers (Diana Baring), 1983

Cutler, Robert, dental surgeon, 1966, 1969

Czechoslovak Embassy, London, 1982


Daglish, Dr George H., University of Manitoba Dept of Anatomy, 1966

Dainton, Lord (Frederick), 1969, 1973, 1975, 1983, 1985-88, 1990

Dale, Sir Henry, 1938, 1948, 1954, 1958-59, 1961

Dale, J.A. (Tony), and Mrs Elizabeth Dale, 1981-82, 1987

Dallas-Ross, Dr Peter, 1982-83, 1986, 1988 see also Series SZ/BU

Dall’Asta, Prof. Eberhard R., 1968, 1971, 1980

Dallmeyer, James, 1962

Dalton, Maj. General Sir Charles, and Lady (Daphne) Dalton, 1970, 1976, 1980, 1986-87, 1989, 1991-92

Danish Embassy, London, 1985

Danos, Dr Edit, 1987

Dantchakoff, Madame Vera, Institut de Pathologie, Lausanne, 1950

Danziger, Daniel G., 1979

Darlington, Dr Cyril D., 1948, 1950-51, 1953, 1956, 1959, 1963, 1978-79

Daroshi, Stephen, 1988

Dart, Prof. Raymond A., 1951-53

Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd, Publishers (John M. Todd), 1969

Darwin, Sir Charles, 1955, 1958

Darwin, Sir Robin, 1954, 1957-58, 1963-65

Das, Dr A.K., 1965-66

Das, Dr H.C., Institute of Oriental and Orissan Studies, Orissa, 1977

Daskall, George, 1988

David, Baroness (Nora), 1986

David, Edward E. Jr, 1971, 1980, 1983

David, Dr George F.X., University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, 1969-1970

David, R.W., 1964

David Davies Memorial Institute, 1973, 1988, 1991

Davies, Professor D.V., and Christopher Davies, 1964, 1971

Davies, David, Nature, 1974, 1976, 1979

Davies, Dr David M., University College London, 1972-73

Davies, Dr Duncan S., ICI Limited, 1976

Davies, Sir Richard, 1990

Davies, Col. Thomas, n.d.

Davies, Dr William, Grassland Research Institute, 1964

Davis, Dr Loyal, 1934

Davis, Norman, Ready Mixed Concrete Limited, 1973

Dawnay, Edward, and the Hon. George Dawnay, 1980-81

Day, Sir Robin, 1981

Day, Dr T.D., 1948

Daysh, Mrs Zena, Commonwealth Preventive Medical Association, 1952 see also Nutrition Society

De Beer, Sir Gavin, 1948, 1950-51, 1953-56, 1958-1961, 1964, 1967

De Bono, Dr Edward, 1978

De La Warr, Earl, 1962

De L’Isle, Viscount, 1976

Deacon, Dr G.E.R., National Institute of Oceanography, 1969

Dean, Sir Patrick, 1965, 1971, 1978, 1984

Deansely, Dr Ruth, 1956, 1992

Debrett’s Peerage Limited, 1983

Deer, Mrs Shirley, 1970-1980, 1984, 1987, 1989, 1991-92 see also Series SZ/ZOO

Deike-Gedenktage Monatsband (Monthly Anniversaries), 1988

Dejardin, Kathleen (Kathleen Toye), 1979

Delacour, Jean, 1985 [concerning]

Delf, George, 1985 [concerning]

Delmas, Prof. A., University of Paris Faculty of Medicine, 1967

Denham, Lord, 1984

Dennis, J.M., Dennis & Gemmill Ltd, 1983

Dental Society of London, 1980

Department of the Environment, 1985

Department of Industry, 1982

d’Erlanger, Mrs Leo, 1965

Desclin, Jean C., University of Brussels Faculty of Medicine, 1969

Desforges, Charles D., Research Corporation Limited, n.d. [business card only]

Design Council, 1981, 1989

D'Este Col. Carlo W., 1983-84, 1988

Devi, Dr P. Uma, University of Rjasthan Dept of Zoology, 1979

Devonshire, the Duke and Duchess of, 1961, 1967, 1974, 1983-84, 1988-89, 1992

Dewdney, D.A.C. (Duncan), 1963, 1968

Diario 16 (Santiago Aroca), 1988

Dickens, R.B. (Ray), 1947-1949, 1954

Dictionary of National Biography, 1988, 1992

Diebold, John, and the Diebold Group Inc., 1971-72, 1979, 1982, 1984, 1991

Diepen, Dr R., Max-Planck-Institut, 1956

DiGennaro, Joann P., 1988

DiLuzio, Frank, Governor's Office, State of New Mexico; Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, 1974-75

Dingle, Prof. Herbert, 1960, 1972-73

Dingwall, Eric, 1974, 1981

Dippel, John V.H., 1986-87

Disarmament (Lucy Webster), 1993

Disney, Henry, Cambridge University Dept of Zoology, 1989

Dix, Victor W. , 1938

Dixon, Bernard, New Scientist, 1975, 1977

Dixon, David, Elf UK plc, 1987

Dixon, Matthew, 1982, 1984

Dmitriev, Alexis, Higher School at North Caucasus, 1931

Dobell, Clifford, 1938

Dodd, Prof. James Munro, 1954, 1961, 1963-64, 1975-76, 1980

Dodds, Sir Charles, 1947-1953, 1955-1960, 1962-66, 1968-69

Donald, Prof. Kenneth W., 1964

Donaldson, Lord, and Lady Donaldson, 1965, 1971, 1973, 1975, 1983

Donn, Leslie, Bury & Whitefield Jewish Primary School, 1984

Doran, F.S.A., 1950

Dorman, Roy K., British European Airways, 1962

Dorolle, Pierre, 1979-1980

Dorst, S.E., University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, 1951-53

Dott, Prof. Norman M., 1968

Doty, Prof. Paul, and Paul Doty Fund, Harvard University, 1970-74, 1977-1980, 1982-83, 1985, 1989-1990

Douglas, James W.B., 1945-49, 1955, 1965-66, 1978, 1980 see also Series SZ/OEMU

Douglas-Home, Charles, The Times, 1966, 1970, 1984

Douglas-Home, Fiona, 1989

Douglas-Home, Lady Margaret, 1966-67, 1983

Douglas-Menzies, Lucinda, 1988, 1990

Drennan, Prof. M.R., University of Cape Town, 1952, 1956

Drew, Robert L., 1988-89

Driberg, T.E.N. (Tom), 1955, 1957

Drogheda, the Earl of, 1965-66, 1974

Dronamraju, Krishna R., 1964, 1987

Dry, Thomas J., Mayo Clinic, 1946-49

Dryden, Dr Richard, 1990

Dubos, Gilbert, 1988

Dubos, Prof. René, 1981

DuBridge, Lee, 1980, 1983

Ducci, Sgr, Italian Ambassador to London, 1979

Duckworth, Publishers (Colin Haycraft), 1974

Duckworth, Henry B., 1965

Dudley, the Earl of, 1985

Duerin, Peter F., 1988, 1991

Duff Cooper Memorial Prize, 1988-89, 1991-93

Dufferin and Ava, Maureen, Marchioness of, Horder Centres for Arthritics, 1962-63, 1966-67

Duke-Elder, Sir Stewart, 1949, 1955-56, 1959-1960

Dulwich Picture Gallery, 1993

Duncan, Sir James, and Miss Fern C. Naylor, 1966

Duncan, Ronald, 1970

Duncan-Sandys, Lady (Marie Claire), 1988

Dundee University (Dow Lecture - Prof. Michael Hamlin), 1988

Dunnett, Sir James, 1967, 1983

Dupin, R., E. Parrot & Cie, wine-shippers, 1969-1972, 1974

Durant, Dr John, n.d.

Durbach, David, 1965

Durham University Union Society (William Rowe), 1982

Duthie, E.S., 1949, 1951

Dutrillaux, B, Université René Descartes Institut de Progenèse, 1980

Duvernoy, H., University of Paris Faculty of Medicine, 1959

Dyson, Peter, 1980


Eadon, Nicholas P., 1986

Earl, Audrey, 1955-56, 1958

Earl, Dr Christopher, 1975

Earl, Stephen, 1958

Earthlife Foundation Ltd, 1985-87

Earthwatch Europe (Max Nicholson)*, 1990

East Anglian Life, 1969

East Suffolk and Norfolk River Authority (F.W. Roberts), 1973

Eastern Daily Press (B.A. Robinson), 1973-74

Eastern Electricity (P.B. Grassau), 1972

Eastwood, E., English Electric Company Ltd, 1967

Eatwell, Derrick , Lectron Hearing Aids, 1983, 1987

Eban, Abba, Weizmann Institute of Science, 1959-1960 see also Series SZ/WI

Echlin, G.F.W., Librarian, Hobart (Tasmania) Branch, Toc H, 1960

Eckhardt, Robert B., University of Michigan Dept of Human Genetics, 1966

Eckstein, Beatrice, Cambridge University Medical Society, 1970

Economic League (Peter Savill), 1982

Economic Revival & Industrial Innovation (Richard Luce, MP), 1976

Economist, 1978, 1989

Ede, H.S. (Jim), Kettle's Yard, Cambridge, 1967-68

Edelstein, Prof. Julius C.C., 1951-53, 1955, 1957-1961, 1981-82, 1986

Edinburgh Medical Group, Edinburgh University (Kenneth M. Boyd), 1971

Edinburgh University Centre for Human Ecology (Dr J.A. Loraine),1982

Edinburgh Youth Homes Ltd (Dorothy Swan), 1965

Edmonds, John C., 1982-85, 1992-93

Edmonds, Robert Humphrey Gordon (Robin), 1973-77, 1991, 1993

Edson, E.F., Chesterford Park Research Station, 1964, 1966-67

Edward Arnold (Publishers) Ltd, 1958

Edwards, Dr E.G., Vice-Chancellor, University of Bradford, 1969

Edwards, Sir George, 1964, 1967, 1971, 1976

Edwards, I.E.S., British Museum Dept of Egyptian Antiquities, 1968

Edwards, Joseph, and [Sir John] Hammond Memorial Trust, 1954, 1965

Edwards, Ward, University of Southern California Social Science Research Institute, 1979

Egerton, Lady, 1959, 1964

Egerton, Maj. General David B., 1970

Egner, W.E., South Shields Grammar-Technical School for Boys, 1956-58

Egremont, Lady, 1967 see also Wyndham, John

Egremont, Lord (Max Wyndham), 1981

Eifert, Karin, International Institute for Strategic Studies, 1985

Eisinger, Josef (Jos), 1978, 1982, 1991

Eleanor Roosevelt Centennial Commission*, 1984

Electrical Electronic Telecommunication & Plumbing Union, Les Cannon Memorial Fund (Frank Chapple), 1973

Eley, Geoffrey, 1977

Elithorn, Alick, Royal Free Hospital, 1974

Elizabeth, HM the Queen Mother, 1990

Elizabeth II, Silver Jubilee Reception, 1977

Elkan, Edward, 1935, 1937

Elkes, Joel, US National Institute of Mental Health, 1961

Elkin, Prof. A.P., University of Sydney, 1975

Ellenby, Conrad, King's College, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1951-53, 1957, 1968

Elliman, J.N., 1981

Ellingworth, Lady Amanda, 1987

Elliot, David C., California Institute of Technology, 1964-65

Elliot Smith, Sir Grafton, 1934

Elliott, Prof. G.A., University of the Witwatersrand, 1949

Elliott, Jeremy F., St Antony's College, Oxford, 1988

Elliott, Prof. T.R., 1954

Elliott & Fry Ltd, portrait painters and photographers, 1962

Ellis, Sir Arthur, 1956

Ellsberg, Daniel, 1975

Elton, G.A.H., Chief Scientist, MAFF, 1984

Emergency World Council, 1975

Emery, Clyde K., Emery Cancer Research Fund, Los Angeles, 1949-1950, 1952-54, 1956, 1958, 1961-62

Emmens, Clive.W.M., 1939, 1941, 1947-49, 1951-1960 see also Series SZ/OEMU

Encounter, 1970, 1979-1980, 1983-84

Encyclopaedia Britannica International Ltd (Philip M. Kaiser), 1973

Endeavour, 1984-85

Engelbrecht, Count, 1987

Engholm, Sir Basil, 1980

Engineer, The, 1982

England, Howell S., 1933

Engle, Earl T., 1950, 1952

English, Robert, Committee for National Security, Washington, 1987

English, W.L., 1931-33

English School, Addis Ababa*, 1972

English-Speaking Union of the Commonwealth, Scientists' Tea Meetings, 1956-1960

English Universities Press (John Maitland), 1964

Engstrom, Prof. A., Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, 1973

Enterprise Neptune (National Trust, Commander Conrad Rawnsley), 1965

Ephrussi, Prof. Boris, 1951-1954, 1957

Epilepsy Research Foundation (Lord Hastings), 1992

Epoque Ltd (Richard Boyd-Douglas), 1962

Epstein, William, 1971, 1974-75, 1982

Erleigh, Viscount (Simon Rufus Isaacs), 1972, 1975 see also Reading, 4th Marquess of

Esher, Viscount, 1982

'Espinasse, Prof. Paul G., Hull University Dept of Zoology, 1935, 1954-55

Estuarine and Brackish-Water Sciences Association (R.S.K.Barnes), 1972

Eugenics Society, 1931, 1934-39

EURISIM (Information System for Industrial Medicine of the Commission of the European Communities, 1978

European-Atlantic Group (Sir Frank Roberts), 1970

European Committee to Preserve the ABM Treaty (Catherine Clark, International Peace Education Fund), 1986

European Space Agency (J.P.Massué), 1980

Eustace, S.G., 1971

Euthanasia Society, 1958

Evan, William M., 1985, 1989

Evangelische Omroep (Joop van der Elst), 1979

Evans, David R.H., 1991

Evans, Prof. F. Gaynor, Wayne University, Michigan, 1954-55

Evans, Harold, Sunday Times, 1974, 1981

Evans, Prof. Herbert McLean, and Herbert McLean Evans Memorial Lectureship, University of California, San Francisco, 1938, 1940-41, 1947-1951, 1953, 1956-1960, 1963-64, 1967,1974

Evans, Sir Ifor, 1953-55, 1958, 1960, 1962-66

Evelyn Hospital, 1987-88

Evelyn Nursing Home, 1981

Evershed, Lady, King's Lynn Preservation Trust, 1981

Ewan, Colin, The Crypt School, Gloucester, 1958-1961

Exeter, Bishop of, 1949

Explorers' Club (Lewis Cotlow) , 1979

Exxon Corporation, and Esso Petroleum Company, 1979, 1981


Faber & Faber Ltd (Morley Kennerley), 1960

Fabian Society, 1952, 1972

Faculty of Radiologists*, 1974

Fadiman, Clifton, 1988-1989

Fairbanks, Douglas Jr, and Mrs Fairbanks, 1963-64, 1966-67, 1974, 1981-83, 1985, 1987-88, 1992

Fairclough, Sir John, 1990-91

Falconer, Noel, Manchester University Faculty of Economic and Social Studies, 1974

Family International (Mrs June Raymond), 1966

Famous People's Eyeglasses Museum (M.J. Bagley), 1981

Faringdon, Lord, 1961, 1964

Farmar, Hugh, 1975

Farrer-Brown, Leslie, Nuffield Foundation, 1949, 1952-53, 1956-1960

Faterka, Mrs Wally (neé Zuckermann), 1967

Faulk, Prof. W. Page, Blond McIndoe Centre for Transplantation Biology, 1979

Fawcett, Don W., Harvard Medical School, 1960

Fawcett, Eric, University of Toronto, 1981

Fedorenko, Nikolay, n.d. [business card only]

Feigenbaum, David, Massachusetts Memorial Hospitals, 1965

Feilden, G.B.R. (Bob), Davy-Ashmore Ltd, 1966, 1968

Feinberg, Robert, 1967

Feldenkrais, M., 1948

Feldesman, Mark, Portland State University, Oregon, 1985

Fellowship of Engineering, 1978, 1981-83

Fergusson, Sir Bernard (Lord Ballantrae), 1964, 1966, 1980

Fermoy, Ruth, Lady, 1962, 1964-65

Ferranti, Basil de ('Boz'), 1966, 1971, 1974, 1976, 1978-1980, 1984

Ferranti, Sebastian de, and personnel of Ferranti Ltd, 1966, 1971-1980, 1983-87, 1989-1993

Ferrars, Earl, 1989-1991

Ferris, Paul, 1981

Festing, Sally, 1990

Field, Prof. E.J., Newcastle General Hospital, 1974

Field, W. Tremayne, 1974

Fielding, -, n.d.

Fields, Mrs Flo Louise, Oregon Regional Primate Research Center, 1965

Film Options International, 1989

Financial Times (Marc Lee), 1972

Find Your Feet Ltd (Carol Martin), 1972

Findlay, G.M., Wellcome Bureau of Scientific Research, 1932, 1935

Finland, H.E. the French Ambassador to, 1973

Finlay, Ian, Royal Scottish Museum, 1964, 1978

Finlay, Dr Michael, 1978

Finney, D.J., 1948, 1951, 1957

Finniston, Sir Monty, 1979-1980

Fisher, Lord, of Kilverstone, 1974

Fisher, Sir Nigel, MP, 1983

Fisher, Sir Ronald A., Cambridge University Dept of Genetics, 1956

Fisher, R.B. ('David'), Oxford University Dept of Biochemistry, 1952, 1954, 1959

Fishlock, David, Financial Times, 1975, 1982

Fishmongers' Company (Lt Col. Christopher Dawnay), 1974

Fitzgerald, Alice, 1934

Flack, Eric, 1988

Flagg, Ruth Rappaport, 1965

Fleming, Ian, 1960-61

Fleming, RR Launcelot, Bishop of Norwich, 1967

Fleming, R.P. (Peter), The Game Research Association, 1969

Flemming, Sir Gilbert, 1981

Fletcher, John A., 1978

Flint, A.P.F., Institute of Zoology, 1990

Florey, Prof. Sir Howard, 1957, 1961

Flower, Maj. Stanley S., 1931-32, 1934

Flugel, Prof. J.C., 1946

Foley, John P. Jr, Columbia University, 1934

Folia Primatologica (Prof. R.D.Martin), 1989

Folio Society, 1991

Folkard, S., 1972

Folley, Dr S.J., National Institute for Research in Dairying, 1937-38, 1947-48, 1951-55, 1957-1960, 1963

Food Research Institute, 1972-73, 1975, 1977, 1986

Forbes, Alistair, 1957, 1977-78, 1981, 1985-86, 1990-92

Forbes-Mitchell, D.W., 1966

Ford, Prof. C.E., University of Leiden Dept of Human Genetics, 1980

Ford, Prof. E.B. ('Henry'), 1952, 1958, 1972

Ford, Sir Edward, 1977, 1987

Ford, John, 1982

Ford Foundation, 1966, 1983, 1990 see also Bundy, McGeorge, and Stone, Dr Shepard

Forde, Prof. C. Daryll, Mrs Evelyn Forde, and Daryll Forde Memorial Fund, 1947-48, 1951-52, 1955-56, 1966-67, 1974

Foregger, Richard, n.d.

Foreman, Sir Denis, 1974, 1976, 1984, 1989

Fores, Michael, 1978

Forester, Lord, 1963

Forte, Sir Charles, 1970-71, 1976

Fortes, Prof. Meyer, Cambridge University Faculty of Archaeology & Anthropology, 1967

Foss, George L., 1937

Foster, John G., MP, 1962

Fothergill, P., Instytut Wydawniczy, Warsaw, 1966

Foundation for Science and Technology, and London Science Centre, 1981-82, 1990-92

Fox, Prof. Harold Munro, and the Hon. Mrs N. Fox, 1954, 1959, 1966, 1968

Fox, Herbert, Zoological Society of Philadephia, 1934

Fox, M., 1974

Fox, Stephen, 21st Century Fox,1991

Foyle, Christina, and W. & G. Foyle Ltd, 1964, 1969, 1976, 1978-79, 1982, 1985-86, 1991

Fraenkel, Prof. G.J., 1949-1950, 1959-1960

Fraenkel, Ludwig, 1935

FRAME (Fund for the Replacement of Animals in Medical Experiments), 1976

France, Sir Arnold, n.d.

Franciscan Convent, Kampala, Uganda, 1955

Frankland, Noble, 1982, 1985

Franklin, Mrs David, 1979

Franklin, Kenneth J., 1937, 1947, 1949, 1955, 1959, 1964-65

Franklin, Dr Raoul N., Vice-Chancellor, The City University, 1986

Franks, Lord, 1962

Franks, Felix, n.d. [CV only]

Fraps, Richard M., 1962

Fraser, B.D., Treasury, 1957, 1959

Fraser, Damian, 1982, 1984, 1992

Fraser, General Sir David, 1988

Fraser, F.C., Natural History Museum, 1952, 1961, 1973

Fraser, Sir Francis R., British Postgraduate Medical Federation, 1957-1958

Fraser, Sir Hugh, MP, and Flora Powell Jones, 1961, 1965, 1972-73, 1977, 1980, 1982-85

Fraser of Kilmorack, Lord, 1976

Fraser of Lonsdale, Lord, 1971, 1973

Fraser Roberts, Dr J.A., 1959

Frederick Muller Ltd, Publishers, 1981

Freedman, Prof. Lawrence, King's College London, 1989, 1991-92

Freedman, Maurice, London School of Economics, 1969

Freeman, Prof. Derek, Australian National University Research School of Pacific Studies, 1992

Freeman, John, 1976

Freeman, John, High Commissioner to India, and Mrs Catherine Freeman, 1965-66, 1968, 1972

Freeman, Paul, 1987

Freeman, Peter, MP, 1955

Freeth, Dr F.A., Royal Society, 1966

French Ambassador to London, 1971

French, Captain G.A., 1982

Frewen, Sir John, Admiralty, 1967

Friendly, Alfred W. (Fred) 1968, 1974

Friends of Hillel, 1990

Friends of the Earth Ltd, 1972, 1980, 1986-87, 1992

Friends of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1943-47, 1949-1951, 1953-58, 1964, 1970, 1981 see also Zander, Dr Walter

Friends of the Jerusalem Biblical Zoo*, 1954, 1956, 1981

Friends of the Jerusalem College of Technology (Michael Richman), 1981

Friends of The Times, 1981

Frink, Dame Elizabeth, 1968-69, 1978-1980, 1982, 1984-88, 1991

Frost, David, 1965

Frydenland, K., 1985

Fullman, B., 1971

Fulton, Lord, Sussex University, and Lady Fulton, 1965-66, 1986

Fulton, Prof. John, Yale University Dept of Physiology, 1931-1939, 1946-1966, 1990 see also Series SZ/OEMU

Fulton, Mrs Lucia, 1976, 1978, 1982, 1985, 1988

Fundacion BBV (Jose Ignacio Oyarzabal), 1992

Furman, David,1958

Furness, V.I, Courtaulds Limited, 1975


Gaddum, Prof. J.H., 1951, 1954-55, 1959, 1966

Gadsby, G.N. (Neville), British Embassy, Washington, 1975

Gaitskell, Baroness (Dora), 1971

Gaitskell, Hugh, MP, 1957-1960, 1963 see also Brumwell, Marcus

Galbraith, Marie R., 1977

Galdston, Dr Iago, 1965

Gale, Squadron Leader J.F., Birmingham University Air Squadron, 1966

Gale, General Sir Richard, 1972

Galley, Dr R.A.E., Woodstock Agricultural Research Centre, 1966-67

Gallien, Prof. L., 1954

Galloway, Prof. Alex, Makerere College Medical School, 1954, 1956-57, 1959

Gambke, Dr G., Stiftung Volkswagenwerk, 1975

Gardiner, Margaret, 1955, 1966, 1968, 1971-73, 1975-1989, 1991, 1993

Gardiner, Robert Kweku Atta, 1974

Gardner, Sir George, RAE Farnborough, 1959

Gardner, Prof. W.U., Yale University Dept of Anatomy, 1949-1951, 1953

Garland, Dr John, 1970

Garner, Rayner, 1971-72

Garrison, Arthur, 1989

Garry, Prof. R.C., Glasgow University Institute of Physiology, 1952

Garwin, Dr Richard L., 1977-1993

Gassner, Prof. Frank X., 1957-59, 1962-63

Gasteyger, Prof. Curt, 1986

Gates, Prof. Reginald Ruggles, and Mrs Gates, 1937, 1959, 1961-62

Gates, Thomas S., 1961

Gaudin, Alex, L'Escargot restaurant, 1962

Gaunt, Dr Robert, Ciba Pharmaceutical Products Inc., 1953

Gauvin, Suzette, 1976

Gayre, George Robert, [concerning] 1973, 1968, 1971-73

Geddes, Alexander C., 1964

Geddes, Dr W.R., 1951

Gee, Maggie, 1984-86

Geiringer, Dr E., Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Glasgow, 1953

Gelba, Herbert Donald, US Embassy, London, 1988

Gell, Prof. Philip G.H., 1969, 1977

Gellhorn, Martha, 1955-57, 1961-66, 1973-74, 1978, 1981, 1983-1990

General Electric Company plc Hirst Research Centre (Derek H. Roberts), 1985

General Embryological Information Service, 1973

General Medical Council, 1971

Genoves, Dr Santiago, 1956, 1965

Geoffrey Seef & Co. (Pty) Limited, Property Consultants, Cape Town, 1977

Geological Society, 1991

George, James, 1983

George, Dr Martin, 1971, 1990?

