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SZ/OEMU/31/1/10 - Cased charges VII. Fragmentation II. Microscopical examination of end of 0.125 in. mild steel bomb casing after explosion, 23/7/41 [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/31/1/1 - Cased charges. The design of a model bomb: programme of work, 26/10/40 [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/31/1/2 - Cased charges II. Principles involved in the design of a model-scale bomb and some preliminary experiments with the bomb, 18/11/40 [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/31/1/3 - Cased charges III. Photographic Records I. Model bomb with 1/8 in. mild steel walls, 30/12/40 [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/31/1/4 - Analysis of the explosion of a long cylindrical bomb attached at one end, 25/3/41 [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/31/1/5 - Theory of the rates of expansion, before fracture, of cased spherical charges of T.N.T. 27/3/41 [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/31/1/6 - The pressure volume relations and the chemical constitution of the products of detonation in T.N.T. during adiabatic expansion, 3/7/41 [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/31/1/7 - Cased charge IV. Photographic records II. Model bomb with [0].018 in. mild steel case. Explosive (a) A1 Rounkol, (b) tetryl, 24/7/41 [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/31/1/8 - Cased charges V. Photographic records. III. Model bomb with [0].30 in. mild steel casing. Explosives (a) A1 Rounkol, (b) tetryl, 23/7/41 [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/31/1/9 - Cased changes VI. Fragmentation I. Collection and examination of fragments, 22/7/41 [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/31/1/11 - Cased charges VIII. Fragmentation III. Superficial characteristics and classification of larger fragments from 0.125 in. mild steel bomb-casing charged with tetryl, 24/7/41 [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/31/1/12 - Cased charges IX. Photographic records IV. Summary and comparison of experiments with cased and uncased charges, 6/7/41 [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/31/1/13 - The detonation velocity of solid explosives contained in long cylindrical tubes of varying weight, 21/8/41 [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/31/1/14 - Cased charges X. Fragmentation IV. Collection of fragments from the three standard casings charged with tetryl and A1 Rounkol, 18/11/41 [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/31/1/15-16 - Cased charged XI. Fragmentation V. Superficial characteristics and classification of larger fragments from duplicate 0.125 in. mild steel bomb casings charged with tetryl (Buxton experiments B49 and B88), 17/12/41 [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/31/1/17-18 - Cased charges. XII. Fragmentation VI. Examination of [0].125 and [0].3 in. mild steel tubes used for experiments described in previous reports, 17/12/41 [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/31/1/19-20 - Cased charges XIII. Fragmentation VII. Graphical methods for comparing fragmentation. Three standard casings charged with tetryl and A1 Rounkol, 19/2/42 [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/31/1/21-22 - The adiabatic expansion of detonated T.N.T. for a low loading density, 11/2/42 [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/31/1/23-24 - Cased charges XIV. Mechanism of fragmentation I. Examination of large fragments from a 25 lb. forged shell, 31/8/42 [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/31/1/25-26 - Cased charges XV. Mechanism of fragmentation II. A micro hardness-tester of improved design for the examination of small bomb fragments, 28/8/42 [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/31/1/27-28 - Cased charges XVI. Fragmentation of a German 50 kg. G.P. bomb, 11/42 [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/31/1/29-30 - Cased charges XVII. Mechanism of fragmentation III. Examination of fragments from mild steel model bomb casings, 11/12/42 [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/31/1/31-32 - Cased charges XVIII. Fragmentation VIII. Casings of different materials (mild steel, cast iron, lead and aluminium) and of different thicknesses, 16/7/43 [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/31/1/33-34 - The adiabatic expansion of detonated 60/40 R.D.X./T.N.T. with applications to fragment velocities and shock wave pressures, 2/43 [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/31/1/35-36 - The spherical detonation wave in T.N.T. and T.N.T./R.D.X. mixture, 16/3/43 [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/31/1/37-38 - The equation of state and the adiabatic pressure-volume relation for the products of detonation in PETN, 8/6/43 [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/31/1/39-40 - The adiabatic pressure - volume relation of the products of detonation of aluminium - T.N.T. mixtures, 27/7/43 [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/31/1/41-42 - Cased charges XIX. Fragmentation IX. Casings of different materials (mild steel, cast iron, lead and aluminium) and of different thicknesses. II weight distribution of fragments, 15/7/43 [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/31/1/43-44 - Cased charges XX. Empirical relationships for use in comparing results of fragmentation trials. I velocities of fragments, 19/7/43 [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/31/1/45-46 - Cased charges XXI. Empirical relationships for use in comparing results of fragmentation trials. II Weight distribution of fragments, 19/7/43 [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/31/1/47-48 - Cased charges XII. Empirical relationships for use in comparing results of fragmentation tests. III Number of fragments, 16/7/43 [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/31/1/49-50 - Cased charges XXIII. Empirical relationships for use in comparing results of fragmentation tests. IV Controlled fragmentation, 13/8/43 [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/31/1/51-52 - Cased charges. XXIV. The effect of carbon content of the steel. I Fragmentation of casings 0.30 in. thick, 16/9/43 [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/31/1/53-54 - Cased charges XXV. Empirical relationships for use in comparing results of fragmentation tests. V Application to service shell of a simplified method of assessing fragmentation cell tests, 15/11/43 [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/31/1/55-56 - Cased charges XXVI. Fragmentation X. Effect of variations in length (a) Mild steel casing 0.125 in. thick, 2/12/43 [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/31/1/57-58 - Cased charges XXIX. Fragmentation XI. Effect of variations in length (b) Mild steel casing 0.30 in. thick, 7/9/44 [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/31/1/59-60 - Model bomb fragmentation: an investigation of scaling and fragment distribution, by J.S. Arthur, 9/9/44 [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/31/1/61-62 - An experimental study of the optical conditions governing the width of shock wave shadow patterns, 21/8/45 [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/31/1/63-64 - Cased charges XXXI. Fragmentation XIII. Effect of variations in diameter of model bomb casings, 0.30 in. thick, in medium carbon (0.48%) steel, 11/45 [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/31/1/65-66 - Cased charges XXXII. Empirical relationships for use in comparing results of fragmentation trials. VII Scaling of fragmentation results, 12/45 [View Details]
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