Gerakis, Mrs Mary B.L., 1978, 1980, 1983

Gerrard, E.C., 1973

Gersh, Dr Isidore Gersh, and Mrs Gersh, 1947-1952

Gershwin, Ira, and Lee Gershwin, 1950, 1953, 1959-1962, 1965, 1967, 1980

Getty, J. Paul, 1970

Ghandi, Mrs Indira, 1964, 1982

Gibbons, J.R.P., Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast, 1984

Gibson, Dr William C., 1968, 1988

Gibson, Dr W.R., 1980

Giles, Frank, and Lady Katharine Giles, 1954, 1956-59, 1967, 1973-74, 1980, 1983, 1985-86, 1988-89, 1992

Gilinsky, Victor, n.d.

Gilliatt, Sir William, 1950

Gillies, Raymond J., 1984

Gillman, Dr Joseph, 1952-53, 1961

Gillman, Prof. Theodore, 1954, 1958-59, 1961

Gilmour, Lady Caroline, 1960

Gilmour of Craigmillar, Lord, 1993

Gimpel, Peter, 1959

Gissing, George, 1976

Gitlin, Prof. Gershon, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 1959, 1963, 1965

GKR (Executive Search) Ltd (R. Goddard), 1972

Gladwyn, Lord (Gladwyn Jebb), 1958-1962, 1964, 1969, 1973, 1983-1992

Glaisher and Nash Ltd, [antique dealers?], 1971

Glantz, Eugene E., 1990

Glass Manufacturers' Federation (O.C.T.R. Normandale), 1973

Gledhill, Raymond, 1980

Glees, Prof. Paul, 1944, 1959, 1961-63, 1967-68, 1973, 1978, 1988, 1992

Glenconner, Lord (Christopher Tennant), 1957

Glenkinglas, Lord, (Michael Noble), and Lady (Anne Noble), 1971, 1974, 1984-85

Glennie's Fine Art Auctioneers, 1990

Global Foundation (Prof. Behram N. Kursunoglu)*, 1983-86, 1988, 1990 see also Miami-Dade Community College

GLOSSA, 1980

Glover, Dr Timothy D., 1968

Gluckman, Dr the Hon. Henry, 1963

Glyn, Dr John H., 1985

Glyn Research Institute (Dr Peter Mitchell), 1982

Glyn-Jones, Anne, 1971

Godber, Sir George, Dept of Health and Social Security, 1972

Goddard, Air Marshal Sir Victor, 1970

Godlonton, Miss M.G., 1976

Godwin, Prof. Harry, Cambridge University Botany School, 1964

Goedhuis, Prof. D., 1990

Goetz, Walter, 1953, 1962, 1972

Goff, Prof. Charles Weer, 1958-1960

Goldanskii, Prof. V.I., Academy of Sciences of the USSR, n.d.

Goldberger, Marvin L., President, California Institute of Technology, 1978

Goldblith, Prof. Samuel A., MIT, 1980-86, 1988-1991

Goldby, Prof.Frank, St Mary's Hospital Medical School, 1948-49, 1952-54, 1956-57, 1960-61, 1963-65, 1973

Golden, William T., 1987-88, 1991

Goldfinger, Erno, 1948, 1957, 1960

Goldschmidt, Arthur ('Tex'), 1950

Goldschmidt, Dr Bertrand, 1967

Goldsmith, Dr Maurice, 1948, 1959, 1977, 1980, 1984-85 see also Science Policy Foundation Ltd

Gollancz, Victor, 1958

Goodall, A.D.S. (David), Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1985

Goodeve, Sir Charles, 1964

Goodman, Geoffrey, Nuffield College, Oxford, 1975

Goodman, Dr Helene V., 1970

Goodwin, Dr Len, 1982-83

Goran, Dr Piljac, 1971

Gordan, Prof. Gilbert S., 1956, 1963

Gordon, Charles, 1981-82, 1984

Gordon, Giles, Anthony Shiel Associates Ltd, 1981-86, 1988-1990, 1992

Gordon, W. Terrence, 1988-1990

Gordon Smith, Mrs C.E. (Elsie), 1991

Gordon-Walker, Patrick, 1950, 1956, 1967-68

Gore-Booth, Sir Paul, 1959, 1961-62, 1969

Gorman, Col. Harry A., US Air Force School of Aviation Medicine, 1957

Gosling, William, Vice-Principal, University College of Swansea, 1973

Gotlieb, Bearnet, 1957

Gott, C.W., 1932

Gottfried, Prof. Kurt, 1985, 1987

Gottmann, Prof. Jean, 1949-1950, 1952-1964, 1967-68, 1971, 1974-75, 1983-84

Gottstein, Prof. Klaus, 1986

Gould, Dr Jonathan, 1973

Gouran, B.R., 1990

Gowans, Sir James, 1981, 1983, 1986-87

Gowing, Prof. Lawrence, and Mrs Gowing (formerly Julia Strachey), 1956-57

Gowing, Prof. Margaret, 1984-86, 1990-92

Gowing, Nick, ITN, 1987-88

Gowrie, Earl of, Sotheby's, 1990

Grace, Michael, 1981-82, 1991-92

Graef, Roger, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, 1965

Graham-Jones, Oliver, 1970, 1972, 1980

Graham-Smith, Prof. Sir Francis, 1991

Granada Historical Trust Limited*, 1959-1962

Granada Publishing Limited, 1977-78

Granada Television Limited, 1959-1960, 1971, 1976, 1982 see also Bernstein, Sidney

Grant-White, Harry (Harry Goldberg), 1976

Gray, Prof. Charles H., 1955-57, 1964

Gray, Eric W., Christ Church, Oxford, and William McIlwaine, 1949

Gray, F.A. (Tony), Christ Church, Oxford, 1967

Gray, F.J.A., 1992

Gray, Sir John, 1969, 1974-75

Gray, Paul E., President, MIT, 1981, 1983

Great Britain - USSR Association*, 1972, 1974-78, 1982-83

Greater London Council Public Services and Fire Brigade Committee, 1984

Greek Embassy, London, 1992-93

Green, Dr Frank H.K., Wellcome Trust, 1957, 1959, 1963

Green, Dr James A., University of North Carolina School of Medicine, 1952, 1956

Greenberg, Prof. Al, 1992

Green Alliance (Lord Beaumont of Whitley; Maurice Ash), 1981-82

Greene, Joseph N., US Embassy, London, 1970-71

Greene, Dr Raymond, 1961, 1964, 1975 [1964 correspondence closed]

Greenhill, Sir Denis, 1973

Greenlees, Geoffrey, 1958-59, 1965

Greenshields, Dr Roderick N., 1982

Greenwood, Prof. C.T. (Trevor), 1979-1981

Greenwood, Prof. Ted, MIT, 1980

Greep, Dr Roy O., 1949, 1951-52, 1954, 1960, 1967

Greggain, Lawrence, E.R. Squibb & Sons Ltd, 1958-59

Grego, Jennifer, 1987

Gregor, Paul, 1981

Gregory, Peter, 1984

Gresham College (Peter Nailor),1993

Gresham's School, 1974, 1976

Gretton, Admiral Sir Peter, 1964, 1966, 1971, 1981

Greulich, Dr William Walter, Stanford University School of Medicine, 1954-55, 1959, 1974, 1977-78

Grey's School, Port Elizabeth, South Africa (Old Greys' Union and Old Grey Club), 1991

Gribbin, John, Nature, 1974

Grierson, R.H. (Ronnie), 1964, 1966, 1968, 1975, 1989

Griffin, Admiral Sir Anthony, 1974-76, 1981-82, 1986, 1989-1990, 1992

Griffith, J. Neal, 1973

Griffith Jones, Mr Justice, 1965

Griffiths, Eldon, MP, 1974

Griffiths, Prof. V.S., University of Surrey Dept of Chemical Physics, 1967

Grigg, Maj. General, 1970

Grigg, John, 1971, 1980, 1985

Grillions Club*, 1982, 1987-1992

Grindley, G.C., Cambridge University Psychological Laboratory, 1970

Grocott, Thomas H., 1959

Grolleau , G., Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, Laboratoire des Petits Vertébrés, 1961

Groom, Prof. A.J.R., Rutherford College, University of Kent, and G.A. Elgoraish, 1985-86

Groome, Jack, University Museum, Oxford, n.d.

Grootaers, J-L, Kutama College, Zimbabwe, 1986

Gros, Eugene, Scientific Information Consultants Ltd, 1963-64

Grossman, Dr J.W. (Jack), Lovelace Clinic, 1952-56

Ground Zero (Roger Molander), 1981

Grubb, Michael J., 1983-84

Gruneberg, Dr H. ('Maxie'), 1947, 1949

Guardian, The, (Alastair Hetherington), 1975

Guest, James, 1982-83

Guggenheim, Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation, 1983

Guillemin, Prof. Jeanne, Boston College Dept of Sociology, 1985-86

Guinness, Sir Kenelm Lee ('Tim'), 1956

Guise, George R.J., Prime Minister's Policy Unit, 1988

Gummett, Dr Philip, 1973, 1977-78, 1981, 1984, 1988

Gunn, D.L., 1975

Gunn, L.A., Manchester University Dept of Government, 1967

Gunsbourg, Mme Antoinette de, 1957-58

Gunter, Ralph, Institute of Ophthalmology Vision Research Unit, 1950

Guo, Prof. Wan-Hua, First International Conference of China on Anatomical Sciences, 1988

Gurney, Maj. Anthony R., Home Timber Merchants' Association, 1970

Gurr, Dr Edward, Michrome Laboratories, 1963

Gurr, Nadine J., 1990-91

Gvishiani, Dr Jerman M., State Committee of USSR Council of Ministers for Science and Technology, 1978, 1990-91


Haan, Dr J. de, 1930

Hackett, General Sir John, 1965

Haddow, Dr Alec J., East Africa Virus Research Institute, 1952, 1956

Haden, Peter, 1985

Haessler, George 1982-83

Haffenden, John 1986

Hägglöff, His Excellency Gunnar, Swedish Ambassador to London, 1966

Hahn, Emily ('Mickey', Mrs Charles Boxer), 1963, 1965, 1974-75

Hailsham of Marylebone, Lord (Quintin Hogg), 1973, 1983, 1985-86, 1993

Hain, A.W., 1939

Hainworth, H.C., UK Delegation to the Conference of the Committee on Disarmament, Geneva, 1972

Hale, Arthur C., 1978-79

Haley, Sir William J., 1958

Halsbury, the Earl of, 1992 see also Series SZ/BMNH

Hall, Sir Arnold, 1959-1960, 1962

Hall, Robert, Principal, Hertford College, Oxford, 1966

Hall, Prof. K.R.L. (Ronald), 1958-1965

Halle, Kay, 1975, 1985

Hamblen, E.C., Duke University School of Medicine, 1940

Hamburger, Prof. Christian, State Serum Institute, Copenhagen, 1946-48

Hamer Rooke & Co. Ltd , stamp dealers, 1968

Hamerton, Col. A.E., Zoological Society of London, 1934-35

Hamerton Wildlife Centre, Cambridgeshire (Andrew Swales), 1992

Hamilton, Sir Denis, and Lady Hamilton, 1968, 1977, 1980, 1988

Hamilton, Hamish ('Jamie'), and Hamish Hamilton Limited, 1968-1973, 1975, 1977, 1979-1980, 1982

Hamilton, Dr James B., 1952, 1956-57

Hamilton, Prof. William J., and Mrs Hamilton, 1951-57, 1959, 1963, 1965, 1975

Hamlin, Prof. M.J., Birmingham University Dept of Civil Engineering, 1986

Hammer, Dr Armand, 1980-86, 1988,

Hammond, Sir John Hammond Memorial Trust, 1968

Hammond, Dr John Jr, 1954-55, 1974

Hammond, W.F., Frank Hammond, Bookseller, 1964, 1975

Hamond, Dr Richard, 1966-67

Hampshire, Stuart, Warden of Wadham College, Oxford, n.d.

Hancock, Prof. Sir Keith, 1985

Handford, Dr S.W., 1971

Handler, Dr Philip, President, US National Academy of Sciences, 1976, 1978-79

Hands Off Reading Campaign (Peter J. Bingle), 1988

Hanson, Prof. D., Birmingham University Dept of Metallurgy, 1949

Hanson, Michael, 1968-69, 1977

Hanstrom, Prof. Bertil, University of Lund Zoological Dept, 1953-54, 1956

Hardin, Prof. Garrett, Santa Barbara College, University of California, 1955

Harding, Field Marshal Lord, 1984

Hardman, Sir Henry, 1989

Hardwicke, Earl of, 1967

Hardy, Prof. Sir Alistair, 1949-1951, 1961

Hare, J.D., 1983

Hare, John, n.d.

Harlech, Lady (Pamela), 1966

Harlech, Lord, 1971

Harman, C.J. (James), Lord Mayor of London, 1963

Harmer, L.S.H., Pro-Chancellor, Birmingham University, 1969

Harold Macmillan Trust, 1988-89

Harper, Prof. Walter F., 1947-48, 1959

Harper & Brothers, Publishers (John Macrae), 1962

Harper & Row, Publishers, Inc., (Hugh Van Dusen), 1984

Harper's Magazine (John Christel), 1985

Harreveld, Dr A. van, California Institute of Technology, 1949-1950

Harriman, Ed, n.d.

Harriman, W. Averell, and Pamela Harriman, 1977, 1984, 1986

Harris, Sir Arthur Harris Memorial Fund, 1984, 1991-92

Harris of High Cross, Lord, 1982

Harris, Prof. Geoffrey W., 1948-1951, 1954, 1956, 1961-62

Harris, Prof. H.A., Cambridge University Anatomy School, 1946, 1948, 1950

Harris, Jeremy, and Mrs Harris (Audrey), 1970

Harris, Prof. John E., Bristol University Dept of Zoology, 1951, 1957, 1959-1960

Harrison, Michael, 1964-65

Harrison, Prof. R.G., Liverpool University Dept of Anatomy, 1952-53, 1957, 1959-1963

Harrison, Prof. Sir Richard J., 1950-59, 1961-63, 1966-67, 1973, 1975-76, 1979, 1984-87

Harrisson, Dr Tom, and Mrs Barbara Harrisson, 1945-47, 1949, 1951-57, 1965, 1967, 1970-73, 1975 Harrod, Sir Roy, Lady Harrod, and Dominick Harrod, 1936, 1959-1960, 1963, 1972, 1978

Hart, John L.J. ('Jerry'), 1983-84

Hart, Mrs Kitty Carlisle, 1989, 1991-92

Hart, Dr Philip D'Arcy, 1969, 1978, 1981, 1983, 1987, 1989-1990

Hart, R.T., New York Academy of Sciences, 1934

Hart, Walter D'Arcy, 1969, 1973-75, 1979, 1987

Hartley, Group Capt. Christopher ('Kit'), Imperial Defence College, 1957

Hartley, Brig. General Sir Harold Brewer, 1955, 1959-1962, 1967-68, 1971-72

Hartman, Dr Carl G., 1930-32, 1934-36, 1947, 1950, 1952-53, 1958-59, 1962, 1965-66

Harvard School of Public Health, 1981

Harvey, John L., Extel Group, 1976, 1982

Harvey, Juliet, n.d.

Harvey, Maj. Thomas C., 1967, 1970, 1978, 1987

Haskins, Caryl P., Carnegie Institution of Washington, 1967

Hassan, Crown Prince, of Jordan, 1986-87, 1989-1992

Hastings, Prof. A. Baird, 1952

Hatchards Ltd, 1989

Hatley, Dr Paul B., Kansas State University Dept of History, 1993

Hausmann, Gordon, Universities, Committee for Soviet Jewry, 1966

Havers, Steve, 1988

Hawthorne, E.P., 1964

Hawthorne, Sir William, 1968, 1975, 1985, 1988-89

Hay, R.T., Ingram Watson & Son, 1964-65, 1967-68, 1971

Hayman, R.W., Natural History Museum, 1956

Hays, Vice Admiral Ronald J., USN, n.d. [business card only]

Hazlewood, Dan, 1985

Head, Lady, 1983

Head, Judge Adrian, 1956, 1987-88

Head, Hon. Simon, 1986

Heading, Dr Bryan, University of East Anglia, 1981

Heald, Tim, 1980

Healey, Denis, and Mrs Edna Healey, 1978, 1984-87, 1990-92

Healey, John, Royal College of Art, 1964

Heal's, 1968

Healy, Dr M.J.R., Rothamsted Experimental Station, 1952-53, 1956, 1962

Hearn, Prof. John P., 1982, 1986-1991

Heath, Mrs Barbara, 1985, 1991

Heath, Sir Edward, 1975, 1978, 1981, 1983-87, 1989-90, 1992

Heath, Gloria W., Sar-Assist Inc., 1974

Heck, Heinrich, Munich Zoo, 1967

Hedborg, Flemming, 1985

Hedcock, Walter, and James Beveridge, 1975

Hedges, E.T., 1955

Heerden, Dr C.J.J. van, 1975

Heiman, Dr Marcel, 1957

Heimann, Judith M., 1992-93

Heinz, Henry J. II, (Jack), and Mrs Drue Heinz , 1965, 1973, 1975-76, 1980, 1983, 1986

Heller, Prof. H., Professor of Pharmacology, Bristol University, 1951, 1953, 1955-56, 1958, 1961-62, 1965

Hellman, Prof. Martin E., Stanford University Dept of Electrical Engineering, 1988

Henderson, Sir Nicholas, 1979, 1982

Henderson, Sir William ('Gregor'), 1985-86, 1988-1990

Hennessey, Prof. Peter, 1981, 1985

Henriques, Col. Robert, 1959-1961

Henry, Bowker, 1935

Henry, Capt. M.C., 1982

Hepworth, Dame Barbara, and the Barbara Hepworth Museum, 1930 [photograph of BH], 1948, 1952-54, 1958, 1960, 1964-65, 1967, 1969, 1971-72, 1976, 1978, 1981, 1993

Hepworth, Dr H., 1937-39

Herbert, Sir Alan (A.P. Herbert), 1971

Herbert, Dr Joseph, 1966-1971, 1973-74, 1976-77, 1988, 1990

Herbert Whitley Trust (A.P.G. Michelmore), 1968

Herrald, F.J.C., Medical Research Council, 1960

Hershkovitz, Philip, Chicago Natural History Museum, 1964

Hertz, Dr Mathilde, 1938-39

Hertz, Dr Roy, US National Cancer Institute, 1950, 1953-54, 1958-59

Hertzberg, Dr H.T.E., Aero Medical Laboratory, Dayton, Ohio, 1952-53

Heseltine, Michael R.D., MP, and Mrs Heseltine, 1979, 1984-86

Heuer, Kenneth, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1973

Hewitt, Group Capt. Anthony, 1984

Hewitt, Dr Godfrey, University of East Anglia, n.d.

Hewitt, John, Albany Museum, Grahamstown, South Africa, 1956

Hey, Dr Richard D., University of East Anglia, 1975-77

Heylin, Michael, Chemical & Engineering News, 1983

Heywood, Harold, Principal, Woolwich Polytechnic, 1966

Hiatt, Prof. Howard H., 1976, 1980, 1985

Hicks, Ashley, 1984

Hicks, D.A.V., 1987

Hicks, Lady Pamela, 1983, 1990

Higgs, James, 1984

Highgate School Natural History and Zoological Society*, 1970-72

Hilgard, Prof. Ernest R., Stanford University Laboratory of Human Development, 1963

Hill, Lt Col. B.V. ('Hooky'), 1958

Hill of Luton, Lord (Dr Charles Hill), 1973

Hill, Prof. Sir Denis, 1968

Hill, A.D. (Derek), 1980, 1985

Hill, Frederick, Chelsea Arts Club, 1965-66

Hill, Sir James, Lord Mayor of London, 1964-65

Hill, Prof. Jan P., 1946, 1954

Hill, John, 1958

Hill, Sir John, UKAEA, 1977, 1984

Hill, Dr R.T., 1937, 1946-47, 1949, 1955-56, 1964

Hill, William N., 1989

Hill-Norton, Admiral of the Fleet Lord, 1970, 1980, 1985

Hillaby, John D., 1957-58, 1961-62, 1984

Hilton, Alan H., 1971

Hilton, Conrad N., 1963

Himsworth, Sir Harold, Medical Research Council, 1946, 1949-1953, 1956, 1958-1967, 1972

Himwich, Dr, 1934

Hinde, Prof. Robert A., Master of St John's College, Cambridge, 1990

Hindle, Dr Edward, 1947-48, 1950-51, 1968 see also Series SZ/ZOO

Hinton of Bankside, Lord, 1981, 1983

Hirsch, Peter, Bell Telephone Laboratories, and Iago Galdston, 1970

Hirshon, Mrs Dorothy, 1955-1964, 1967, 1971

Hirshon, Joy, 1958

Hirshon, Walter, 1958-1961, 1963-64, 1966

Hirst, Dr K., Ministry of Health, 1956

Hisaw, Prof. Frederick L., 1934, 1965

Hiscock, Dr K.M., University of East Anglia School of Environmental Sciences, 1990

History Today (Gordon Marsden), 1986

Hitch, Charles J., Resources for the Future, 1977

Hitchcock, Alfred, 1950, 1962

HMSO, 1982

Hoare, Dr Cecil A., Wellcome Laboratories of Tropical Medicine, 1961

Hoare, Mrs Jean, 1969

Hobbs, John T., 1990

Hobson, Dr F.G., 1940 Closed

Hobson, Mrs Wilder (Verna), 1967

Hoch, Dr Paul K., Aston University Technology Policy Unit, 1982

Hockaday, Sir Arthur, 1981

Hodgkin, Prof. Sir Alan, and Dr Dorothy Hodgkin, 1956, 1962, 1965, 1974, 1979-1980, 1984

Hodson, H.V. (Harry), Hodson Consultants, 1972

Hodson, P.B., Senior Assistant Registrar, Birmingham University, 1990

Hoff, Dr Hebbel E., Baylor University College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, 1953

Hoffe, Douglas B., Anglo American Corporation of South Africa Limited, 1975

Hoffenberg, Prof. Sir Raymond ('Bill'), 1983

Hoffman, Judge (of Rhodesia), n.d.

Hoffman, Dr Edward, 1989

Hofmannsthal, Raimund von, and Lady Elizabeth von Hofmannsthal, 1947, 1951-52, 1956-58, 1962-63, 1966, 1970-71, 1974

Hofstra University, New York, Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Conference* (Dr James Shuart) 1983

Hogben, Dr Adrian, 1988-89

Hogben, Prof. Lancelot, 1970

Hohenner-Parker, Mrs Frieda, 1956-57

Holiday Inn, Plymouth, 1981

Hollaender, Dr Alexander, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee, 1963-64, 1966-67

Hollender, A.J., The Providers Who Care, 1978?

Holloway, Dr David, 1986

Holmes, Brig. G.D. ('Dickie'), 1959-1964

Holmes, Dr J. McMichael, 1964

Holocaust Educational Trust, 1990

Holway, P.H., St Dunstan's College, Catford, 1962

Holti, Dr Gunter, Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle upon Tyne, 1960-61

Home of the Hirsel, Lord, and Lady Home, 1973, 1983-87, 1989

Honour, Hugh, 1974

Hooper, Dr Steve, University of East Anglia Sainsbury Research Unit, 1991

Hoos, Peter, 1975-76

Hope, Michael, undated and 1987

Hope, Robin, 1960, 1988

Hopkinson, Tom, Picture Post, 1949

Hopwood, Dr A. Tindell, Natural History Museum, 1951, 1953, 1957

Hordern, Maj. Peter, and Miss Clare Hordern, 1954

Horlick, Vice Admiral Sir Ted, 1982

Horn, Prof. Gabriel, 1970-71, 1986 see also Series SZ/BU

Horn, Joshua S., Birmingham Accident Hospital, 1949

Hornby, - , 1970

Horne, Alistair, 1982

Horniman Museum, 1990

Hornsby, Richard, 1990-91

Horrocks, Julia, University of the West Indies Faculty of Natural Sciences, 1980, 1983

Horse Shoe Club*, 1951-55, 1960

Horwitz, Ralph, 1971

Hoskyns, Sir John, 1979

Houghton, Paul W., Ronkswood Hospital, Worcester, 1954

Houghton, Mrs Vera, 1950, 1959, 1964

Houlder, John M., 1975

Hoult, R.L., 1974

Howard, George, 1971-72

Howard, Lt Col. the Hon. Henry A.C., Governor, St Kitts, 1965

Howard, Michael, 1970

Howard, S., ICI Pharmaceuticals Division, 1962

Howarth, T.E.B. (Tom), 1952, 1955, 1958, 1975, 1978, 1980

Howells, Dr W.W., Harvard University Peabody Museum, 1957

Hsieh, Prof. Arnold, University of Hong Kong Dept of Physiology, 1959, 1962, 1966

Hubbock, David F., 1987

Hudsons University Bookshop, Birmingham University, 1965-66, 1970

Huggett, Prof. A. St G., St Mary's Hospital Medical School, 1949-1950, 1956-57

Huggins, Prof. Charles B., University of Chicago Ben May Laboratory for Cancer Research, 1954-56

Hughes, Prof. Brodie, Birmingham University Medical School, 1975

Hughes, Thomas L., 1971

Hughes-Hallett, Richard, 1975

Hughett, Sir John, 1971

Hull, Dr Clark L., Yale University Instiute of Human Relations, 1933-35

Hull, University of*, 1980-81, 1984

Hulton, Sir Edward, 1969, 1971-72

Hume, Miss E.M.M., 1932

Humes, - , US Ambassador to Austria, 1971

Humphrey, J.H., Royal Postgraduate Medical School, London University, c. 1980, 1983

Hunt, Lord, 1975, 1979-1980

Hunt, Mrs Noelle ('Pam'), 1972

Hunter, Prof. Lord (R.B. Hunter), Vice-Chancellor, Birmingham University, 1967, 1974, 1978

Hunterian Society (G.W.E. Little), 1981

Huntingdon, Earl and Countess of, 1956, 1962

Huntingdon Research Centre, 1972-73

Hurd, Douglas, Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, 1984

Hussey, Marmaduke, Chairman, BBC, 1989

Hutchinson Publishing Group (Robert Lusty), 1960

Hutner, Murray, 1990

Hutner, Dr Seymour H., Hoskins Laboratories, New York, 1961

Hutton, Roger, 1986

Hutton, Prof. R.S., 1964

Huxley, Aldous, 1959

Huxley, Prof. Sir Andrew F., 1947, 1960, 1963, 1973, 1977, 1980, 1983-84

Huxley, Elspeth, 1990

Huxley, Sir Julian, and Lady Huxley (Juliette), 1931, 1933-34, 1936, 1940, 1945-1967, 1969-1970, 1972-75, 1981

Hyder, Dr M., University College, Nairobi,1969


Iliffe Science & Technology Publications Ltd (Mrs Sheila M. Chatten), 1968

Illinois, University of, 1971

Imbach Reclamation Technology (Artur Hasliman), 1989

Impact of Science on Society, 1980-81

Imperial Cancer Research Fund, 1973, 1976, 1982

Imperial Chemical Industries Limited (ICI), Alkali Division (J.K. Batty), 1959

Imperial College of Science and Technology, 1972, 1983

Imperial Society of Knights Bachelor, 1956

Imperial War Museum, 1984-85, 1987, 1989

Imre, Dr Hermann, 1933

Indian Council for Cultural Relations, 1976

Indian High Commission, London, 1951, 1982, 1988

Indian Society for Afro-Asian Studies (Dr Dharampal), 1982

Indo-British Cultural Exchange, 1981

Industrial Management (Richard Brooks), 1971

Industrial Training College*, 1967-68

Ingle, Dr Dwight J., 1950, 1953, 1964

Ingram, Dr D., Institute of Animal Physiology, Babraham, 1966

Insight (Mrs Olga Stringfellow), 1966

Institut Henri-Dunant (Pierre Boissier), 1971

Institute for Complementary Medicine*, 1982-84

Institute for Law and Peace (INLAP, Robert J. Manson), 1988

Institute for Scientific Information, 1973

Institute for World Order (Archibald L. Gillies), 1982

Institute of Biology*, 1950-1968, 1970-73, 1980-81

Institute of Contemporary British History, 1987, 1989-1991

Institute of Directors, 1976, 1979

Institute of Economic Affairs (Ralph Harris), 1977

Institute of Fuel, 1973

Institute of Jewish Affairs, (Dr S.J. Roth), 1972

Institute of Man, Hebrew-University-Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem*, 1955-56

Institute of Materials, Finniston Lecture, 1992

Institute of Occupational Health, 1981

Institute of Physics, 1973, 1975, 1982

Institute of Research in Education and Development, Vienna (Institut für Bildungs- und Entwicklungs forschung), 1972

Institution of Civil Engineers, 1981

Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1955-56, 1973

Institution of Professional Civil Servants, 1979-1980, 1984

Institution of Water Pollution Control, 1973

Intelligence Digest World Report (R.B.M. Levick), 1982

Inter-Parliamentary Union, British Group, 1979-1980

Inter-University Council for Higher Education in the Colonies, 1947

International Center for Peace in the Middle East, (Simha Flapan), 1985

International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (Richard Melville), 1959

International Committee for Standardization in Human Biology, Sub-Committee on Primate Biology*, 1958-59

International Conference on Environmental Future, 1971, 1977

International Disaster Institute*, 1978, 1980-81, 1984

International Festival of the Family (Nigel Kerner), 1983

International Institute for Comparative Social Research, Berlin (Internationales Institut für Vergleichende Gesellschaftforschung, Dr Karl W. Deutsch), 1983

International Institute for Strategic Studies, 1979, 1982-84, 1987-1993

International Journal of Environmental Studies, 1970

International Journal of Radiation Biology, 1965

International Organisation for the Study of Group Tensions Inc. (Benjamin B. Wolman), 1985

International Parliamentary Conference on the Environment, 1981

International Program for Population Analysis (IPPA), of the Smithsonian Institution Interdisciplinary Communications Program* (Prof. M.C. Shelesnyak), 1972-73

International Press Institute, 1988-89

International Science Policy Foundation, 1992

International Security, 1978-79, 1982-83

International Seismological Centre, 1977

International Society for Research on Aggression (Dr J.P. Scott), 19173

International Spinal Research Trust, 1982

International Trust for Zoological Nomenclature*, 1982-84, 1986

International Tutor Machines Limited (J.S.Roylance), 1962

International University for Presidents (Henry M. Strange), 1984

International Water Tribunal, 1982

International Wildlife Magazine (National Wildlife Federation), 1984

InternationalYear Book and Statesmen's Who's Who, 1983

Internationale Primatalogen-Gesellschaft (Dr H. Preuschoft), 196-

IP Environmental Limited (Patricia Salmon),1972

Ipswich Museums, Association of Friends of Ipswich Museums (David Myer), 1978

Ironbridge Gorge Museum (Arthur Chamberlain), 1973, 1979, 1984

Isaacs, Prof. Bernard, Birmingham University Dept of Geriatric Medicine,1980

Isaacson, Cecil, 1988

Isherwood, F., 1982

Israel, Dr S. Leon, University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Medicine, 1961

Israel, National Council for Research and Development (Dr Elissar Tal), 1974

Israel Museum, Jerusalem (Baroness Bentinck), 1973

Israeli Embassy, London, 1980, 1991

Ivanovic, Vane, 1983

Ives, Fred, 1969


Jackson, Prof. Derek Ainslie, 1964, 1980, 1982

Jackson, Margaret C.N., 1937-38

Jackson, Mrs Pat, 1956-57

Jackson, Sir Willis, 1960-62, 1967

Jacksonville University, Florida, 1964

Jacob, Sir Ian, 1989, 1991

Jacobson, Dr Carl G., 1974, 1983-1991

Jacoby, Dr F., 1942, 1949, 1951-53, 1960-62

Jacoby, Kurt, 1962-63

Jadresic, Dr Alfredo V., Primer Congreso Chileno de Endocrinologia y Metabolismo, 1966

Jawaharlal Nehru Award for International Understanding (Mrs S. Kochar), 1976

James, Lord, of Rusholme, 1958, 1962, 1966

James, Dr Brennig, 1978

James, Peter M.L., 1983, 1985-86, 1988

James, Robert Rhodes, MP, 1986, 1988

James, Thora M., 1937, 1958, 1980

Jamieson, Air Marshal D.E. (Ewan), Chief of the Defence Staff of New Zealand, 1984

Janner, Sir Barnett, and Lady Janner, 1964, 1969-1970, 1978, 1982

Janner, Greville, MP, 1972, 1983-84

Jarvis, Antony, and Mrs Caroline Jarvis, 1982

Jarvis, R., 1970-71

Jay, Peter, British Ambassador, Washington, 1978

Jefferson, Prof. Sir Geoffrey, 1954

Jellicoe, Earl (George), 1958 1967, 1972-74, 1978, 1981-82, 1986-1990

Jenkins, Dr Malcolm, Stonyhurst College, 1978

Jenkins, Norman, 1984

Jenkins, Lord (Roy), and Dame Jennifer Jenkins, 1954, 1956, 1958-1960, 1963, 1965, 1970, 1972-1991, 1993

Jenney, Dr B.W., Birmingham University Dept of Engineering Production, 1972

Jennings, Dr Denys, The London Hospital, 1948

Jerusalem Foundation (Mrs J. Edward Sieff), 1984

Jessop, Prof. W.J.E., 1950, 1953, 1956

Jewell, Dr Peter A., 1971

Jewish Care (Lord Young of Graffham), 1990

Jewish National Fund, President Herzog Forest*, 1984

Jinks, Prof. J.J., Birmingham University Dept of Genetics, 1970

Joel, C.E., 1981

Johansen, Ivar, 1984

John, Admiral of the Fleet Sir Caspar, and Rebecca John, 1975, 1980-81, 1983-84

Johns Hopkins University, School of Advanced International Studies (Dr Adrian Lyttleton), 1984

Johnson, Dr David R., University of Leeds Dept of Anatomy, 1991

Johnson, Prof. Douglas W.J., Professor of Modern History, Birmingham University, 1966

Johnson, F.R., London Hospital Medical College, 1964

Johnson, Frank, 1935, 1938, 1940

Johnson, Franklyn A., Arthur Vining Davis Foundation, 1972

Johnson, Fred H., 1986

Johnson, Oscar and Peter, Limited, Lowndes Lodge Gallery, 1967

Johnson, Patrick, Scientific Adviser to the Army Council, 1957

Johnson, Ted, 1958

Johnstone, Prof. T.B., 1955, 1958

Joicey, Nicholas, 1990

Jollands, W.S.D., Scientific Book Guild, 1960

Jolles, Dr B., Northampton General Hospital, 1952

Jolly, Keith, 1953

Jones, Alfed Mark [concerning], 1984

Jones, Dr Alun, Wolfson Foundation, 1990 see also Series SZ/WF

Jones, Rt Hon. Aubrey, MP, and Mrs Jones, 1961-64

Jones, Barry Owen, Australian Minister for Science, 1988

Jones, Dr Esther, Birmingham University Dept of Anatomy, 1978 see also Series SZ/BU

Jones, Prof. Sir Ewart, 1966

Jones, Francis E., 1967

Jones, Dr Gwilym I., 1939, 1991

Jones, Ken S., Birmingham University Guild of Graduates, 1975

Jones, N. Howard, Ciba Laboratories, 1940

Jones, Prof. R.V., 1965, 1978, 1985

Jones, Dr Robert, University College, London Dept of Botany and Microbiology, 1985

Jones, William, Foot and Bowden Solicitors, Plymouth, 1982

Jones, William G., Birmingham University Guild of Undergraduates, 1965

Jongh, Prof. S.E. de, Leiden University Pharmacological Laboratory, 1936, 1963

Jope, E.M., Queen's University, Belfast Dept of Archaeology, 1955

Jordan, Mr and Mrs Philip, n.d.

Jordan, Prof. Robert S., 1988.

Jorgensen, Dr K. Dreyer, Royal Dental College, Copenhagen, 1957

Joseph, Sir Maxwell, and Lady Joseph, 1981-82

Josephs, D.S., Birmingham University Guild of Undergraduates, 1962

Jost, Prof. A, University of Paris Laboratoire de Physiologie Comparée, 1967

Joubert, Prof. D.M., Vice-Principal, University of Pretoria, 1981

Journal of the Anatomical Society of India, 1970

Journal of Embryology and Experimental Morphology (Dr D.R. Newth)*, 1958

Journal of Environmental Management (J.N.R. Jeffers), 1972

Junqueira, Prof. LC.U., University of Sao Paolo Faculty of Medicine, 1956


Kahn, E.J. Jr, New Yorker, 1980

Kahn, Lord (Prof. Richard F.,), King's College, Cambridge, 1958, 1964-65

Kalb, E. de, 1937

Kaldor, Lord (Prof. Nicholas Kaldor), and Lady Kaldor, 1972, 1986

Kalter, Dr S.S., Southwest Foundation for Research and Education, Texas, 1967

Kapila, Lt General C.C., Director General of Armed Forces Medical Services, India, 1964

Kapitza, Prof. Peter, 1966, 1985, 1988

Kapur, Maj. General B.D., 1971

Kar, Dr A.B., Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow, 1973

Kar, Ida, 1963

Kaser, Betty (Mrs Michael Kaser), 1979, 1984-86, 1990-91 see also Piggford, Betty

Kasten, Dr Frederick H., Louisiana State University Medical Center, 1990

Katrizky, Prof. Alan R., University of East Anglia, 1980

Kausman, M.A., 1982

Kaysen, Prof. Carl, 1966, 1971, 1981-82, 1984-85, 1988, 1990-91

Kayser, Anne, and Jeff Kayser, 1985-1992

Keable, Julian, Architectural Association School of Architecture, 1951

Kearton, Lord, (Frank), 1971

Keble College, Oxford (Sir Alec Douglas-Home), 1970

Keeble, Lilian, 1935

Keeny, Spurgeon M. Jr, 1977-78, 1982, 1984

Keiller, Alexander, Morven Institute of Archaeological Research, 1936

Keith, Lord, and Lady Keith, 1981

Keith, Sir Arthur, 1951, 1954

Keller, Alexander, Leicester University Dept of the History of Science, 1985

Keller, Mrs Edward G., 1972

Kellogg, Hon. Francis L., (J. Paul Getty World Wildlife Fund Conservation Prize), 1983

Kelly, P.J., Nuffield Foundation Science Teaching Project, 1965

Kelly, Dr William A., 1969

Kelsey, Julian, MAFF, 1982

Kemp, Keith, 1985, 1990

Kemp, Dr Stanley, 1931

Kennedy, John F. Kennedy Institute, 1971

Kennedy, John Fitzgerald Kennedy Library, 1989

Kennedy Memorial Trust, 1981

Kennet, Lord, and Lady Kennet (Wayland and Elizabeth Young), 1969, 1974, 1981-1991

Kensington and Chelsea Play Association (Mrs Walter Gumbel), 1971

Kensington and Chelsea Family Practitioner Committee, 1975

Kent, HRH the Duke of, 1975, 1981, 1989-1990 Closed

Kentz, Alvin Carl, 1982

Kenworthy, Alexander, Daily Mail, 1958

Kenyon, Dr Kathleen M., British School of Archaeology in Jerusalem, 1954-57

Kenyon, Simon, 1964

Kerr, J.A., 1970, 1984

Kerr, Prof. Warwick E., Faculty of Philosophy, Science and Letters, Rio Claro, Brazil, 1961

Kershaw, Sir Anthony, MP, 1979, 1989

Kessler, Dr Alexander, World Health Organization, 1985

Ketner, Mrs G., 1958

Kettle's Yard, University of Cambridge (H.S. 'Jim' Ede), 1972

Ketton-Cremer Memorial Appeal (Dr A. Hassell Smith), 1972

Keynan, Prof. Alex, Israeli National Council for Research and Development, 1966

Keynes, Richard, 1970

Kids & Computers (Richard Ives)*, 1980, 1982-86

Killanin, Lord, 1987

Killian, Dr J.R., MIT, 1966

Killick, Alexander, 1965

Kimber, William, William Kimber & Co. Ltd, 1988

Kimberley, Earl of, 1981

King, Gilbert W., 1961

King, J.W.B., 1952

King-Hall, Susan, International Union for Health Education, 1961

Kingdon, Jonathan, 1982, 1984-85, 1987-88, 1991-92

King's College, London (Sir Richard ('Sam') Way),1978

King's College Hospital Medical School (B.S. Cardwell, Vice-Dean),1964

King's Lynn Festival*, 1976

King's Lynn Preservation Trust (Lady Evershed), 1958-1963, 1965-66

Kingscote-Billings, L., and Mrs Stella Kingscote-Billings, 1969, 1974

Kingston, Ivan, 1973

Kingston, M. J., 1989

Kingston-McCloughry, Air Vice-Marshal Edgar J., 1939, 1944-1974, 1979-1980 see also Series SZ/AEAF

Kingswill, Denys, South African Council for Scientific and Industrial Research [concerning], 1983

Kinnock, Neil, MP, 1988

Kinross, Lord (Patrick), 1962, 1970

Kirby, Prof. E.Stuart, and Mrs Kirby, 1956-57, 1959, 1962-66

Kirby, R.W., 1983

Kirillin, Academician Vladimir A., 1967

Kirk, Dr Dudley, Population Council Inc., 1956

Kirk, Prof. John, 1955-57

Kirk, Peter, MP, 1965, 1967

Kirkham Jones, Mrs Kate, 1956

Kirkwood, R.L.M. ('Bobby'), 1959

Kirton, Capt J.P., 1972

Kirwan, Mrs Celia, History Today, 1961

Kirwan-Taylor, John, 1959

Kiss, Prof. Ferenc, 1933, 1957, 1961-63, 1966

Kissinger, Dr Henry A., 1966, 1982

Kitchen, Sir Geoffrey, 1964-65, 1971

Kitchener, Earl, 1983

Klaauw, Prof. C.J. van der, 1958

Klein, Prof. Marc, University of Strasbourg Faculty of Medicine, 1937, 1951-53, 1962-63, 1967

Klingender, Dr F.D., Hull University, 1955

Kluver, Dr Heinrich, University of Chicago, 1933, 1936, 1949-1951, 1954, 1956-57, 1959-1960, 1965, 1979

Knatchbull, Hons Norton and Timothy, 1968, 1979, 1983, 1986, 1988

Knaus, Prof. H.H., 1965

Knobil, Henry E., Bar-Ilan University, 1979

Knowles, Sir Francis, 1954, 1958-1971, 1973-74

Knowles, John H., Rockefeller Foundation, 1974-75

Knox, Dr George W., 1973

Kobayashi, Prof. Tatsuo, 1956

Koch, Ludwig, 1946

Koepfli, Dr Joe B., 1961 see also SZ/NATO

Koeppler, H., Warden, Wilton Park, 1959

Kohberger, J. Clinton, 1971

Kohler, C.C., antiquarian bookseller, 1965

Kohts, Prof. N.N., 1958, 1962

Kollek, Teddy, Mayor of Jerusalem, 1970

Kolodsiej, Dr Edward A., 1987

Kon, Prof. S.K., National Institute for Research in Dairying, 1965

Korenchevsky, Dr V., Oxford University Gerontological Research Unit, 1953

Kornberg, Sir Hans, 1979-1980, 1982, 1984, 1989, 1991

Kortlandt, Dr Adriaan, University of Amsterdam Zoological Laboratory, 1958-59, 1965

Kotok, Irina, of Moscow, 1990

Kover, Joseph, 1972

Kramish, Arnold, 1984-85

Krebs, Prof. H.A., 1953

Krikler, Dr Dennis, 1990

Krishna, S., Indian High Commission, London, 1952

Krogman, Dr Wilton Marion (Bill), 1949-1951, 1953-54, 1956-58, 1960, 1963

Krohn, Prof. Peter L., 1969-71, 1973, 1976-77, 1980-81, 1983-1993 see also series SZ/BU and SZ/OEMU

Kronberger, Dr Hans, UKAEA, 1969, 1987

Kumar, Dr Anand, All-India Institute of Medical Sciences, 1968-1972, 1974-79

Kummer, Dr Hans, Delta Regional Primate Research Center, Louisiana, 1966

Kun, Dr Heinrich, 1939

Kurti, Prof. Nicholas, 1969, 1991

Kussel, Sallie, [197?]


Laade, Richard C., 1970

Labon, Mrs K.G. (Germaine), 1980

Lacassagne, Dr A., 1952-53, 1955

Lacey-Johnson, Lt Col. Lionel, 1988-89, 1991

Lachs, Judge Manfred, 1968, 1973, 1980-81, 1984, 1987-1991, 1993

Lack, Dr David, Edward Grey Institute of Field Ornithology, 1953, 1964

Ladkin, Peter W., 1973, 1981

Lady Clare Ltd, 1983

Lakshman, Dr A.B., Population Council Inc., 1963

Lalor Foundation, 1966

Lambe, Admiral of the Fleet Sir Charles, and Lady Lambe, 1962

Lambert, Dr N.G. (Glenn), 1986

Lambo, Dr T.A., World Health Organisation, 1974

Lamiroy, Lt Dr H., Belgian Medical Service, London, 1946

Lancaster, Sir Osbert, and Lady Lancaster (Anne Scott-James), 1963-66, 1970, 1980

Landis, Mrs B. Gordon, 1971

Lane, Sir Allen, 1956, 1962, 1965, 1970, 1985

Lane, the Hon. Mrs John (Miriam Rothschild), 1947, 1954, 1959-1960, 1964, 1967, 1970, 1985

Lane-Petter, Dr W., 1963-64, 1979

Lange, Dr Dan de, 1932

Lannigan, Prof. R., University of Illinois Dept of Pathology, 1966

Lansdowne, Marquess of (George), 1971

Lanyon, J.A.L., ICI (Alkali) Limited, 1936

Lascaux, Conservator of the Grotte de, 1972

Lasker, Dr Gabriel W., Wayne State University College of Medicine, 1952-54, 1960

Laszlo, H. de, L. Light & Co. Ltd, 1955

Laszlo, Patrick D. de, and Miss Meriel de Laszlo, 1966-68, 1971

Lauderdale, Earl of (Patrick Maitland), 1973, 1982, 1989

Laurent, L.P.E., 1935

Laurie, Veronica, 1976

Lauterpacht, E., 1973

Law, Dr John, Keele University Unit for Technology Analysis, 1989

Law, Richard A., 1981

Law Society (John Palmer, President), 1978

Lawrence, Mrs Marie, 1966, 1968

Lawrie, Veronica, 1977

Laws, Dr Richard M., Master of St Edmund's College, Cambridge, 1985, 1988

Lawton, Evelyn, Birmingham University, 1962, 1965, 1973 see also Series SZ/BU

Layman, Richard, BC Research, 1978

Lazarow, Prof. Arnold, University of Minnesota Medical School, 1958

Lea, A.J., 1952

Leadbetter, David H., 1981

Leakey, Dr Louis S.B., 1950, 1955, 1972

Leakey, Richard, 1971-72, 1982-83

Leakey, Robert D., War Against War, 1983, 1991

Leathem, Prof. James H., Rutgers University, 1954-56, 1959-60

Leblond, Prof. C.P., McGill University Dept of Anatomy, 1965-66

Lederberg, Dr Joshua, Rockefeller University, New York, 1982

Ledra Shirts Limited, Nicosia, 1981-82

Lee, Hermione, 1992

Lee, Jennie, MP, 1959-1960

Lee, Vice Admiral John M., USN, 1984, 1986-87, 1989

Leech, John, 1988-89

Leese, Capt. A.S., 1931

Leese, Dr H.J., University of York Dept of Biology, 1989-1990

Le Fanu, Admiral Sir Michael, 1968-69

Legge-Bourke, Sir Harry, MP, 1966, 1972

Leggett, D.M.A., 1983

Le Hardy, Wing Commander Anthony W.G., 1966

Lehfeldt, Dr Hans, 1959

Leicester, Earl and Countess of ('Tommy' and Elizabeth Coke), 1956-57, 1964-65, 1967, 1970-73

Leicester Galleries,1953

Leigh, Wing Commander H.de V., 1974

Lejeune, Michel, CNRS, n.d.

Le Marquand, Dr H., 1959

Le Mesurier, Colin, 1979

Lennox-Short, Dr A., 1968

Leo Baeck College (Dr Jonathan Magonet), 1982

Leppard, Raymond, 1974

Lerner, Dr Alec, 1958, 1966-67

Letzer, Mrs Kate, 1963

Leukemia Research Fund (Lady Buckinghamshire), 1974

Lever, Lord (Harold), 1980

Lever, Prof. J.D., University College of South Wales Dept of Anatomy, 1962

Lever, Paul, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1987-89

Levi, Peter J., 1988

Levick, R.B.M., 1982, 1991

Levin, Bernard, 1974-75, 1983, 1992

Levine, Danny, Radical Alternatives to Prison, 1972

Levitt, Toby, 1950, 1956-57

Levy, Hyman, 1934

Levy, John, 1956

Levy, Lawrence, 1971-74, 1988

Lewin, Dr Roger, 1984-86

Lewin, Ronald, 1977-78

Lewin, Admiral of the Fleet Lord, 1977-78, 1981-83, 1985-86

Lewis, Anthony, New York Times, 1972, 1988

Lewis, Sir Aubrey, 1964

Lewis, Gerald, 1955

Lewis, Mrs Hilda, 1971

Lewis, Prof. O.J., St Bartholomew's Hospital Medical School, 1967, 1977

Lewis, Peter, Daily Mail, 1978

Lewis, Richard A., E.R. Lewis & Co., 1964, 1969

Lewis, Dr Robert M., 1937

Lewis, Sir Thomas, University College Hospital Medical School, 1942

Liberal Summer Schools (Heather Harvey), 1979

Licek, Dee, 1962

Liddell, Dr E.G.T., Oxford University Laboratory of Physiology, 1951-52

Liddell Hart, Adrian, 1950

Liddell Hart, Capt. Basil, 1961, 966

Liebson, Michael, 1943, 1954

Liedd, Dr Finn, 1989

Light, Prof. Rudolph A., Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, 1950

Lighthill, Sir James, 1959-1960, 1962, 1964, 1980-82

Lilly, Dr John C., 1961, 1963

Limberg, Miss D., n.d.

Lincoln, Dr Dennis W., Bristol University Dept of Anatomy, 1976

Lindgren, F.W., 1962

Lindsay, Kenneth, MP, 1949

Lintott, Sir Harry, 1983

Lippitt, A.J., Dept of Trade and Industry, 1971

Lippmann, Walter, 1964

Lipschütz, Prof. A., Institute of Experimental Medicine, Santiago, Chile, 1954-55

Lisowski, Prof. F.P. (Peter), 1953-1992 see also Series SZ/BU

Listener, 1981, 1984

Lister, Derek, BBC, 1981

Liverpool, Earl of ('Eddie'), 1986

Liverpool University (H.H. Bushnell, Registrar), 1966

Llewellyn-Davies of Hastoe, Lady, 1974, 1985

Llewellyn-Davis, Lord (Richard), 1960, 1965

Lloyd, Dr Charles W., State University of New York Dept of Obstetrics (Endocrinology), 1959

Lloyd, Ian, MP, 1977

Lloyd, S.L. (Sam), and Mrs Peggy Lloyd, 1974-75

Lloyd-Davies, R.W., 1979

Lloyd-Davis, Wyndham, 1983

Lloyd Webber, Andrew, 1989

Lockhart, Mrs Eva, 1962, 1964

Lockhart, Prof. R.D., Aberdeen University Dept of Anatomy, 1949, 1955-1960, 1963-65, 1967, 1975-76

Lockspeiser, Sir Ben, 1968, 1980, 1986

Lockwood, Miss B.E., Queen Anne's School, Caversham, 1955-56

Loeser, Dr Alfred A., 1949

London Express News & Feature Services (R. Kennedy), 1970

London House Association (Medical Section)*, 1949, 1951, 1960-61

London Parochial Charities (Donald R. Allen), 1945

London Review of Books, 1982

London University, 1985, 1988, 1991-92

London University Institute of Education (Dr G.W. Miller), 1977

London University Institute of Education, Chair in Education for International Understanding...*, 1974

Lonergan, Dr Edmund T., 1982

Long, Prof. C.N.H., Yale University School of Medicine, 1938, 1952, 1954, 1965

Long, Trevor, Royal College of Art Dept of Industrial Glass, 1965

Long Hall, Diana, 1974

Longford, Earl and Countess of (Frank and Elizabeth Pakenham), 1951, 1965, 1975, 1978-79, 1983, 1986

Longman, Dr, 1931

Longmate, Norman, 1981, 1983

Longton, Dr Peter A., Cambridge University Duckworth Laboratory, 1957

Longwell, Dr Bernard B., Lovelace Foundation, 1953, 1956 see also Series SZ/LF

Longwill, John, (SACS), 1964

Lorch, Dr Jacob, Hebrew University of Jerusalem Dept of Botany, 1967

Lorch, W.F. (Leadership Lunches), 1964

Lorenzen, Dr T.A.E.C, 1963-64

Los Alamos National Laboratory, Center for National Security Studies (Molly Cernicek), 1988

Lourie, Mrs Nadia, 1955

Lovell, Sir Bernard, 1962, 1984, 1986, 1990-92

Lovell, Prof. R., Royal Veterinary College, 1956

Low, Ian, New Scientist, 1966

Low-Beer, G.A., 1973

Lowrance, Dr William W., Rockefeller University, 1983

Lowrey, Maj. Dennis A., US Military Academy, West Point, 1988

Lubetkin, Berthold, 1964, 1982, 1988, 1990, 1992

Lucas-Tooth, John, 1975

Lucien, Rene, Messier, 1970-74, 1976

Luck, Dr C.P., South African Native College Dept of Physiology, 1951

Luke, Hon. Clarissa, 1988

Lukes, T., 1987

Lutz, Lorenz, 1972

Lynch, Richard, 1987

Lyon, A.V., n.d..

Lyons, Dr W.R., University of California School of Medicine, Berkeley, 1953

Lythall, Basil, Ministry of Defence, 1966

Lythgoe, Dr John N., Underwater Association for Malta '65, 1967, 1969

Lythgoe, Dr Richard, 1935-36


Mabro, Robert, St Antony's College, Oxford, 1982

Machell, J.S., The College, Chester, 1966

Madden, Lady (Olive), 1963

Maddock, Sir Ieuan, 1967, 1972, 1980

Maddox, John, 1962, 1966-67, 1972, 1980-81, 1984

Maegraith, Prof. Brian G., Liverpool University Dept of Tropical Medicine, 1959

Magnus-Allcroft, Sir Philip, 1966, 1971

Magraw, Katherine, 1988

Maison des Sciences de L'Homme (Micheline Beauchet), 1974

Makins, W.M. ('Bill'), Pensthorpe Waterfowl Trust, 1988, 1992

Malcolm Clubs Trust Fund*, 1959 see also Tedder, Marshal of the Royal Air Force Lord, and Lady Tedder

Malcolm Sargent Cancer Fund for Children (Lord Glendevon)*, 1968

Malin, Charles, 1965

Malina, Frank J., Leonardo, 1976

Mammal Society, 1954

Manché, Dr J.A., Vice-Chancellor and Rector Magnificus, Royal University of Malta, 1956

Manchester University Dept of Liberal Studies in Science (Dr G.A. Irwin), 1980

Mander, R.F., Granada TV, 1963-63, 1965

Mankind 2000 (James Wellesley-Wesley), 1972

Mann, Prof. Thaddeus, 1954, 1958, 1962-63, 1965, 1970

Mann Egerton (Johnsons) Ltd, 1969

Manning, Olivia, 1967

Mansfield, Earl of, 1961-62

Mansfield Cooper, Sir William, Vice-Chancellor, Manchester University, 1963, 1965

Marcus, Richard E., 1982

Margaret, HRH Princess, Countess of Snowden, and the Earl of Snowden, 1958-1960, 1965-66 Closed

Margaret, Princess, of Hesse and the Rhine, 1967

Marie Stopes International , 1992

Mark Twain Society, 1977, 1979

Markee, Dr J.E., Duke University Dept of Anatomy, 1953-55

Marks of Broughton, Lord (Simon Marks), and Miriam, Lady Marks, 1960-65

Marlborough Fine Art Ltd (Mariol Mull), 1964

Marler, Christopher, Flamingo Gardens Zoological Park, 1981

Marlow, Frank A., De Havilland Aircraft Company Limited, 1963

Marotta, Prof. Domenico, Instituto Superiore di Sanita, Rome, 1951

Marrian, Prof. Guy F., 1935, 1947-48, 1950, 1952, 1955-56, 1964, 1981

Marriott, Dr F.H.C., 1952

Marsden, Col. E., New Zealand Scientific Office, London, 1951

Marsh, Dr Kenneth, St Wulstan's Hospital, Malvern, 1957

Marsh, Sir Richard, 1976

Marshall, Dr A.J., 1948, 1955-57

Marshall, Dunbar, 1964

Marshall, F.H.A., 1936

Marshall, K.N., Headmaster, The Paston School, North Walsham, 1963

Marshall, Sir Robert, 1974

Marshall, H. Snowden, 1951, 1966, 1969-1971, 1973-79, 1981

Marston, Dr Hedley R., University of Adelaide Division of Biochemistry and General Nutrition, 1949-1950

Marston, Robert Q., US Dept of Health, Education, and Welfare, 1972

Martell, Rear Admiral Hugh C., 1962

Marten, Hon. Mrs Avice, 1950

Marten, Hon. Mrs Toby (Mary Anna), 1967

Martin, Mrs Gregory (Margaret), and Miss Fiona Martin, 1966

Martin, Duncan F., 1957

Martinovitch, Dr P.N., 1937-38, 1961

Martins, Prof. Carlos M.P. Alves, Centro de Estudos de Estatística Económica, Lisobon, 1961

Marx, Sam, Iris [Film] Productions Ltd, 1960

Maslow, Dr A.H., Institute of Educational Research, Columbia University, 1936

Mason, Dr B.J. (John), Meteorological Office, 1978

Mason, Kenneth, Kenneth Mason Publications Limited, 1962

Masterson, J.B., Durham University Sutherland Dental School, 1962

Matheson, Colin, National Museum of Wales, 1960

Mathias, Robert, 1956

Matthews, Bernard, 1978

Matthews, David N., 1962, 1965

Matthews, John, 1958

Matthews, Martha (Mrs Thomas S. Matthews) see Gellhorn, Martha

Matthews, R.C.O. (Robin), Master, Clare College, Cambridge, 1979

Matthews, T.S. (Tom), 1964, 1966

Maud, Sir John, 1947, 1967

Maudling, Reginald, MP, 1965

Maxwell, Henry, ICI Ltd, 1948

Maxwell, Ian, Pergamon Press, 1984 [note of telephone no. only]

Mayer, Prof. Gaston, Bordeaux University Faculty of Medicine, 1956-1966, 1971-73, 1976

Mayhew, Christopher, MP, 1967

Mazzi, Prof. Valdo, University of Florence Institute of Comparative Anatomy, 1954

McAlpine, Julia, 1985

McAnuff, Dr J.W., Nuffield Foundation, 1962, 1964-67

McArthur, Dr Janet W., Vincent Memorial Hospital, Boston, Mass., 1959, 1968

MacArthur Foundation (John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation), 1979

Macbeth, A.N., 1936

McCallum, D.M., Ferranti Ltd, 1982

McCann, Thomas R., 1979

MacConaill, Prof. M.A., University of Cork Dept of Anatomy, 1950, 1955-56, 1959, 1962, 1964-65, 1968, 1976

McCormick, Dr Kevin, School of Social Sciences, University of Sussex, 1977-78

McDermott, Geoffrey, 1978

Macdonald, Mrs E. (Betty, Mrs Gordon Macdonald), 1972

McDonald, Dr Lawson, 1972

MacDonald and Company (Publishers) Ltd (Derek Cross), 1971

Macdonough, Lt General Sir George, 1938

McEvoy, Dennis, 1933-34, 1948, 1970-77

McEvoy, J.P., 1933-34, 1946, 1949-1950, 1953, 1955

McEvoy, Air Chief Marshal Sir Theodore, 1969

McFadyean, Colin, and Mrs MacFadyean, 1959, 1961-64

Macfarlane, Prof. W.V., University of Queensland, 1958

McGouran, Brian R., 1990

MacGregor, Ian, British Steel Corporation; National Coal Board, 1982, 1984

MacGregor, Dr James, Strathclyde University BioEngineering Unit, 1967-68

McHale, David, 1975

McIndoe, Sir Archibald, 1956-57

Macintosh, Prof. Sir Robert, Radcliffe Infirmary, 1948, 1960

MacKay, Dr G.M., Birmingham University Dept of Transportation and Environmental Planning, 1970

MacKay, Sir James, Home Office, 1967

McKaye, Richard K., Reading Broadcasting Co., Reading, Pennsylvania, 1955

MacKeith, Dr Ronald, Guy's Hospital, 1954

Mackinnon, Dr I. L., 1952

Mackintosh, Prof. James M., 1953, 1959, 1962

McKnight, Gerald, Sunday Dispatch, 1961

McLagan, Prof. N.F., Hon. Sec., Society for Endocrinology, 1952-53 see also Series SZ/SE

McLardy, Dr T., St Andrew's Hospital, Northampton, 1957

McLaren, Dr the Hon. Anne, 1957-58, 1973

McLean, Charles, 1970, 1972

MacLean, Vice-Admiral Sir Hector, and Lady MacLean, 1958-59, 1961-62, 1964, 1974, 1980

MacLeod, Roy M., University of Sussex Unit for the Study of Science Policy, 1966

McMaster University, Bertrand Russell Archives (Sheila Turcon), 1985

Macmillan, Harold, Earl of Stockton, 1966, 1973, 1979, 1984, 1986-87, 1989 see also Harold Macmillan Trust

Macmillan, Maurice, MP, 1963, 1965-67, 1970, 1984

Macmillan Publishers, 1992

MacNalty, Sir Arthur S, Ministry of Health, 1964, 1968

McNamara, Robert S., 1983-86, 1989-1992

McNaughton, Alexander, 1967

McPhail, M.K., University of Alberta Dept of Physiology and Pharmacology, 1937-38

McWhirter, Norris D., 1981

Meaden, G.F., 1966

Medawar, Jean (Lady Medawar), 1962-64, 1966, 1980, 1983, 1986-1991

Medawar, Prof. Sir Peter, 1946-1960, 1962 -65, 1968-69, 1971, 1974-77, 1980, 1984, 1987

Media Transcription Service, 1990-91

Medical Artists' Association of Great Britain (Gabriel Donald), 1969-1970

Medical Association for the Prevention of War (Tim Fox), 1979

Medical Engineering Development Trust (John Bunyan), 1964

Medical Research Council, 1989

Medical Research Society*, 1937-1962

Mednick, Dr Lois W., University of Chicago Dept of Anthropology, 1958

Medway, Lord, 1963

Meier, Prof. Rolf, Ciba, Basel, 1936, 1945-47, 1953-54

Meilinger, Maj. Phillip S., US Air Force, 1984

Melchett, Lord (Henry Mond, and Gwen, Lady Melchett), 1937, 1946-48, 1961

Melchett, Lord (Julian Mond, and Sonia, Lady Melchett), 1948-1950, 1953, 1957-59, 1963, 1965

Melchett, Lord (Peter Mond), 1983

Mellanby, Sir Edward, Medical Research Council, 1939

Mellanby, May, 1929, 1932

Melville, Frederick, 1949

Memorial Fund for Disaster Relief, Oxford Voluntary Representatives (Toby Porter), 1990

Menard Press (Antony Rudolf), 1981, 1984, 1988-1991

Mencher, Dr Alan G., Scientific Attaché, US Embassy, London, 1970, 1972

Meneces, Maj. General A.N.T., Royal Army Medical College 1965

Mennell, Pendine, British Embassy, Quito, n.d.

Meridor, Sara, and Yohanen Mendor, 1967

Meselson, Prof. Matthew, Harvard University, 1970-75, 1977, 1979-1987

Metadier, Prof. J., 1941

Methuen & Co., Publishers (Michael Turner), 1962

Meunier, Prof. Jean M., Bordeaux University Faculty of Medicine, 1959-1963, 1967

Meyer, Karl E., Washington Post, 1967

Miami-Dade Community College, 1982 see also Global Foundation

Michael, Dr Richard P., Institute of Psychiatry, Maudsley Hospital, 1962-63

Michael Joseph Ltd, 1981

Michaelis, Dr Anthony R., Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, 1983, 1987-88

Michelson, Elmer, 1967

Michie, Dr Donald, Edinburgh University, 1967

Middlemas, Keith, University of Sussex School of Social Sciences, 1981-82, 1984

Middleton, W.F., 1981

Middleton-Shaw, Prof. J.C., University of the Witwatersrand, 1952-53

Midland Medical Review (George T. Watts), 1961

Mierzejewski, Dr Alfred C., Dept of History and Government, Norwich University, Vermont, 1986

Miescher, Dr Karl, Gesellschaft für Chemische Industrie, Basel, 1936-39

Miettinen, Prof. Jorma, University of Helsinki Dept of Chemistry, 1981

Miles, Dr Walter R., 1946, 1959, 1963

Millar, Fiona, 1989

Millard, Mrs G.E. , 1957

Millenium Ltd (H.J.H. Berger), 1983

Miller, Dr A.R., Cambridge University Dept of Physics, 1948

Miller, Dr Gerrit S. Jr, Smithsonian Institution, 1931-33, 1935

Miller, Mrs Gilbert, 1971

Miller, Dr Henry, Vice-Chancellor, Newcastle University, 1979

Miller Yardley, Christopher, n.d.

Mills, Dr John H., 1955-56, 1960

Mills, Maj. General W.G.S. (Graham), Leonard Cheshire Foundation, 1986

Milne-Watson, Michael, BUPA, 1981

Mink, Mr, 1984

Mitchell, Prof. G.A.G., Manchester University Anatomy Dept, 1954-55, 1957, 1963

Mitchison, Dr N.A., National Institute for Medical Research, 1967

Mitsui, Madame H., n.d. [business card only]

Mohr, Dr John L., 1950

Moir, Chassar, 193?

Mollart, Sarah, 1982

Molson, Sir Hugh, MP, and Lady Molson, 1959, 1963

Monckton of Brenchley, Viscount, 1962-63

Mondolfi, Prof. Anna, Men and Ideas, Naples, 1958

Monnin, Robert, 1987

Monro, P.R.D., n.d.

Montagu, Ashley, 1934, 1937, 1951, 1958, 1967-1971

Montagu, Ivor, 1967, 1971, 1978-1983

Monteith, Prof. J.L., Nottingham University School of Agriculture, 1970

Montgomery, Ian, War Office, 1963

Moore, Dr Carl Richard, University of Chicago Dept of Zoology, 1955 [obituary only]

Moore, Maj. General Denis G., 1980-81

Moore, Henry, and Mary Moore, 1980, 1984, 1986-87, 1992 [only one letter with HM, mostly about him and his work]

Moore, John, author, 1952, 1958

Moore, Sir Philip, 1979, 1983

Moore, Prof. W.J. (Jim), Leeds University Dept of Anatomy, 1975-76

Moorehead, Alan , and Mrs Moorehead, 1964-65

Morant, G.M., 1926, 1932, 1951-53, 1955, 1958

Mordaunt, Nigel, 1966

Morell, Mrs Virginia, 1984

Morgan, Janet, 1982

Morgan, Sir Morien, Master of Downing College, Cambridge, 1974

Morganstern, Dr Oskar, 1962

Moricard, Prof. René, Hôpital Broca, Paris, 1966

Morison, J.P., Director of Education, Jersey, 1947

Morison, Prof. Robert S., MIT, 1976

Morley, Laurence, 1992

Morris, D.G. (Guido), 1933-35, 1937-38, 1940-41

Morrison, Prof. John T., Liverpool University Faculty of Medicine, 1949

Morrison, Herbert 1951

Morrison-Scott, Sir Terence, and Lady Morrison-Scott, 1952, 1955-57, 1968, 1970-71, 1973, 1976-77, 1984, 1986, 1989-1992 see also series SZ/BMNH and SZ/ZOO

Morse, Dr Arthur H., and Mrs Evorita Morse, 1934-35, 1964

Mote, Dr John R., Armour Laboratories, Chicago, 1950

Motseki, Ishediso M., 1981

Mottershead, G.S., Chester Zoological Gardens Ltd, 1932

Mountbatten, Earl, of Burma, 1947, 1956, 1958-1983, 1987, 1989-1990, 1994

Mountford, Dr J.F., Vice-Chancellor, Liverpool University, 1950

Mourant, Dr A.E., 1952, 1958-1960, 1964-66, 1970, 1978

Moynihan, Daniel P., 1960

Muir, Edward, Ministry of Works, 1961

Muirhead, I.P.S., Bass Charrington Vintners Limited, 1975-76

Mukaibo, Prof. Takashi, University of Tokyo, n.d. [business card only]

Mumford, Prof. Enid, Manchester Business School, 1981

Munro, Dr Hamish, MIT Dept of Nutrition, 1975

Munro, Thomas A., Royal Eastern Counties Institution, Colchester, 1937-38

Murphy, E.G., 1968

Murphy, Malcolm D., 1966

Murphy, Patrick, Sunday Times, 1959

Murray, Sir Keith, University Grants Committee,1960, 1963

Murray, Dr Margaret A., 1957

Museums Action Movement (John Letts), 1970

Musgrave, Sir Cyril, Iron and Steel Board, 1963

Myrdal, Alva, 1981-84 see also Series SZ/SIPRI

Myrdal, Prof. Gunnar, 1965-1972, 1974-76 [chiefly texts of his papers]

Myers, Norman, 1979

Myers, Mrs Ruth, 1967

Mylward, Mrs Dorothy, 1964

Myres, John L., Congrès International des Sciences Anthropologiques et Ethnologiques, 1933-34


Nabarro, Prof. F.R.N., University of the Witwatersrand, 1956

Nabokov, Nicolas, Secretary General, Congrès pour la Liberté de la Culture, 1952

Naftalin, Dr J.M., 1959

Nairne, Sir Patrick, Permanent Secretary, Dept of Health & Social Security, 1977

Nakayama, Prof. Komei, 1955-56, 1960-61, 1969, 1972-73

Nalder, Mrs Janet, 1980

Nalebuff, Barry, Nuffield College, Oxford, 1982

Napier, Dr John R., Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine Unit of Primatology and Human Evolution, 1963-67

Nash, Ken, 'Card Sharks' TV game show, 1987?

Nathan of Churt, Lord, Eleanor, Lady Nathan, and the Hon. Roger Nathan, 1956, 1959-1963 see also Series SZ/WF

Nathan Prof. Ove, University of Copenhagen, 1987

National Anti-Vivisection Society Limited, 1974

National Art-Collections Fund (Brinsley Ford), 1978

National Bureau for Handicapped Students, 1981

National Coal Board, Coal Research Establishment (A.D. Dainton), 1985

National College of Food Technology (Dr G.G. Birch), 1975

National Committee for Electoral Reform*, 1977, 1979-1985

National Council of Women, 1957-58, 1960

National Defence College, Latimer, 1979, 1981

National Electronics Council, 1980, 1982-84

National Extension College*, 1966-68, 1972

National Institute for Research in Dairying (Dr M.E. Coates), 1964

National Portrait Gallery, 1987

National Power, 1989, 1991

National Science Foundation, Washington (John B. Cornell), 1971

National Society for Cancer Relief, Wells-next-the-Sea Committee (Dr D.W. Hoddy)*, 1976

National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, 1992

National Westminster Bank Ltd Sixth Form Science and Mathematics Awards (P.A. Woodham), 1972

Natural Environment Research Council (D.F. Nudd), 1967

Nature 1984, 1986, 1988, 1991

Neale, Prof. A.V., Bristol University Faculty of Medicine, 1959, 1965

Neath General Hospital Postgraduate Medical Centre (F. John Davis), 1970

Neave, Airey, 1973 see also Airey of Abingdon, Baroness

Needham, Joseph, Cambridge University School of Biochemistry, 1932

Needham, Richard, MP, 1982, 1986

Ne'eman, Y., 1982?

Neild, Prof. Robert R., 1981, 1989-1990 see also Series SZ/SIPRI

Nelson of Stafford, Viscount (George Nelson), 1976

Nelson, Paul, architect, n.d.

Nelson, Prof. Warren O., Population Council Inc., 1955-1964

Nesturkh, Dr Mikhail, Anthropological Laboratory of the Institute of Man, Moscow, 1960

Neuberger, Prof. Albert, St Mary's Hospital Medical School, 1966-67, 1972

Neumann, Dr H., 1938

Neustadt, Prof. Richard E., Harvard University, 1962-63, 1968

Neville, Nikki, 1984

Nevo, Prof. Eviatar, University of Haifa Institute of Evolution, 1985

New Outlook (Colin Randall, Israel Peace Research Society), 1981

New Scientist, 1968-1972, 1974, 1978, 1980-81, 1984

New Statesman, 1981

New York Review of Books , 1970, 1976

New York Times, 1971, 1973

Newby, Eric, Secker & Warburg Ltd, 1958

Newhouse, John, 1987

Newman, Dr Lotte T., 1987

Newman, Dr W.T., 1965

Newnes (George Newnes Ltd, Frances E. Williams), 1966

News of the World (Stafford Somerfield), 1965

Newson, S.N.J., 1967

Newton, W.H., University College, London, 1935

Nexus Films (Mrs Elaine Miles), 1966

Nicholas Knatchbull Recreation Centre (Younger Jewish National Fund)*, 1982, 1984-85

Nichols, J.E., University College of Wales, Aberystwyth Dept of Agriculture, 1954

Nicholson, Ben, 1957, 1964-66, 1969, 1970-71, 1982

Nicholson, E. Max, 1963-65, 1967-68, 1970, 1973, 1992

Nicholson, J. Leonard, 1990

Nicholson, Sir John, Isle of Wight Mountbatten Memorial Appeal, 1981

Nicol, Prof, Thomas, King's College London Hambleden Department of Anatomy, 1956, 1964

Nicolson, Nigel, 1992

Nieburgs, Dr H.E., Medical College of Georgia, 1949-1950, 1952-53

Nieper, Dr Hans A., Niedersachsen-Bremen Mittelstands-Institut, 1980

Nierenberg, Dr William, Scripps Institute of California, 1984

Nishioka, Tadashi, The Kagaku Asahi, 1978

Nissen, Dr Henry W., Yerkes Laboratories of Primate Biology Inc., 1934-35, 1950-52, 1958

Nissenthall, J.M. (Jack), Cyril Silvertown, and Prof. R.V. Jones, 1985

Nitze, Paul, and Heidi Nitze, 1967, 1982

Nobel Parliament Committee, 1973

Noble, C., 1963

Noble, Dr Dennis, Balliol College, 1971

Noble, John, 1947, 1986, 1988 see also Glenkinglas, Lord and Lady

Noble, Dr P.S., 1962

Noble, Dr Robert L., 1937, 1953, 1957, 1960

Noel-Baker, Philip, MP, 1966

Noell, Mrs Anna Mae, Noell's Ark, n.d.

Norfolk and Norwich Campaign for Fair Votes, 1984

Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists' Society (Prof. T.A. Bennet-Clark and Paul Banham), 1966, 1969, 1980, 1990

Norfolk Club*, 1970-72, 1975-76

Norfolk County Council Department of Public Health Engineering (G.W. Curtis), 1972-73

Norfolk County Council Planning Department (J. Martin Shaw), 1982, 1990

Norfolk Electrical Circle (F.W. Riches), 1970-71

Norfolk Museums Service (Andrew Moore), 1992

Norfolk Naturalists' Trust, 1965, 1989

Norfolk Record Society*, 1969-1970, 1982-83, 1990

Norman, Prof. Richard, Chief Scientific Adviser, Ministry of Defence, 1984-85

Norman, S, Normans of Westminster, 1970

Norris, Prof. John R., 1991

Norriss, Group Capt. Peter C., Officer Commanding, RAF Marham, 1987

North, George, Registrar General, 1949

North, Tom, 1987

North East London Polytechnic (Dr Alvarao de Miranda), 1984

North London Rescue Commando (R. Trim), 1980, 1989

Northam, Dr B.E., General Hospital, Birmingham, 1984

Northern, the Hon. Mrs, 1966

Northern Federation of Museums and Art Galleries (Fred Woodward, Shipley Art Gallery, Gateshead), 1972

Northumberland, Duke of (Hugh Percy), 1981

Norton (W.W. Norton & Company, Inc.), 1989?

Norwich, Viscount (John Julius Norwich), 1982, 1991-92

Norwich Rotary Club (R. A. Robinson), 1979

Nourse, Det. Chief Inspector, 1974

Novick, David, RAND Corporation, 1985

Now! , 1980

Nowell, Dr N.W., 1954-55

Noyan, Prof. Fazil, Istanbul University, 1962

Nuffield Foundation, 1968, 1975, 1979

Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust (Gordon McLachlan), 1978

Nugent, G.R.H. ('Dick'), MP, 1958

Nuki, Robert P., 1974

Nutrition Society, and proposed Nutrition Council (Mrs Z. Daysh), 1959

Nuttall, George H.F., n.d. [sole content is a print of a portrait of Nuttall]

NVC Arts (National Video Corporation Limited, C.J. Willis), 1992

Nyholm, Prof. R.S., University College London,1968


Oakley, Dr Kenneth Page, Natural History Museum, 1951-58, 1960

Oberg, Dr Jan, Lund University Dept of Peace and Conflict Research, 1983

Observer (Donald Trelford), 1978

Obstetrical Society of Philadelphia Centennial (Clayton T. Beecham, American Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists), 1968

O'Brien, R.A., Wellcome Physiological Research Laboratories, 1929

O'Connor, Lt. General Sir Denis (Rory), 1965, 1972

O'Connor, Joseph E., US National Archives and Records Service, John F. Kennedy Library Oral History Project, 1966

Office of Science and Technology, Zuckerman Lectures, 1992-93

Offord, Norman, 1984

Ogden, Harold, 1970

Ogilvie, Sir Heneage, 1958

Ogilvy, Hon. Angus, 1965-66, 1975, 1979-1980, 1982, 1984-85, 1987, 1989, 1991

O'Grady, Ken, n.d.

Ogston, A..G. ('Sandy'), 1958

O'Keefe, Bernard J., 1988

Oldfield, Prof. R.C. (Carolus), 1947-48, 1952, 1955-56, 1958-59

Olds, Glenn A., President, Alaska Pacific University, 1985

Oliphant, Sir Mark, 1943, 1947-1952, 1955-57, 1959, 1966, 1973, 1980-82, 1986, 1988 see also Series SZ/AB

Olivier, Dr Georges, 1960, 1963-65

Olson, Tod R., St Thomas's Hospital Medical School, 1974

OM Publications (Oliver Cyriax), 1983

Onassis, Jacqueline Kennedy, n.d. [note of telephone no. only]

O'Nians, Hal, 1970

O'Neill, Dr Robert, International Institute for Strategic Studies, 1986

Open University (Dr Margaret Blunden), 1986

Operational Research Club*, 1947-49, 1951

Operational Research Society, 1962, 1980-87, 1989, 1991-92

Oppenheim, Prof. Albin, of Vienna, 1934

Oppenheimer, Lady, 1967 [wife of Sir Harry Oppenheimer]

Orange, Vincent, 1992

Orchestra of the World/ L'Orchestre du Monde*, 1987-88

Order of Christian Unity, 1978

Orgler, Mrs Hertha, 1937

Orien, Dr William F., Clinical Biomechanics Corporation, 1978

Oriental Ceramic Society, n.d.

Orlov and Shcharansky International Campaign, 1984

Orme, John, 1981

Ormerod, Dr W.E., London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, 1963

Orr-Ewing, Lord, 1986, 1988

Osman Hill, Dr W.C., 1934, 1936

Ostrer, Isidore, 1964

Oswald, Dr Ian, Edinburgh University Dept of Psychological Medicine, 1962-63

Ott, John, John Ott Pictures, Inc., 1961-62

Otterpohl, John J., London School of Economics Dept of Social Studies, 1987

Overall, William E., 1978

Overland, H., 1982

Ovington, Prof. J.D., 1963, 1965

Owen, Lord (Dr David Owen), 1980-81, 1983-1992

Owen, Edwin C., Hannah Dairy Research Institute, 1954

Owen, Glyn, 1971, 1973, 1977, 1986, 1991

Owen, John, 1966

Owen, Prof. John J. T., Sands Cox Professor of Anatomy, Birmingham University, 1988

Owen, Peter, Peter Owen Ltd: Publishers, 1971 see also Peter Owen Ltd

Owen, Dr Philip S., US National Research Council, and Mrs Lillian Owen, 1949-1950, 1952-56, 1963

Owen, Roderick see Tedder, Marshal of the Royal Air Force Lord

Owen Organisation (Rubery Owen & Co.) Research and Development Division (P. Spear), 1971

Oxburgh, Prof. Sir Ronald, 1988, 1990-92

Oxford Mail (R.Brain, News Editor), 1964

Oxford Society, Norfolk Branch (R.E. Wheeler), 1974, 1978-1980

Oxford Union Society (Christopher Tookey), 1971

Oxford University Conservative Association (Lord James Douglas-Hamilton), 1963

Oxford University Laboratory of Physiology, Sherrington Library for the History of Neuroscience (Connie Martin), 1985

Oxford University Press, 1959, 1966, 1972, 1985-87, 1990-92

Oxford University Scientific Club, 1947-48*

Oxnard, Prof. Charles, 1959, 1961-66, 1969-1972, 1975-76, 1981-1991


Padoa, Prof. Emanuele, Instituto di Biologia e Zoologia Generale, Siena, 1950-51

PAG (Protein Advisory Group of the United Nations System, Max Milner), 1973

Paine, Dr Thomas O., General Electric Company, 1975

Paint Research Association (G. de W. Anderson), 1976

Pakenham, Hon. Michael, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1985, 1987-88

Pakenham, Hon. Thomas, 1970, 1978

Pal, Dr S.M., 1959

Paley, Mrs, 1953

Paley, Jeffrey, 1960, 1963

Paley, William S., 1963, 1970, 1984

Palliser, Sir Michael, 1982-83

Palmer, Dr Allan, 1938, 1940-41, 1945-1963

Palmer, Mrs Carlotta (Mrs Allan Palmer), 1965-66, 1969-1972

Palmer, Dr Robert F., 1960-61, 1978

Palmeri, Dr Louis , 1962

Pantin, Professor C.F.A., Cambridge University Dept of Zoology, 1960-61, 1964-67

Panton, Dr Frank, 1987, 1989, 1993

Papanicolaou, George N., Cornell University Medical College, 1932

Pares, Miss Jane M., 1984

Parker, Dr H.W., Natural History Museum, 1952, 1957

Parker, John, Ministry of Defence, n.d.

Parker, [Commander] Michael, n.d.

Parker, Sir Peter, British Railways Board, 1977-78, 1980

Parker of Waddington, Lady (Jocelyn Parker), 1965, 1971

Parkes, Sir Alan, 1934-35, 1938-39, 1941, 1947-1950, 1952-1967, 1970, 1983-84, 1986, 1988 see also Deanesly, Dr Ruth

Parkin, Michael, Michael Parkin Fine Art Ltd, 1972

Parsons, Lady Bridget, 1956, 1958-1964, 1967

Parsons, Dr Clifford, 1957

Parsons, L.E., 1954, 1956

Part, Sir Antony, 1980-81

Partridge, Dr Maurice, Guy's Hospital, 1948

Paschal, Michael, Fordham University General Theological Seminary, 1982

Paterson, Dr A. Spencer, 1962-63

Paterson, J.S., Allington Farm, Porton Down, 1961

Paton, Sir William D.M., Oxford University Dept of Pharmacology, 1979, 1983

Patrick, Roman L., Duke University School of Medicine, 1953-54

Patten, Dr Bradley M., Rockefeller Foundation, 1934

Pautrizel, Prof. Raymond, Bordeaux University Faculty of Medicine, 1957-58, 1972-1981, 1983-84, 1987-88

Payman, Mrs Doris, 1959

Payne, Leslie D, Ballistic Injury Archive, 1976, 1992-93

Payne, Dr Rudolph, 1964

Peace, David, 1973, 1983, 1985, 1987, 1990

Pearce, Dr J.G., British Cast Iron Research Association, 1952

Peccei, Dr Aurelio, 1969

Pedersen-Bjergaard, Dr K., Acta Endocrinologica, 1963

Peers, B., Zoological & Snake Park, Cape Town, 1933, 1935

Peirls, Sir Rudolf, 1972, 1984

Peirson, J., Rugby School, 1957

Pela, David, Jewish Chronicle, 1964

Pelly, Air Chief Marshal Sir Claude, Lady Pelly, David Pelly, and Raymond Pelly, 1950, 1952-53, 1956-57, 1959-1960, 1964, 1974, 1980, 1983-84

Pencharz, Dr, University of California Medical School, 1952-53

Penfield, James K., and Mrs Penfield, 1951-52, 1955, 1959-1962, 1979, 1982, 1984-86, 1988

Penfield, Miss Kedzie, 1977-78

Penguin Books Ltd, 1977, 1985

Penley, W.H. (Bill), Marconi Underwater Systems, 1984

Penn, Lady, 1975

Penney, Lord (William Penney), Lady Penney, and Margaret Penney, 1952, 1967-68, 1989, 1991

Penning-Rowsell, Edmund, The Wine Society, 1983

Penrose, Prof. Lionel S., 1932, 1950-51, 1954

Peoria Journal Star Inc. (Bill Little), 1973

Pepys, Dr J., Brompton Hospital, 1961

Pepys, Brig. T., British Field Sports Society, 1953

Percy, A.J., Pfizer Ltd, 1957

Perelman, S.J., 1970

Peretz, Michael, The New Republic, 1981

Perrie, Sam, Moses House Kennels & Cattery, Kirkby, 1983

Perrin, Sir Michael, and Charles Perrin, 1958, 1961-62, 1967, 1980, 1982-83, 1985, 1988

Perroux, Prof. Francois, College de France, 1962

Perry, Isabella H., University of California Medical School, 1937

Perry, Miss Jean, Sheldon House for Girls Appeal, 1964

Perth, Lord, 1985

Pertile, Prof. Francesco, 1981-82

Perutz, Dr Max F., 1981, 1985, 1988-89, 1993

PEST: The Progressive Tory Pressure Group (Clive Hammersley), 1972

Peter Davies Ltd, Publishers, 1970

Peter Owen Ltd, 1992 see also Owen, Peter

Peters, Dr Hannah, Finseninstitutet og Radiumstationen, Copenhagen, 1960

Petit, Dr Paul, 1958

Petitjean, Armand M., 1936

Petrzeka, Charles, Bursar, Rockefeller Institute, New York, 1961

Pettersson, Dr Max, Brunel University School of Biological Sciences, 1976

Peyton of Yeovil, Lord (John Peyton), 1971, 1974, 1976, 1981, 1983, 1989

Pfaffman, Dr Karl, Rockefeller University, New York, 1973

Phair, John J., University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, 1951

Phalp, G.A., Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham, 1956

Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain*, 1973, 1975, 1979

Philbin, Anthony, and Mrs Philbin, 1950-1954

Philip, HRH Prince, Duke of Edinburgh, 1966-1993 Closed

Phillips, Sir David, 1985

Phillips, Georgina, 1970

Phillips, Prof. J.G., 1973, 1977

Phillips Auctioneers (Victoria Sanders), 1982

Phillipson, Dr A.T., Rowett Research Institute, 1954

Picador, publishers, 1992

Pick, Joan M., 1975-76, 1988, 1992

Pick, Joseph, New York University Medical Center, 1968

Pickering, Dr Donald E., 1961-64

Pickering, Prof. Sir George W., and Carola, Lady Pickering, 1934, 1937, 1952, 1966-67, 1973

Pidcock, Air Vice Marshal G.A.H., 1948

Piedra, Enrique, 1936

Pierpoint, Franchette, 1960

Piggford, Betty, 1951 see also Kaser, Betty

Pilley, Prof. John, Edinburgh University Dept of Education, 1958

Pincher, Harry Chapman, and Mrs Billie Chapman Pincher, 1974, 1976, 1982-83

Pincus, Dr Gregory Goodwin, 1938-1940, 1948-1954, 1957, 1959-1960, 1964, 1967

Pinter, Lady Antonia (Lady Antonia Fraser), 1992

Pinto, Dr Manuel Jose, 1951

Piore, Dr E.R. ('Mannie'), 1948, 1952-53, 1956, 1962-63

Pippard, Prof. Sir Brian, 1981, 1988

Pirani, Prof. Felix A.E., King's College London Dept of Mathematics, 1980-81

Pirie, Mrs A. ('Tony'), 1946-47

Pirie, Prof. Norman W. ('Bill'), Rothamsted Experimental Station, 1975-76, 1978-79

Pitman, Capt. C.R.S., 1931

Pitman, Sir James, 1980-81

Pitman Medical Publishing Co. Ltd (Michael Jackson), 1965

Pitman Publishing Limited (John D. Graham), 1978

Planned Parenthood Federation of America, 1958-59

Planned Parenthood International Sponsors Council*, 1966

Plastics and Rubber Institute (J.N. Ratcliffe), 1980

Platt, Sally, 1989-1990

Platzer, HE Dr Wilfred, Austrian Ambassador to London, 1971

Playfair, Sir Edward, 1961-62, 1966, 1971-75, 1978-1982, 1992

Playford, Rod, Birmingham University Guild of Students, 1971

Plesch, Ettie (Mrs Arpad Plesch), 1965

Pliatzky, Sir Leo, 1986

Plowden, Lord (Edwin Plowden), and Lady Plowden, 1985, 1989

Plowright, Walter, FRS, 1981

Plumb, Sir Henry, European Democratic Group, 1985

Plumb, Sir John, Christ's College, Cambridge, 1973-75, 1978, 1980-84, 1989

Plummer, Lady (Beathe), n.d.

Plummer, Sally, 1964

Plunket, Lord, and the Patrick Plunket Memorial Trust, 1971, 1977

Pochin, Sir Edward E. ('Bill'), 1951, 1973-74, 1978-1981, 1983-84

Pocock, Michael (Shell Transport and Trading), 1978

Poett, Sir Nigel, Federation of British Industries, 1965

Polanyi, John C., 1986

Polanyi, Prof. Michael, 1955-57, 1959

Polish Peace Research Council (Prof. Aleksander Gieysztor), 1989

Political Quarterly (Bernard Crick), 1992

Pollock, John, 1975

Polwarth, Lord, 1972

Pooh Trustees (Sir Henry Chisholm), 1977-78

Poore, R.D. (Dennis), Norton Villiers Triumph Ltd, 1975

Pope, E.L., 1932

Poplak, Dudley, Dudley Poplak Limited, Interior Design, 1962

Popper, Prof. Sir Karl, 1964-66, 1976, 1982-83

Population Concern*, 1985, 1987-1992

Population Services*, 1979, 1982-84, 1988, 1993

Porter, Prof. David G., Bristol University Medical School, 1977

Porter, Lord (Prof. George Porter), 1966, 1978, 1984-85, 1988-1990

Post Office, 1978, 1980-81

Postgate, Oliver, 1988

Potter, John A., 198?

Powell, Dr Brian D., Cadbury Ltd, 1980-81

Powell, J. Enoch, MP, 1974, 1982

Powell, Len, 1992

Powell, Thomas V., University of Illinois College of Dentistry , 1961

Poynter, Nelson P., and Mrs Henrietta Poynter, 1949-1950, 1955, 1963

Prager, Dr Theodor, Arbeitkammer für Wien, 1981

Pragnell, M. O., 1982, 1987

Prakash, Dr Ishwar, Central Arid Zone Research Institute, Jodhpur, 1961, 1963

Pratt, Dr Richard, National Hospital, Queen Square, 1957

Praz, Prof. Mario, 1952-54, 1956

Preparation for Peace, 1978

Press, Frank, 1978

Preston, Elaine, 1993

Prevent (Vincent Jones), 1972

Price, B.T. (Terry), 1970, 1972-77, 1979, 1981, 1983-84, 1986-87, 1989-1992 see also Series SZ/ITB

Price, Sir Cedric, 1963, 1966, 1984-85, 1988-1990

Price, Prof. Derek J. de Solla, Yale University Dept of the History of Science, 1961, 1963

Price, Prof. Don K., Harvard University Graduate School of Public Administration, 1959

Price, Dr Geoffrey L., Manchester University Dept of Liberal Studies in Science, 1978-79

Pride, W. Emrys, 1963, 1965-66

Pridmore, C.J., 1988

Prince, Maj. H. Stanley, 1965

Prince Philip Appeal for Commonwealth Veterans (Maj. General Lord Michael Fitzalan-Howard), 1986

Prior, James, MP, 1980, 1984

Priseman, Robert, n.d.

Private Eye, 1979

Proctor, Sir Dennis (P.D. Proctor), 1953, 1956, 1961

Prokosch, Eric, 1991

Prunty, Prof. F.T.G., St Thomas's Hospital Medical School, and Journal of Endocrinology, 1955-57, 1959, 1964 see also Series SZ/SE

Pryce-Jones, Alan, 1959

Prynne, Col. H.V., 1929

Pryor, Mark G.M., Trinity College, Cambridge, 1960

Public Lending Right, 1990

Public Policy Consultants (Nicholas True), 1988

Puga, Prof. Juan, University of Chile Medical School, 1965-66

Pugh, John, n.d. [note of address only]

Pugh, Prof. L.P., Cambridge University Veterinary School, 1956, 1965

Pumphrey, Prof. R.J. (Jerry), Liverpool University Dept of Zoology, 1952, 1954-55, 1958, 1960

Punch, 1980-81

Pupilli, Dr Giulio C., University of Bologna Institute of Human Physiology, 1956

Purcell, R.H., Home Office, Scientific Advisers' Branch, 1959

Pybus, F.C., 1959

Pym, Francis, MP, 1984-86


Quaker Peace Studies Trust, and Chair of Peace Studies, Bradford University*, 1972-73, 1985

Quarterly Review of Biology (Rosemary G. Smolker), 1974

Quastel, Prof. J.H., McGill-Montreal General Hospital, 1960

Queen Mary College, London (Sir James Menter), 1985

Queen's English Society (Peter H. Bassett), 1987

Queen's Medical Magazine (J.M. Sharman, Birmingham University Medical Society),1975

Quennell, Peter, History Today, 1952, 1960, 1977, 1991

Quilliam, Dr J.P., St Bartholomew's Hospital Medical College, 1961

Quinlan, Sir Michael, PUS, Ministry of Defence, 1987-88, 1991

Quirk, R.R., 1973

Quirk, Prof. Randolph, 1981-82


Rabagliati, Maj. D.S., West Riding of Yorkshire County Council Chief Veterinary Officer, 1931

Rabi, Prof. Isidor I., 1971-72, 1984

Radnor, Dr Ivor, 1963

Radsinski, HE Dr W., Polish Ambassador to Peking, 1967

Radziwill, Princess Lee, 1965

Raeburn, Prof. John R., 1983

Raglan, Lord, 1957

Railton, Dr Ruth, National Youth Orchestra of Great Britain, 1964

Rains, A.J.H., Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham, 1957

Rajasthan University, 1968

Ralston, Anthony, Abacus, 1986

Rambaut, Dr Paul, US National Cancer Institute, 1987

Ramo, Dr Simon, 1975, 1977

Ramsbotham, Sir Peter, 1965, 1976-77

Ramsden, James E., MP, 1967

Randall, Derek, Miln Masters Company Limited, 1982

Ranke, Dr Johannes, Royal Bavarian Conservatory of Anthropology and Prehistory, 1909

Rankin, Lt Col. A.N.T. (Niall), 1964

Ranson, Prof. S.W., Northwestern University Medical School, 1934

Rapkine, Louis Rapkine Association (Angèle Vidal-Hall), 1978-1980

Rapkine, Sarah, L'Institut Pasteur, 1990

Ratcliffe, J.A. (Jack), 1966

Rathbone, Mark, 1976

Rathjens, Dr George W., MIT Center for International Studies, 1984, 1988

Rattue, M.S., 1977

Rau, Dr Donald, 1964

Rau, Dr Leo, 1958

Ravetz, Dr J.R., Leeds University, 1967, 1980

Rawnsley, Commander Conrad, 1989-1990 see also Enterprise Neptune

Ray, Dr Binod Bihari, 1956

Ray, Cyril, 1981

Raymond, Jack, 1973, 1982

Raynaud, Prof. A.L., 1939, 1954, 1958-1963, 1965, 1967, 1977

Rayne, Lord (Max Rayne), 1964-68, 1973, 1976, 1978

Raynham, Viscount, 1988

Rayns, Frank, 1960

Reader's Digest, 1972, 1980

Reading, Eva, Dowager Marchioness of, 1950-51, 1954, 1956-58, 1964, 1967, 1982

Reading, Stella, Dowager Marchioness of, 1947-1952, 1954-1961, 1964-65

Reading, 2nd Marquess of (Gerald Rufus Isaacs), 1948, 1955-57, 1959-1960

Reading, 3rd Marquess of (Michael Rufus Isaacs), 1948-49, 1951-53, 1956-1962, 1965, 1967-68, 1971-73, 1975

Reading, 4th Marquess of (Simon Rufus Isaacs), 1981 see also Erleigh, Viscount

Ream, James S., Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology, 1955-56

Rees, Goronwy, 1953, 1955, 1958, 1962, 1981

Reeve, Mark, 1955, 1975

Regel, Thorsten, n.d.

Rehberg, Prof. P. Brandt, University of Copenhagen Zoophysical Laboratory A, 1962

Reichenbach, Dr Hans, 1951-52

Reichenbach, Herman, 1971

Reinhardt, Dr William O., University of California, San Francisco, Medical Center, 1959

Reiss, Dr Max, Barrow Hospital, Bristol, 1953

Remez, HE Aharon, Israeli Ambassador to London, 1965

Remembering for the Future, 1988

Remington Rand Ltd, 1965

Renal Association*, 1950-52

Rensch, Prof. B., International Union of Biological Sciences, 1962

Renwick, Sir Robert, President, Radar & Electronics Association, 1963

Research Defence Society, 1958, 1983

Research Institute for Consumer Affairs (RICA, Peter Sand), 1986-87

Rexed, Prof. Bror, Karolinska Medico-Surgical Institute, Stockholm, 1949-1951

Reyfeld, Leonard Charles, 1982

Reynolds, Clifton , 1965

Reynolds, H.P.J., 1959

Reynolds, Michael, 1981

Reynolds, Prof. Samuel R.M., 1939, 1949-1950, 1958-59

Rhinelander Stewart, Mrs W., 1964

Richards, Dr E.J., Vice-Chancellor, Loughborough University, 1974

Richards, Prof. O.W., Imperial College, 1962

Richards, Rex, Vice-Chancellor, Oxford University, 1980

Richardson, General Sir Charles, and Lady Richardson (Penelope), 1967,1971, 1989-1991

Richardson, Gordon, 1965, 1983

Richardson, Lord (Sir John Richardson), 1968-69, 1973-74, 1979

Richardson, K.E., Council for a University of Coventry, 1954

Richardson, Sir Ralph, 1967

Richmond, Dr Chester R., University of California Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, 1974

Richter, Dr Curt P., 1951, 1955, 1957, 1980

Richtiger, Mrs Joyce, Joint Palestine Appeal, 1956

Rickover, Admiral Hyman G., USN, 1963-1987

Rideal, Sir Eric, Imperial College, 1958

Rienits, Dr Keith Guenther, 1947-49, 1952-53, 1955

Rigby, Dr Peter, 1964

Riley, Dr Ralph, Secretary, Agricultural Research Council, 1981

Rimmer, Rhona, 1988

Riopelle, Dr Arthur J., Tulane University, Delta Regional Primate Research Center, 1964

Ripper, Dr W.E., 1958

Rippon, Geoffrey, MP, 1964

Risse, Ernest, artist, 1960-67, 1971, 1974, 1984-86

Ritchie-Calder, Lord (Peter Ritchie Calder), and Lady Ritchie-Calder, 1947-1953, 1965-66, 1969, 1974, 1976-77, 1982 see also Calder, Nigel

Riter, Hans, 1973

Robb Smith, Prof. A.H.T., Radcliffe Infirmary, 1947, 1949

Robbins, Lord (Lionel Robbins), London School of Economics, 1971-72

Roberts, Prof. Ben C., London School of Economics, 1974

Roberts, David L., 1946, 1960-62, 1982

Roberts, Dr J.A. Fraser, Clinical Genetics Research Unit, Hospital for Sick Children, Great Ormond Street, 1963-64

Roberts, John W. , 1963

Roberts, Prof. Lewis E.J., 1985, 1990-91

Robertson, A.F., Natural History Museum Publications Dept, 1978

Robertson, G.F., RGM Associates, 1975

Robertson, Prof. G. Gordon, University of Tennessee Medical Units, 1962

Robinson, Dr F.A., 1961, 1967, 1974

Robinson, Dr J.T., Transvaal Museum, 1951-53, 1957-58

Robinson, Joan, 1982

Robinson, Julian Perry, Sussex University Science Policy Research Unit, 1975

Robinson, Sir Robert, 1951, 1975

Robinson-Duff, Barbara (Mrs J. Robinson-Duff), 1961

Robson, Prof. J.M., 1940, 1957-58

Rockefeller University, New York (Miss L.T. Woerner), 1971

Rockwell, Theodore, 1993

Roderick, Dr Hilliard, Sussex University Centre for Medical Research, 1982

Rodney, Prof. William, Royal Roads Military College, Victoria, Canada, 1990-91

Rogers, Douglas, University of East Anglia School of Mathematics and Physics, 1989

Rogers, Mrs J.H., NSPCC, 1965

Rogers, John, and Mrs Maria Rogers, 1946-1967, 1971

Rogers, Prof. Terence A., Stanford University Dept of Physiology, 1960

Roijen, HE Dr J.H. van, Netherlands Ambassador to London, 1965

Romanes, Prof. George J., Edinburgh University Dept of Anatomy, 1956

Rooker, Kingsley, British Embassy, Paris, 1950

Roos, B. Mathieu (Mrs Allan Roos), 1960, 1967

Roper, John, MP, 1980-81

Roper-Hall, M.J., 1960

Rose, Adrian, 1990

Rose, E.J.B. (Jim), 1963, 1972, 1974, 1991

Rose, Dr F. Clifford, 1979

Rose, G.K., 1954

Rose, Kenneth, 1973, 1975-1984, 1992-93

Rose, Dr Sam, Cambridge University Dept of Pharmacology, 1957

Rosen, Louis, Los Alamos National Laboratory, 1989

Rosenblith, Dr Walter, Provost, MIT, 1974-75, 1977, 1978-1980, 1984, 1988, 1991

Rosencranz, Dr Esther, University of California Institute of Experimental Biology, 1949

Rosenhead, Jonathan, London School of Economics, 1982, 1984, 1989

Rosenhead, Prof. L., Liverpool University Dept of Applied Mathematics, 1967

Rosenheim, Lord (Prof. Sir Max Rosenheim), University College Hospital, 1970, 1972

Rosenthal, Michael H., 1981

Rostow, Eugene V., Director, US Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, 1980-81

Rostow, Walt W., University of Texas, 1980

Rotact Club of Truro (Gillian James), 1980

Rotha, Paul, 1977-79, 1984

Rotherham, Dr L. (Larry) 1964, 1970, 1979, 1983-84, 1987,1989 see also series SZ/MMT and SZ/WF

Rothschild, Baroness Alix de, 1965

Rothschild, Edmund de, 1966-67, 1969-1970, 1974-75

Rothschild, Baron Elie de, 1951, 1956-57

Rothschild, Evelyn de, 1976, 1981-82

Rothschild, Baron Guy de, 1946-47, 1953, 1956, 1967

Rothschild, Mrs Ida, 1958

Rothschild, Jacob , 1963, 1971, 1985

Rothschild, Miriam see Lane, The Hon. Mrs John

Rothschild, Lord (Victor Rothschild), and Lady Rothschild (Tess), 1947-58, 1960-72, 1974-76, 1978-1982, 1984, 1986-87, 1989-1990, 1992 [includes CSA file with old reference C/12] see also Series SZ/ARC

Rounds, George L., The Boeing Company, 1962

Rous , Dr Francis Peyton, Rockefeller University, New York, 1966

Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd, 1970, 1988

Rowan, Sir Leslie, Ends of the Earth Club, 1965, 1967

Rowan, Dr William, University of Alberta Dept of Zoology, 1938, 1950

Rowe, Dorothy, 1985

Rowlands, Air Marshal John S., 1962, 1971

Rowse, A.L., 1981

Royal Academy of Arts, 1966, 1974-75, 1986

Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund, 1979, 1990

Royal Air Force Historical Society (Air Marshal Sir Frederick Sowrey), 1988

Royal Air Force Swanton Morley, 1974

Royal Air Forces Association, 1988

Royal Anthropological Institute*, 1935, 1950-1963, 1971-73, 1975-76

Royal Armouries, 1991

Royal Astronomical Society, 1991

Royal Bank of Scotland, 1975, 1977

Royal College of Physicians*, 1927, 1964, 1976, 1982-83, 1993

Royal College of Radiologists, 1978

Royal College of Surgeons*, 1940-42, 1945, 1947-49, 1953-1960, 1973-74

Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, 1981

Royal Institute of British Architects , 1982

Royal Institute of Chemistry, 1974-75

Royal Insurance, 1991

Royal Microscopical Society*, 1974

Royal National Lifeboat Institution (Libby Purves), 1983

Royal Navy Submarine Museum, and Submarine Memorial Museum Appeal*, 1978, 1980, 1983

Royal Philharmonic Orchestra (John Lowdell), 1971

Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow, 1975

Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA)*, 1969-1971, 1980

Royal Society of Arts, 1963, 1971, 1974, 1980, 1983-86

Royal Society of Medicine*, 1949-1952, 1975-76, 1978, 1981, 1983, 1988, 1990-91

Royal Society of Edinburgh, 1958

Royal Statistical Society, 1962

Royal United Services Institute*, 1979, 1981-83, 1985, 1993

Royal Veterinary College, 1982, 1989 see also Betts, Prof. A.O.

Royal Veterinary College Animal Care Trust*, 1982, 1984-85

Royal West Norfolk Golf Club*, 1958-1960

Ruain (?), H., 1930

Rubel, John H., and Mrs Robin Rubel, 1969, 1971-75, 1982-83, 1985-1992

Rubin, Alvin F., 1979

Rubin, Cynthia, Leeds University, 1975-76

Ruch, Prof. Theodore C., University of Washington Regional Primate Center, 1937, 1947-48, 1951, 1953-54, 1956, 1959-1960, 1962, 1966-67, 1971

Rugby School, 1959

Ruina, Prof. Jack P., and Mrs Ruina , 1978-1980, 1982, 1985, 1988, 1991

Ruskin, Frances R. (Mrs Simon L. Ruskin), 1959

Russell, Dr Audrey, 1936, 1938

Russell, Earl (Bertrand Russell), 1951-52

Russell, Charles, 1962

Russell, Prof. Dorothy, The London Hospital, 1951

Russell, Dr E., 1935

Russell, Dr Ian, n.d.

Russell, Sir John, 1952, 1962, 1966-67

Russell, Leonard, Sunday Times, 1965

Russell, Martin B.P., 1963-64, 1967-69, 1971-72, 1976-77, 1984-85

Russell, Raymond, 1964

Russell, Dr W.M.S. ('Bill'), 1951, 1955

Russell & Chapple Ltd, n.d. [consists of an envelope of small jute? textile samples]

Russo, Francesco, L' Espresso, Rome, 1965

Rust, Prof. John H., University of Chicago Dept of Pharmacology, 1960

Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (R.J.N. Phillips), 1982

Rutstein, Dr David D., Harvard University Medical School, 1972-76

Ryan, Mrs John Barry, 1969, 1979, 1987-1990

Ryle, Sir Martin, 1980


Sabater Pí, Jorge, Jardin de Aclimatación de Bindung, Spanish Guinea, 1958-1960, 1962, 1983

Sachs, Dr L, John Innes Horticultural Institution, 1952

Sadruddin Aga Khan, Prince, 1983, 1986-87

Sagan, Prof. Carl, Cornell University, 1984-85, 1989

Sagan, Prof. Scott D., Stanford University, 1989

Sagoo, Dial, 1965

Saha, Prof. A.K., 1962

Sainer, Leonard, 1979

St Aldwyn, Countess, 1988

St Andrews, George, Earl of, 1974-77, 1980, 1987, 1989-1992 Closed

St Andrews University, 1980-81, 1990

St John Ambulance Association, Docking Division, 1972

St Michael's Clinic, Addis Ababa (Mrs H.R. 'Blossom' Murray), 1966

St Paul's Girls' School, 1969

St Paul's School, 1980

Salam, Prof. Abdus, 1988

Salazar, Dr Edoardo Rossi, Rassegna, Milan, 1963

Salford University, 1981

Salisbury, Marquess of, 1957, 1979

Salisbury, Sir Edward, 1954

Sambursky, Prof. F., Research Council of Israel, 1952

Samuel, Viscount (Herbert Samuel), 1948

Samuel, Hon. Edwin ('Nebi', later Viscount Samuel), 1948, 1950, 1953, 1955, 1959, 1963

Samuel, Hon. Godfrey, and Mrs Nancy Samuel, 1948-49, 1963, 1977, 1983

Samuel, Hon. Peter, and Mrs Elizabeth Samuel, 1956, 1961, 1968

Samuels, Dr Jules, Institute for Short-wave Therapy, Amsterdam, 1938

Sanderson, W.A., Nuffield Foundation, 1957

Sanger, Frederick, Cambridge University Dept of Biochemistry, 1958

Sanyal, Dr S.N., Calcutta Bacteriological Institute, 1952, 1955, 1957, 1959

Sargent, Sir Malcolm, 1956-57, 1959, 1965, 1967

Sattler, Dr Dieter, Auswartiges Amt, Bonn, 1965

Saunders, Prof. John B. de C.M., University of California San Francisco Medical Center, 1955, 1965, 1967

Saunders, Prof. Richard L. de C.H., Dalhousie University Medical School, 1950, 1952, 1957

Sawin, Prof. Lewis, University of Colorado, 1981

Sawyer, Dr Charles H., 1958-59

Sawyer, Dr James L., University of Wisconsin Museum, 1973

Saxena, Dr R.C., University of Sangar Dept of Zoology, 1979

Sayers, Dr George, Western Reserve University School of Medicine, 1949, 1953-54, 1959, 1961

Scarman, Lord (Leslie Scarman), 1953, 1962-63, 1986, 1989-1992

Schaeberle, R.M. ('Bob'), Nabisco Brands Inc., and Mrs Schaeberle, 1985

Schapera, Prof. I., London School of Economics, 1964

Schapiro, Prof. Leonard, London School of Economics, 1975

Schapiro, Dr Shawn, Cedars of Lebanon Hospital, Los Angeles, Institute for Medical Research, 1956

Schardin, Prof. Hubert, 1965

Scharrer, Dr Ernst, 1953-55, 1960-61

Schenkman, Alfred S., 1951

Scher, Prof. Alan, University of Washington School of Medicine, 1987-88

Schizophrenia Association of Great Britain (Gwynneth P. Williams), 1989

Schleidt, Dr Wolfgang, Max Planck-Institut für Verhaltenphysiologie, 1962

Schlesinger, Arthur Jr, 1963

Schlesinger, Dr Benno, University of Vienna Anatomical Institute, 1971-72

Schlesinger, Rachel, 1973

Schmalenbach, Dr Werner, 1958

Schmidt, Helmut, 1987

Schofield, Vice-Admiral B.B., 1973

Schofield, Paul, artist, n.d.

Schon, Lord, 1980

Schonland, Dr Basil F.J., 1949, 1952, 1059, 1961

Schrader, Dr R., 1966, 1978

Schreiber, Gaby, 1964

Schrier, Allan M., Laboratory Primate Newsletter, 1964

Schultz, Prof. Adolph H., 1935, 1947, 1949, 1951-56, 1958, 1961-62

Schuster, Sir George, 1967, 1969, 1975

Schwab, Alice, Children and Youth Aliyah Committee for Great Britain, 1959

Schwartz, Bern, 1978-1980, 1983-85

Schwartz, Horace, 1971

Schwarz, Dr E., Natural History Museum, 1933

Schweppe, Sylvia , 1968

Schwidetzky, Georg, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Tier- und Ursprachenforschung, Leipzig, 1932

Schwinger, Prof., University of California, Los Angeles, Physics Dept, 1977

Science and Engineering Research Council, 1992

Science & Public Policy (Michael Brett-Crowther), 1981, 1983

Science and Technology Foundation of Japan, 1991

Science Museum, Haldane Centenary Meeting, 1992

Science Policy Foundation Ltd (Maurice Goldsmith), 1976, 1982, 1985

Scientific Foundations of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (Elliot E. Philipp), 1967

Scientist, The (Bernard Dixon), 1986

Scientists Against Nuclear Arms (SANA), Norwich Branch (Dr David Hart, University of East Anglia), 1983

Scitovsky, Prof. Tibor, Stanford University, 1989

SCOPE (Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment)*, 1983-88, 1990-91, 1993 see also Warner, Sir Frederick

Scothorne, Prof. R.J., 1966

Scott, HE Sir Ian, British Ambassador to Norway, 1968

Scott, Dr J.H., Queens University, Belfast Dept of Anatomy, 1962

Scott, Sir Peter, Lady Scott, and The Wildfowl Trust, 1969, 1972-75, 1979-1980

Scott, Peter, 1990

Scott, Sir Robert , 1982

Scremin, Dr Luigi, University of Siena Dept of Pharmacology, 1957

Scrimshaw, Prof. Nevin, MIT Dept of Nutrition and Food Science, 1974-78

Scullion, Thomas H., 1984, 1992

Seaborg, Prof. Glenn T., 1966, 1970-71, 1982, 1984-88

Searle Research & Development (B.M. Richards), 1985

Seddon, David, 1963

Seear, Baroness (Nancy Seear), 1982, 1989, 1992

Segal, Ronald N., Africa South, 1960

Segal, Dr Sheldon J., The Population Council Inc., 1958-59, 1963

Segell, Glen, 1991

Seitz, Frederick, 1962, 1969-71, 1988

Sekers, Sir Nicholas, 1967

Sellors, Sir Thomas Holmes, 1969

Selye, Prof. Hans, Montreal University, 1947-48

Selznick, Irene Mayer, 1959

Sensini, Roland, 1975

Senter, Terence A., 1973

Senyurek, Prof. Muzaffer, Ankara University, 1956

Sethna, Dr H.N., Director, Atomic Energy Establishment, Trombay, 1966, 1972

Seward, Dr R.J., University of Penang Dept of Physics and Mathematics, 1972

Shackleton, Lord, 1970-72, 1977, 1989

Shacksnovis, Advocate Arthur, Johannesburg, 1947

Shal, Z.W., Libris Bookbinding, 1964-65

Shannon, Earl of, Wool Industries Research Association (WIRA), 1978

Shapiro, Dr Harry L., American Museum of Natural History, New York, 1953, 1955-56

Shapiro, Dr I.A., Birmingham University Shakespeare Institute, 1981

Sharma, Devendra, 1982

Sharma, Dhirendra, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, Centre for Studies in Science Policy, 1985

Sharon, Dr Henry H., The Jewish Agency, 1966

Shaw, Alastair, Financial i Limited, 1988

Shaw, Dr Ian J., n.d.

Shaw, Irwin, 1958-59

Shawcross, Lord (Hartley Shawcross), and Lady Shawcross, 1964, 1966, 1968

Shearer, Tom, Dept of the Environment, 1980

Sheba, Dr Chaim, Government Hospital, Tel-HaShomer, 1958-59, 1961-62, 1964

Sheehan, Dr Donal, Bellevue Medical Center of New York, 1948-49, 1953-55

Sheffield City Art Galleries, 1982

Sheffield University (Dr John Padley), 1984

Shelesnyak, Prof. Moses Chaim ('Shelley'), 1954, 1956-1963, 1965-1972, 1978 see also International Program for Population Analysis

Shelley, Frank, Green Leys Nursery, Bishampton, 1958

Shelton, W.J., 1987

Shephard, Ben, 1990

Shephard, Prof. Ronald W., Royal Military College of Science, Shrivenham, 1979, 1981, 1989

Shepherd, Charles F., 1969

Shepherd, Rob, 1987

Sherfield, Lord (Roger Makins), 1962-63, 1981, 1986

Sheridan, Jenny, 1978

Shils, Prof. Edward, University of Chicago, 1971, 1973

Shimbori, Prof. Michiya, Hiroshima University Research Institute for Higher Education, 1966

Shindler, Mrs Alfred, 1993

Shinton, Dr N.K., Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham, Blood Group, 1963

Sholl, Dr Donald, University College London Dept of Anatomy, 1951, 1955-56

Shoppee, Prof. C.W., 1948, 1950, 1955

Short, Prof. Roger V., 1965, 1967, 1974, 1977, 1979, 1981-83, 1987, 1990, 1992

Shortt, Ellis, Ellis & Co. (Birmingham) Ltd, 1958, 1963-66

Short, Ivan, JP, Ellis & Co. (Birmingham) Ltd, 1956-1963

Shotton, Prof. Frederick W., Birmingham University Dept of Geology, 1976

Shubik, Dr Philippe, Chicago Medical School, 1950

Shuckburgh, Lady, 1968

Shulman, Dr Y., Birmingham Accident Hospital, 1956

Shute, Dr Charles C.D., Cambridge University Anatomy School, 1957

Sibley, Dr Willis E., University of Chicago Dept of Anthropology, 1956

Sichel, Peter, 1973, 1976, 1978-1987, 1992

Sieff, Lord, of Brimpton (Israel Sieff), 1953-59, 1961, 1965-66

Sieff, Sir Marcus J., 1957-58, 1962, 1972

Sieghart, Paul, Sieghart, Carmichael & Foster, 1971

Siemerling, Rubert, 1991

Sika Productions Limited (Dr Borko Markovic), 1986

Sikwese, Felix McDermott, 1992

Silberman, Dr Lee, Balliol College, Oxford, 1954, 1960

Simmonds, R.C., 1959

Simms, D.L., Nuffield College, Oxford, 1969

Simon and Schuster, Inc., Publishers, 1956

Simonds, Guy, 1966

Simpson, Dr G. Gaylord, American Museum of Natural History, New York, 1947-49, 1954, 1967

Simpson, Dr S. Leonard, 1963-64

Simpson, Dr S. Levy, 1937-38

Simpson, Dr Miriam R., University of California Institute of Experimental Biology, 1953-55

Sims, E.A. (Ernie), 1965

Sinai Synagogue Soviet Jewry Action Group (Mrs Helen Ross), 1981

Sinclair, Prof. David, 1955-56, 1958, 1961, 1965

Sinclair, Dr Hugh M., 1964-1970, 1976, 1979-1980, 1983-85, 1989

Sinclair, Nick, photographer, 1991

Singer, Prof. Charles, 1947, 1949-1950, 1953-54

Singer, Prof. Ronald, 1955-56, 1958, 1963

Sinha, Prof. T.P., P.W. Medical College, Patna, 1957

Skin Disease Research Fund*, 1974, 1976, 1979-1982, 1990

Skinner, Mrs Pat, 1980

Skinner's Company (J.R. Batchelor, Master), 1985

Skolnikoff, Dr Eugene R., MIT Center for International Studies, 1976, 1978-79

Skyviews & General Ltd (D.J. Bell), 1981

Slade, Dr R.E., ICI Limited, 1936

Slesser, Dr Malcolm, University of Strathclyde Energy Studies Unit, 1979, 1983

Sloper, Dr J.C., Charing Cross Hospital Medical School, 1958, 1960

Small, J.M., Midland Centre for Neurosurgery and Neurology, 1964

Small, Robert L., 1991

Smallwood, Dr W.C., 1964

Smart, T.F.M., Ciba Limited, 1938

Smart, Richard, Reform Club, 1986

Smit, Dr Rijno, 1946-48, 1959

Smith, A.H.M., 1947

Smith, A.W., 1992

Smith, Dr Alan, 1977, 1980, 1982

Smith, Dr Audrey U., National Institute for Medical Research, 1952-53, 1955

Smith, Dr C.E. Gordon, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, 1971, 1974, 1976

Smith, Chata Robinson, 1989

Smith, Colin, 1970

Smith, Dr Derek, 1978-79

Smith George V., Free Hospital for Women, Brookline, Mass., 1937

Smith, Gerard C., 1965, 1971, 1974, 1980, 1986-1991, 1993

Smith, Gordon S., 1966

Smith, Prof. Harry, Birmingham University Dept of Microbiology, 1980, 1986

Smith, Dr J.E., 1968

Smith, Kline & French Laboratories Limited (Mrs M.G. Clarke), 1969

Smyth, W. Jameson, Bournemouth Hydro, 1930

Snape Maltings Foundation see Aldeburgh Festival

Sneath, Dr P.H.A., Leicester University, MRC Microbial Systematics Research Unit, 1966

Snell, Dr R.S., King's College London, 1958

Snell, Stephen, n.d.

Snyder, Dr Ben, 1972-73

Soames, Lord, and Lady Soames (Christopher and Mary Soames), 1960, 1962, 1964, 1966, 1978-79, 1987-88, 1992-93

Sobell, Sir Michael, 1969-1970, 1972, 1974, 1979, 1981, 1984, 1992

Social Science Research Council, 1972, 1974, 1977-78

Societé d'Endocrinologie*, 1949, 1951

Society for Biological Rhythm, 1960-63

Society for Experimental Biology*, 1942, 1945-1963, 1968, 1985

Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings (Jeremy Benson), 1975

Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel *, 1986-87

Society for the Study of Comparative Fertility*, 1950, 1952

Society for the Study of Human Biology (Prof. J.S. Weiner), 1970

Society for Visiting Scientists*, 1944-1954 see also series SZ/BAAS and SZ/TQ

Society of Authors*, 1961-62, 1964-65, 1971, 1979

Society of the Chemistry Industry (H.W. Houghton, Cadbury-Schweppes), 1978

Society of Industrial Artists and Designers, 1964-65

Society of Johrei (Ichiro Nakamura), 1987

Society of Underwater Technology (Dr Wyndham Davies), 1966

Sokhey, Maj. General Sir Sahib Singh, Indian Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, 1965

Solandt, Dr Omond M., 1971, 1982

Soldiers', Sailors' and Airmen's Families Association, Norfolk, 1988

Solly, Peter, 1964

Solomons, Dr Bethel, Mosse Research Trust, 1960

Soloner, Glenn E., 1983

Somerville, Mary, BBC Talks Division, 1949

Sonnenberg, Benjamin, 1960

Sophian, John, 1950

Soriano, Dr Victor, International Journal of Neurology, 1960-61, 1963

Sotheby's, 1976-77, 1982, 1987, 1989, 1991-92

Souren?, Jacques, 1991

Souter-Robertson, Joan (Mme Joan Cocheme), 1992-93

South (Judith Vidal-Hall), n.d.

South Africa Club, 1982

South Africa International Quarterly (Solly Press), 1975-76

South African Broadcasting Corporation, English Service (Gladys Dickson), 1959

South African College High School (G.M. Law), 1992

South African College School Foundation (C.F. Luyt), 1964

South Staffordshire Medical Centre (J.F. Rickards), 1967

Southall, A.F., Midland Opera Festival, 1967

Southampton University Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science (Prof. Ken R.C. Bray), 1978

Southern, Dr H., Oxford University Bureau of Animal Population, 1957

Southwick, Dr Charles H., Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene and Public Health, 1962-63

Southwood, Prof. T.R.E., Oxford University Dept of Zoology, 1982

Southworth, Dr Hamilton, 1947

Spanish Embassy, London, 1988-1990

Sparklets Ltd, 1977

Sparks, Dr John, BBC Natural History Unit, 1981

Spearman, Sir Alexander, and Lady (Diana) Spearman, 1966, 1976-77, 1982

Spectator, 1977-78, 1988-1990

Spence, Sir James, 1952

Spence, T.F. (Tom), 1968, 1973, 1980, 1982, 1987, 1991-2

Spencer, Charles S., Menorah, 1963

Spencer, Frank, US National Museum of Natural History, 1977-76

Spencer, Prof. T.J.B., Birmingham University Dept of English, 1964

Spies, Dr Harold G., Oregon Regional Primate Research Center, 1985

Spikes, Pamela (formerly Pamela Warwick), 1986, 1990-91

Spinardi, Graham, Edinburgh University Dept of Sociology, 1991

Spiro, Robert H., President, Jacksonville University, 1973

Spiro, Sidney, 1973-74

Spivack, Morris Redman, 1965, 1989

Squires, H.C., 1959

Stafford, The (David C. Ward), 1990

Stainmore [Cumbria] Appeal (H.R.M. Charlesworth), n.d.

Stamler, David M., Carmel College, Hungerford, 1966

Stannard, A.J., 1983

Stansfield, R.G., Operational Research Society, 1981-82

Stapleton, Group Capt. Derek C., 1960

Starck, Prof. D., International Primatalogical Society, 1966

Stark, Dr Bernard , 1956

Starkie, D.N.M., Reading University Dept of Geography, 1973

Starling, G.E., Farm Management Association, 1965

Steacie, Mrs Dorothy, n.d.

Steedman, Dr H.F., Bath University School of Biological Sciences, 1967

Steele, G.H., 1973

Stein, Sylvester, 1985

Steinberg, Jack, and Mrs Steinberg, 1968, 1980

Steinberger, Dr Emil, Albert Einstein Medical Center, Philadelphia, 1962

Stern, Dr Marvin, 1981

Stevens, Sir Roger, Vice-Chancellor, Leeds University, 1964

Stevenson, Prof. A.C., Queens University of Belfast Institute of Clinical Science 1957

Stevenson, Adlai, 1963

Stewart, J.S.S., Royal Infirmary, Dundee, 1960

Stewart, Sir Michael, Olympia Prize, 1985

Stewart, Prof. W.A.C., University College of North Staffordshire, 1960

Stewart, Group Capt. W.K., RAF Institute of Aviation Medicine, 1950, 1955

Stewart, Wendy, 1960

Stewart-Liberty, O.J., Liberty's, 1992

Stiles, Prof. Walter, 1956

Stirling, Sir David, 1974, 1977, 1990

Stirling, William, 1968

Stone, Dr Shepard, Ford Foundation, 1962, 1965

Stoy, Prof. P.J., Queens University, Belfast Faculty of Medicine, 1955

Strachey, Mrs Esther (Esther Murphy), 1934

Strachey, John, MP, 1962

Stradling, Sir Reginald, 1946

Straight, Lady Daphne, and Whitney Straight, 1962, 1965-66, 1968, 1974, 1981, 1983, 1992

Strangeways, Gordon R., Rolls Royce Ltd, 1962

Strath, Sir William, British Aluminium Company Limited, 1962

Stratton, Julius Adams, n.d.

Straus, Prof. William L. Jr, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, 1933, 1937, 1948-1957, 1959-1960, 1962-1964

Strauss, Rear Admiral Elliott, 1972

Street, Philip, 1956

Strong, Maurice F., Only One Earth René Dubos Center, 1986-87

Stroup, Prof. Timothy, 1984

Strub, Mrs Clare, St George's English School, Rome, Development Fund, 1967

Stuart, Charles, Christ Church, Oxford, 1957

Stucky, Joseph, 1972

Studholme, R.H., Sheriff of the Central Criminal Court, 1961

Sudermann, Ann E., Cooley-Dickinson Hospital, Northampton, Mass., 1936

Suid, Dr Lawrence, 1987

Sullivan, Mrs P., 1983

Summers, Dorothy, 1973

Sumpton, Julia E. , 1990

Sunday Telegraph Magazine (Catherine Bennett), 1982

Sunley, D.J., St Paul's School, 1982

Surrey University (Dr Roy Douglas), 1982

Sutcliffe, Dr Antony J., Natural History Museum, 1969, 1972-74

Suter, Dr Keith, 1984-86

Sutherland, Sir Gordon, Emmanuel College, Cambridge, 1964, 1967

Sutherland, Prof. Stewart R., Principal, King's College London, 1985

Suzman, Arthur, 1978

Swain, Dr Tony, 1966, 1973, 1975

Swann, Prof. Sir Michael, Edinburgh University Dept of Zoology, 1952, 1965-66

Swedenborg Tricentennary Committee (Hannah L. Shugar), 1988

Swenson, Melvin J., Iowa State University College of Veterinary Science, 1962

Swiss Embassy, London, 1993

Swyer, Dr Gerald I.M., 1941-42, 1948, 1950, 1963

Sykes, Christopher, and Mrs Sykes, 1950, 1952-53, 1955, 1959-1960, 1965, 1975-76

Symmers, Dr William St. C., 1982

Symonds Club (Brunsdon Yapp), 1972

Symons, Dr Donald, University of California, Santa Barbara, Dept of Anthropology, 1980-81

Synge, Ann (Mrs Richard Synge), Norwich and District Peace Council, 1980

Systematics Association (Prof. M.R. House), 1979

Systems Publications Limited (D.E. Rodrigues), 1978

Szarski, Prof. Henryk, Jagellonian University, Krakow, Dept of Comparative Anatomy, 1974


Tainsh, A. Ramsay, 1965

Takewaki, Prof. Kiyoshi, University of Tokyo Zoological Institute, 1960-61

Tanner, Dr J.M., 1955, 1961, 1966

Tansley, Sir Arthur G., and Lady Tansley, 1934, 1969

Tansley, Dr Ka (Mrs Lythgoe), 1948, 1950, 1968, 1971

Tappen, Prof. Neil C., Emory University Dept of Anatomy, 1956

Tarkowski, Z.M.T., 1962, 1966

Tate Gallery, 1988

Tavistock, Marquess of (Robin Russell), 1974

Tax, Dr Sol, Current Anthropology, 1961

Tayeau, Prof. F., University of Bordeaux Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacology, 1957

Taylor, Lord (Stephen Taylor), 1961, 1979

Taylor, Dr A. Brian, United Birmingham Hospitals, 1954, 1959, 1963, 1966

Taylor, A. Nelson, 1972, 1977

Taylor, Charles W.S., Ciba, 1950-52, 1959

Taylor, Frank, n.d.

Taylor, Sir James, 1967

Taylor, Dr Stanley H., 1958, 1962-63, 1966

Taylor, W.H., 1947

Taylor & Francis Ltd, Publishers, 1982

Taylorson, John, John Taylorson Associates, 1989-1990

Technician Education Council (F.G. Hanrott), 1980

Technion (Israel Institute of Technology), 1959, 1981, 1983, 1985, 1987

Tedder, Marshal of the Royal Air Force Lord (Arthur Tedder), and Lady Tedder ('Toppy'), 1948-1953, 1958, 1960-61, 1964-67 see also Malcolm Clubs

Tedder, Lord (Prof. John Tedder), 1947-48, 1950-53, 1956, 1964, 1973-75, 1980, 1984-85, 1989

Tedder, Lord (Richard Tedder), 1964

Tedder, Mina, 1952

Teitelbaum, Matthew, 1981

Temkin, Dr Lionel, Liverpool Jewish Medical Society, 1956

Temple-Fielder, Peter, and Patricia Temple-Fielder, 1985, 1990

Templer, Field-Marshal Sir Gerald, 1962, 1965-66

Tenovus Institute for Cancer Research (Prof. Keith Griffiths), 1988

Tennant, Capt. Iain M., 1966

Terrace, Prof. H. S., Columbia University, 1991

Terrill, Dr C.E., University of Missouri College of Agriculture, 1934

Tetrapods Club*, 1937, 1949-1955

Theatre Royal, Bury St Edmunds (St Edmundsbury Theatre Royal Trust), 1962, 1967, 1973 see also Wilson, Angus

Theatre Royal, Norwich, 1990's Development Appeal, 1989-1992

Thiersch, Prof. John B., University of Washington Dept of Pharmacology, 1956

Third World Prize (Azim Husain), 1984

Thirlaway, Dr H.I.S. ('Hal'), 1984, 1986

Thoburn, Dr R., 1971

Thomas, Lord, of Swinnerton (Hugh Thomas), 1987

Thomas, Dr G.M., University of Kent, 1971

Thomas, Prof. H. Orishejolomi, University of Lagos Medical School, 1963-64

Thomas, Dr Herbert H., American Society for the Study of Sterility, 1960

Thomas, Dr I.D., University of East Anglia School of Development Studies, 1991

Thomas, Dr Lewis, Commonwealth Fund Book Program, 1987

Thomas, Dr T.K., St George's Mission Hospital, Kerala, 1961-62

Thompson, Harry V., 1980

Thompson, Sir Michael, Vice-Chancellor, Birmingham University, 1993 see also Series SZ/UEA

Thomsen, Dr Ellen, Kgl. Veterinaer- og Landbohojskole, Copenhagen, 1954

Thomson, Sir George, 1962-63

Thomson, John A., 1963, 1986

Thomson, Sir (Arthur) Landsborough, 1964, 1975, 1977

Thomson of Fleet, Lord (Roy Thomson), 1964

Thorborg, Dr Jens Vilhelm, Danish State Serum Institute, Copenhagen, 1949

Thorn, Dr George W., Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, 1938

Thorn, Sir Jules, 1967, 1972-73

Thorneycroft, Lord (Peter Thorneycroft), 1967, 1971

Thorpe, Jeremy, MP, and Mrs Marion Thorpe, 1963, 1978 see also Aldeburgh Festival

Thorpe, Dr William H., Cambridge University Dept of Zoology, 1953, 1965

Thorpe Grammar School, Norwich (F.P. Ball), 1969

Thorpe Hall, Norwich, Campaign (Margaret Sawbridge), 1975

Thoulouze, Gen. André, Société Nationale Industrielle Aérospatiale, 1972, 1976

Thring, Prof. M.W., University of Sheffield Dept of Fuel Technology, 1960

Thrombosis Research Trust*, 1985-87, 1989-1990, 1992

Thursfield, Patrick, n.d.

Tibet, Office of, London (Tsewang Topgal), 1989

Tibet Society for the United Kingdom, 1964

Tickell, Sir Crispin, 1976-77, 1979-1982, 1987-1990, 1992-93

Till, Dr Winifred M., 1961

Tilley, Trevor C., 1977

Time and Tide, 1985

Time-Life Books, 1979

Time-Life International (Murray J. Gart), 1965

Times, 1973

Times Books (Steve Wasserman), 1990

Times Educational Supplement, 1979

Times Higher Education Supplement, 1976

Times Literary Supplement (Arthur Crook), 1970

Times Newspapers Limited*, 1971

Tinbergen, Dr N., Oxford UniversityDept of Zoology, 1952-53, 1962, 1966

Tippett, Dr Maria, 1992

Titmuss, Richard M., 1950

Tizard, Dr J.P.M. (Peter), 1951, 1959, 1961, 1965

Tobias, Prof. Philip V., University of the Witwatersrand Medical School, 1952-53, 1961, 1964, 1973

Tobias, Prof. S.A., Birmingham University Dept of Mechanical Engineering, 1965

Toc H, Lindley Branch (Maurice Greenhough), n.d.

Todd, Lord, of Trumpington (Prof. Alexander Todd), and Lady Todd, 1962, 1964-66, 1968, 1970, 1976, 1980, 1983, 1985-88 see also Series SZ/ACSP

Toenissteiner Kreis (B. Atenstaedt), 1972

Tolnay, Charles de, 1961-62

Tomilin, M.I., University of Puerto Rico School of Tropical Medicine, 1939

Tonbridge School (Dr Anthony Seldon), 1990

Toothill, Sir John, 1974

Towers, Dr Bernard, 1957

Townes, Dr Charles, University of California, Berkeley, Dept of Physics, 1985

Townshend, Marquess of, 1966, 1970

Toynter, Mrs Nelson, 1960

Transkeian Government, Dept of Health (Dr Arbuckle), 1976

Transport Trust (Hon. William Mc Alpine), 1980

Transvaal Museum (Mrs F. van Niekerk), 1970

Tree, Ronald, 1958, 1979

Trenchard, 2nd Viscount ('Tom'), 1985

Trend, Lord (Burke Trend), and Lady Trend , 1971, 1978, 1980-82, 1987

Trend, Patrick, 1973, 1976

Trevelyan, Sir Humphrey, and Lady Trevelyan, 1963, 1973

Trevelyan?, R?, 1987

Trevor, Dr J.C., Cambridge University Museum of Archaeology & Ethnology, 1947, 1950-56, 1959, 1962, 1966

Trevor-Roper, Prof. Hugh R. (later Lord Dacre), 1951, 1955-57, 1959, 1977, 1979, 1981, 1984

Trigon Press (International Directory of Book Collectors), 1978

Tronchin-James, Dr Nevil, 1966-67

Truelle, General Jean, Association pour le Perfectionnement Pratique des Cadres des Entreprises Industrielles, 1969, 1974

Trueman, Dr A.E., 1951

Tryon Gallery (Maj. B.D.M. Booth), 1987

Tsang, Yu-Chu'an, Peking Medical College, 1962

Tsipis, Prof. Kosta, MIT Dept of Physics, 1983-84

Tuchmann-Duplessis, Prof. H., University of Paris Faculty of Medicine, 1955-56, 1957, 1959

Tucker, Anthony, 1984, 1986

Tucker, Keith, 1991

Turner, Amédée, MEP, 1985

Turner, Lindsay, Edinburgh University Club of London, 1962

Turot, Paul, and Mme Flory Turot, 1962, 1965, 1971-72

Tuzo, General Sir Harry, 1981, 1983, 1986, 1989

Twentieth Century Fund (Marcia Bystryn), 1985

Twiss, Rear Admiral Frank R., Royal Navy Club, 1961

Tyler, Prof. Albert, Caltech Division of Biology, 1965

Tyler, Edward, 1959


Ukolova, Dr M.A., RI Institute, 1974

Ulfelder, Dr Howard, Harvard Medical School, 1975

Ullman, Prof. Richard H., Princeton University, 1988

Ulyatt, Michael R., 1989-1992

Underwood, Dr E. Ashworth, British Society for the History of Science, 1959

Ungar, Dr Georges, 1947-49, 1952-53, 1958 see also Series SZ/OEMU

Unilever Research (D.L. Georgala), 1985

Union of Concerned Scientists (Jane Seegal), 1985

USSR, Embassy of, London, 1973, 1976, 1980-81

USSR-UK Editors' Conference, Dinner in Honour of the Newspaper Press of the USSR*, 1967

UK Council for Overseas Student Affairs (Philip Mason), 1981

UK (Refugee) Committee for the Prime Minister of India's National Relief Appeal (Marie Seton), 1971

United Kingdom Nirex Limited, 1987-88

United States Atomic Energy Commission (Dr H.D. Bruner), 1974

United States Embassy, London, 1972, 1982

United States Information Service, London, 1972

United States Postmaster General, 1987-88

Universal Knowledge Foundation (W.W. Farmer), 1963

Universities Federation for Animal Welfare*, 1947-1963

University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, Dept of Education (J.R. Morrison), 1966

University of Miami Center for Theoretical Studies see Global Foundation

University of Wales Institute of Science and Technology (Prof. J. Michael Matty), 1980

Unwin, Philip, George Allen & Unwin Ltd, 1964

Unwin, Rayner, George Allen & Unwin Ltd, 1968

Usmani, Dr I.H., 1971

Uvarov, Sir Boris, Ministry of Overseas Development Anti-Locust Research Centre, 1965

Uys, Tessa, 1978, 1985


Vagtborg, Harold, Southwest Foundation for Research and Education, San Antonio, Texas, 1965, 1967

Valesio, Avv. Edgardo, 1954

Vallois, Dr H.V., Musée de L'Homme, Paris, 1956

Van de Kamer, Prof. J.C., University of Utrecht Dept of General Zoology, 1963

Van den Bergh, J.P. (Jimmy), Unilever, 1956

Van den Berghs Limited (F.B. Kitchen), 1966

Van Dyke, Prof. H.B., Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, 1950

Van Eck, Dr Gertrude J., Yale University Dept of Anatomy, 1955

Van Nostrand Reinhold Co. Ltd, 1973

Van Wagenen, Dr Gertrude ('Van'), 1932-33, 1936, 1946-47, 1949-1967, 1970-71, 1975, 1977-78

Vaughan, H.R.H., 1973

Vaughan, Dame Janet, 1948, 1952-53, 1956, 1966, 1979

Velardo, Dr Joseph Thomas, New York Medical College, 1961

Velikhov, Academician E., USSR Academy of Sciences, 1985, 1987

Velo, Dr Joseph, 1967

Venables, Sir Peter, 1963,1966

Venice in Peril Fund, 1972, 1984, 1990-91

Venning, Dr Geoffrey R., G.D. Searle & Co. Ltd, 1959-1960

Verakis, Mrs M.B.L., 1983

Verco, Walter J., Norroy and Ulster King of Arms, 1977

Vere Harvey, Sir Arthur, MP, 1969

Verney, Prof. E.B., Cambridge University Dept of Pharmacology, 1949-1950, 1957

Vernon, Lord, 1950, 1971-72, 1988

Vernon, Sir Norman, Spillers Ltd, 1948

Verrier, Anthony, 1966

Vickers, Dr H.M., 1938

Vidal-Hall, Angèle Marjorie, 1946-1962, 1964-65, 1968, 1971, 1973, 1989-1992 see also Rapkine, Louis Rapkine Association and Series SZ/OEMU

Vilches, Dr A.M., E.R. Squibb & Sons, 1955

Vincent, Dr Diana, Birmingham University Dept of Anatomy, 1966-1970, 1973

Vine-Lott, G. Trevor, Commonwealth Islands Expedition, 1965

Vintage Dinner, 1970-73

Viot, HE -, French Ambassador to London, 1986

Voegelin, C.F., Museum of Northern Arizona, 1956

Vogel, Dr David E., Director, Lovelace-Bataan Health Program, 1974 see also Series SZ/LF

Vogel, Peter, 1986

Vogel, Ruth, Yale School of Medicine, 1934

Vogt, Dr Marthe, ARC Institute of Animal Physiology, Babraham, 1973

Vogt, William, 1962

Voice and Vision Ltd (Gerard Noel), 1964

Vollman, Dr Rudolf, US National Institute of Health, 1984

Vollrath, Dr Lutz, University of Würzburg Anatomical Institute, 1965

Vollum, Dr Howard, Tektronix Inc. , 1962, 1965

Voluntary Euthanasia Society, 1990

Voute, Prof. C., International Institute for Aerial Survey and Earth Sciences, Enschede, 1985

Vowles, Charles, 1982-83

Vries, Dr A.B. de, Director, Royal Picture Gallery and Netherlands Institute for the History of Art, 1953

Vuckovic, Jovica, and Mrs Vera Vuckovic, Jovica Vuckovic Museum of Autographs, 1973, 1980

Vyvyan, Col. Charles, 1986-87


Waddington, Prof. C.H., and Justin Waddington, 1936, 1946-1950, 1952-53, 1955, 1958-1963, 1975, 1977

Waddington, Victor, 1970

Waddington Galleries, 1962, 1973

Waddingtons Videomaster, 1985

Wade, Dr Alan H., Hahnemann Medical Homeopathy, 1983

Wade, Prof. O. L., Birmingham University Medical School, 1983

Wadsworth, Bob, n.d.

Wadsworth, Dr W.V., 1973

Wajda, Prof. Stanislaw Henry, 1946-1955

Wakeley, Sir Cecil, Imperial Cancer Research Fund, 1965

Wakelin, Dr James H., US Assistant Secretary of the Navy, 1961, 1963

Walbrecht, Col. Donald W., USAF, 1992-93

Waldegrave, William, MP, 1989

Waley, Sir David ('Sigi'), 1957

Waley Cohen, Sir Bernard, 1961

Walker, Air Marshal Sir Augustus, 1963, 1965

Walker, Kenneth, 1932

Walker, Peter, MP, 1980

Wall Street Journal (John J. Fialka), 1986

Wallace, Charlotte (formerly Charlotte Williams-Ellis), 1948

Wallace, D.B., Cambridge University School of Agriculture, 1959

Wallace, Dr H.J., 1930, 1954

Wallace, T.B., Smith, Kline and French Laboratories, 1951

Wallich, Prof. Henry C., 1971, 1974, 1984-85

Wallman, Joel, 1991-93

Walls, Prof. E.W., Middlesex Hospital Medical School, 1953, 1955-56, 1960, 1964-65

Walpole, Lord, 1976

Walpole-Day, A.J., Birmingham Dental Hospital, 1964

Walshe, Sir Francis, 1960

Walston, Lord (Harry Walston), 1952, 1958-1961, 1965

Walters, Gerald, The Technologist, 1964

Walton, Matthew, 1967

Walton, William (Bill), 1968, 1970, 1974, 1977, 1981-82, 1988-1990, 1992-93

Walton, Sir William, and Lady Walton, 1948, 1950-51, 1953-54, 1957, 1966, 1970, 1973-77, 1982-83, 1988

Wand, Dr O.R., 1958

Wansbrough-Jones, Sir Owen, 1959, 1974, 1982

Warburg, Frederick J., Martin Secker & Warburg Limited, Publishers, 1969-1970, 1973

Ward, E. Peter, Proplan (Product Planning Limited), 1966

Ward Daw, J., British Society for International Health Education, 1961

Waring, Prof. Harry, University of Western Australia Zoology Dept, 1956

Warner, Sir Frederick, 1974, 1977-78, 1980, 1989-1991 see also SCOPE

Warnes, Dr A.M. (Tony), 1991

Warren, Dr Peter, 1976-77, 1984

1944 Warsaw Air Bridge Memorial (Jim Auton), 1989

Warwick, Prof. Roger, Guy's Hospital Medical School, 1955-56, 1965, 1985

Washburn, Dr Sherwood L., 1949, 1954-55, 1961, 1974

Washington Park Zoo (Gene E. Leo), 1987

Washington Post (Robert Kaiser), 1985

Water Research Association (Dr R.G. Allen), 1973

Water Research Centre, 1976, 1978-79

Waterhouse, Sir Ronald, 1978, 1983, 1991-92

Waterlow, John C., London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, 1985

Watkin, Dr Bernard, 1971-72

Watkinson, Viscount (Harold Watkinson), 1966-67, 1986-88, 1990 see also Series SZ/CS

Watson, Prof. D.M.S., 1951

Watson, Dr W.F., RAPRA 1976

Waverley, Ava, Viscountess, 1965

Way, Sir Richard, King's College London, 1980

Wayne, J.M., Abany Medical College, 1936

Wayre, Philip, 1962, 1974

Weatherall, Prof. Sir David, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, 1991

Webb, D.A., 1959

Webb, Dr John K.G., Christian Medical College & Hospital, Vellore, S. India, 1962

Weddell, Dr Graham, Oxford University Museum, 1954

Weed, Lewis H., US National Research Council, 1947-1950

Weekes, H.S., British Embassy, Washington, 1967

Wegner, Prof. Richard N., Universität Greifswald Anatomical Institute, 1956

Weidenfeld, Lord (George Weidenfeld), 1961, 1980, 1982

Weidenfeld & Nicolson Ltd, Publishers, 1970, 1979, 1985-86

Weinberger, Caspar, US Secretary of Defense, 1984-86

Weiner, Dr J.S., Oxford University Dept of Human Anatomy, 1950-51, 1957-59, 1966

Weinstock, Lord (Arnold Weinstock), and Lady Weinstock, 1971, 1979-1980

Weir, Barbara J., Cambridge University Physiological Laboratory, n.d.

Weisgal, Meyer W., Weizmann Institute of Science, 1958-59, 1961 see also Series SZ/WI

Weiskrantz, Dr L., Cambridge University Dept of Psychology, 1961-62

Weiss, Jordan, n.d.

Weiss, Prof. Paul, Rockefeller Institute, New York, 1960, 1964

Wellbourn, Melissa J., 1984

Weller, Paul, Paul Weller's Bookshop, Cirencester, 1979

Wellington, Duke of, 1974, 1977, 1979, 1981, 1986

Wells, C.T., 1979

Wells, G.P. (Gip), 1946-47, 1949

Wells, Prof. Laurence H., Cape Town University Medical School, 1956-58, 1966

Wells, Dr Lemen J., University of Minnesota Medical School, 1950, 1955-59

Wells [next the Sea] Cancer Relief Committee* (Mrs Joyce Trett), 1983

Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research (Lita Osmundsen), 1965

Werskey, Gary, 1970-72, 1977-78

Wertenbaker, William, 1975-76

West, Dr David T., Foreign Office, 1959

West, Dr G.B., Dundee University Medical School, 1954

West, Dr Harry F., Sheffield Centre for the Investigation and Treatment of Rheumatic Diseases, 1956

West, Lt General Sir Michael, 1961

West Norfolk Hunt Club*, 1959-1962

West-Burnham, Harry, 1965-66

Western European Union European Universities Committee, 1958-59

Westman, Prof. A., Acta Endocrinologica, 1956

Westminster Hotels, 1970

Westoll, Prof. T.S., King's College, Newcastle-upon-Tyne Dept of Geology, 1956, 1974

Weston-Smith, Miranda, 1974, 1978

Westview Press (Frederick A. Praeger), 1983

Westwood, A.H., Assay Master, Birmingham Assay Office, 1966

Wheatsheaf Books Ltd (John Spiers), 1987

Wheeldon, E.C., Westland Aircraft Ltd, 1965

Wheeler, Sir Charles, President, Royal Academy of Arts, 1964

Wheeler, Air Chief Marshal Sir Neil, 1976

Whelan, Prof. W.J., 1967

Whillans, Morley W., 1966

Whitaker, Sydney, 1931-32

Whitcomb, -, Harvard University Program for Science and International Affairs, 1974

White, Dr Errol, Natural History Museum, 1968, 1974

White, Sir Frederick, 1966

White, Dr I.G., University of Sydney Dept of Veterinary Physiology, 1955

White, Dr Roy, Oxford University Dept of Human Anatomy, 1961

Whitehead, Commander Edward, Lyford Cay Club, Bahamas, 1974

Whitehead, Prof. Thomas P., Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham, 1970, 1977-78, 1980, 1985, 1990

Whitehouse, William L., Queen Mary's Hospital, Roehampton, 1976

Whitely, Prof. John, University of California, Irvine, Dept of Social Ecology, 1987

Whitmore, Sir Clive, PUS, Ministry of Defence, 1987-88

Whitney, John Hay, and Mrs Betsey Whitney, 1959-1967, 1971, 1974, 1977, 1982-84, 1987-88, 1990

Whitteridge, Dr David, Oxford University Physiology Laboratory, 1946, 1949-1950

Whittle, Air Commodore Sir Frank, 1954, 1965

Whitty, Dr Charles W.M., 1936, 1946-49, 1956, 1959, 1964, 1968, 1971, 1980

Whitworth, Jackie, 1966

Whitworth, Robin, 1953-1957, 1980, 1991

Whyte, Lancelot Law, 1958

Wieland, Albert, 1976

Wiesner, Dr Jerome, and Mrs Laya Wiesner, 1965, 1971-73, 1975-1982, 1987-89, 1992, 1994

Wigg, George, MP, 1947-48, 1951-52

Wigg, Dr John, 1970

Wiggins, Jim, 1971, 1977.

Wigglesworth, Air Marshal Sir Philip, 1970, 1972, 1975

Wigglesworth, Prof. V.B. Journal of Experimental Biology, 1954, 1960

Wilcock, Tony, 1988

Wilde, Daphne M., 1975-76

Wildman-Lushington, Maj. General G.E. ('Peter'), British Sulphur Corporation Ltd, 1959

Wildy, Prof. Peter, Birmingham University Medical School, 1965-68

Wilhelmi, Dr A.E., Emory University School of Medicine, 1951

Wilkinson, David , 1980

Wilkinson, Prof. H.J., 1956

Wilkinson, M.C., 1966

Willert, Paul, 1965-66, 1972, 1983-84

Williams, E.C. ('Bill'), and Mrs Betty Williams (formerly Betty Bryan), 1959, 1967, 1975-76

Williams, E.T. ('Bill'), Rhodes House, Oxford, 1962

Williams, Frank, antique dealer, 1954

Williams, Leslie, 1962

Williams, Dr Peter O., Wellcome Trust, 1984, 1987-88

Williams, Philip M., Nuffield College, Oxford, 1972, 1974, 1979

Williams, Roland , 1965

Williams, T.B., 1957

Williams-Ellis, Sir Clough, and Lady (Amabel) Williams-Ellis, 1964, 1971, 1978

Willington, Lord, n.d.

Willis, Mrs Margaret A. (Peggy), 1973, 1981-83, 1990-91

Willmer, De E. Nevill, 1962

Willmott, Dr J.C., Manchester University Physical Laboratory, 1967

Wills?, David, 1959

Wilson, Angus, 1961, 1970, 1980, 1983 see also Theatre Royal, Bury St Edmunds

Wilson, General B.T., 1964

Wilson, Sir (Archibald) Duncan, and Lady Wilson, 1965, 1971, 1976, 1983

Wilson, Sir Charles H., Principal, Glasgow University, 1972

Wilson, Geoffrey, Chairman, Race Relations Board, 1973

Wilson, Harold, MP Lord Wilson of Rievaulx), 1947, 1970, 1985

Wilson, Leslie, Director, Aslib [Association of Special Libraries and Information Bureaux], 1964

Wilson, Maurice, 1958

Wilson, Mitchell, 1971

Wilson, Stephen, 1957-58

Windeyer, Sir Brian, Middlesex Hospital, Meyerstein Institute of Radiotherapy, 1968-69

Windlesham, Lord, 1982

Wines, Chris, BBC Radio 4, 1993

Wingate, Monica M., Principal, Balls Park Training College, Hertford, 1966

Wingert, Paul, 1955

Wingstrand, Dr Karl Georg, Lund University Zoological Institute, 1954

Winsley-Stolz, Dr Henry, 1986, 1992

Winston Churchill Forest, Galilee, (Michael H. Sacher), 1965-66

Winterbotham, Group Capt. Frederick William, 1980, 1990

Wislocki, Dr George B., Harvard University Museum of Comparative Anatomy, and Mrs Florence Wislocki, 1949-1952, 1956, 1959

Witschi, Prof. Emil, 1960, 1962-63, 1965-66

Witts, Prof. L.J., 1937, 1957

Wodzicki, Dr K., New Zealand Dept of Scientific and Industrial Research, Animal Ecology Section, 1951

Woerdeman, Prof. M.W., Excerpta Medica Foundation, 1963

Wokler, Dr Robert, Manchester University Faculty of Economic and Social Studies, 1978-79, 1981

Wolfe, Prof. J.M., Albany Medical School, 1954

Wolfenden, Lord (John Wolfenden), 1952, 1955-57, 1963, 1976, 1978

Wolfers, Claudia, Bonhams, 1992

Wolff, Prof. Etienne, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Strasbourg, 1953

Wolff, Mrs Ray (formerly Livia Zuckerman), 1966, 1975, 1979-1980, 1983, 1989

Wolff, Mrs W., 1960

Wolfson, Dr Albert, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, 1958

Wolfson, Lady (Edith), 1965-67

Wolfson, Sir Isaac, 1963-64

Wolfson, Lord (Leonard Wolfson), 1962-65, 1976, 1991 see also Series SZ/WF

Wolstenholme, Sir Gordon, Ciba Foundation , 1950-51, 1955-56, 1958-59, 1961-63, 1967, 1979

Wolton, David, 1989

Women's Campaign for Soviet Jewry, 1980

Women's Press, 1984-85

Wood, Alfie A., West Midlands County Council Planning Dept, 1984

Wood, Sir Frank, 1974

Wood, N.C., 1966

Woodard, Canon Alfred L., 1962

Woodside, Dr Gilbert L., US National Institutes of Health, 1964

Woodward, Ian, 1982

Woolff, Dr Maurice G., 1958

Woolfson, Osher, n.d.

Woollam, Dr C.H.M., 1984

Worden, Prof. Alastair N., 1951-52, 1954, 1957, 1961-62, 1964

World Federation of Scientific Workers (Prof. R. Rinke), 1983

World Policy Institute, 1983, 1985, 1988

World Spiritual University (Veronica McHugh), 1982

Wrangham, Dennis, Short Brothers & Harland Limited, 1966

Wright, Claud William ('Willy'), 1968, 1977

Wright, Prof. G. Payling, Guy's Hospital Medical School, 1955, 1964 see also Series SZ/ZOO

Wright, Hugh, Bahamas International Trust Company Limited, 1962

Wright, John K., 1986

Wright, Sir Norman, 1967

Wright, Sir Oliver, British Ambassador to the United States, 1985

Wright, Dr Richard, Natural History Museum, 1978

Wright, Prof. Samson, Middlesex Hospital Medical School, 1953-54

Writers & Scholars Educational Trust, 1980

Wyatt, Woodrow, 1955-59, 1961, 1987

Wyburn, Prof. G.M., Glasgow University Dept of Anatomy, 1949-1951, 1955, 1961

Wyburn-Mason, Dr R., 1978

Wyckoff, Dr Ralph W.K., US Embassy, London, 1953

Wycombe Abbey School Appeal (Maj. General A.J. Dyball), 1977

Wye College, London University (Sir Richard Boughey), 1966

Wyndham, Cyril H., South African Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, 1965

Wyndham, John (later Lord Egremont), 1962 see also Egremont, Lady

Wynne, David, 1962, 1968

Wynne-Edwards, Prof. V.C., Aberdeen University Dept of Zoology, n.d.

Wynne-Jones, Prof. W.F.K., King's College, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Dept of Chemistry, 1962


Yadin, Yigael, Hebrew University of Jerusalem Dept of Archaeology, 1964

Yates, Dr Frank, 1947-1957, 1959, 1961, 1964-66, 1973, 1975-76, 1981-82, 1985-87 see also series SZ/ARC and SZ/OEMU

Yehudi Menuhin School *, 1972-75, 1980

Yerkes, Prof. Robert M., Yale University Anthropoid Experiment Station, Florida, 1932-34, 1940-41, 1947, 1951-54, 1957 see also Series SZ/SC

Yerkes Laboratories of Primate Biology, 1959

Yeshiva University, New York (Jack D. Weiler, President), 1968

Yoffey, Prof. Joseph M., Bristol University Medical School, 1949-1959, 1961, 1963, 1965-68, 1976

Yonge, Sir Maurice (Prof. C.M. Yonge), 1956, 1971

York, Dr Herbert F., 1962, 1964, 1979-1989, 1993

Young, Dr Archibald, Glasgow University Dept of Anatomy, 1968

Young, Prof. Sir Frank G., Cambridge University Dept of Biochemistry, 1947-1953, 1958-59, 1962-66, 1975, 1988

Young, Gerard, Sheffield University, 1964-65

Young, Mrs Géryke, 1978-79

Young, H.S., Ministry of Defence Directorate of Scientific Intelligence , 1950

Young, J. Robertson, British Embassy, Paris, 1981

Young, Prof. John Zachary, 1936, 1947-1969, 1971, 1973, 1975, 1978, 1981, 1983-84, 1990

Young, Prof. R.W., Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, 1957

Young, Sir Richard, Alfred Herbert Ltd, 1957, 1961, 1969, 1971-72, 1974, 1976, 1980-81, 1984

Young, Mrs Rosamund, 1970

Young Engineer for Britain (A.E.J. Bond), 1981-82

Young Presidents' Organization (Henry M. Strage), 1984

Younson, Maj. General E.J. (Jim), 1974, 1976


Zametica, O., Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, 1984

Zahedi, HE Ardeshir, Iranian Ambassador to London, 1965, 1969

Zander, Dr Walter, Friends of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1958-1960

Zeitlyn, Elsey, Board of Deputies of British Jews, 1950

Zeppelin, Leo von, and Amethe von Zeppelin, 1936-37

Zeuner, Prof. F.E., University College London Institute of Archaeology, 1958

Ziegler, Philip, 1982-85, 1987, 1990-92

Ziman, Prof. John M., Bristol University H.H. Wills Physics Laboratory, 1968, 1974, 1984

Zladek, Prof. Karel, of Brno, 1967

Zondek, Prof. Bernhard, Rothschild Hadassah University Hospital, Jerusalem, 1957

Zuckerman, Prof. Arie J., 1957, 1968, 1972, 1989

Zuckerman, B., 1956

Zuckerman, David, 1965

Zuckerman, George M., 1963

Zuckerman, Herzl, 1963

Zuckerman, Lady Joan, 1949-1951, 1954, 1956-1967 [chiefly correspondence with Pamela Warwick]

Zulueta, Sir Philip de, and Lady de Zulueta, 1969, 1971, 1975-76, 1984-86, 1989

Zyman, B., Daily Telegraph, 1958
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