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SZ/CSA/163/1 - Conservation and the Torrey Canyon, 7/67 [View Details]
SZ/CSA/163/2 - [Letter, Donald McLachlan to SZ, 15/4/67] [View Details]
SZ/CSA/163/3 - The "Torrey Canyon", 4/67 [View Details]
SZ/CSA/163/4 - Operation Canute [View Details]
SZ/CSA/163/5 - [Letter, SZ to Donald McLachlan, 5/4/67] [View Details]
SZ/CSA/163/6 - [Letter, SZ to Donald McLachlan, 21/4/67] [View Details]
SZ/CSA/163/7 - [Letter, SZ to Peter Scott, 25/4/67] [View Details]
SZ/CSA/163/8 - [Letter, SZ to J.E. Smith, 5/9/68] [View Details]
SZ/CSA/163/9 - [Letter, SZ to Lord Rothschild, 9/9/68] [View Details]
SZ/CSA/163/10 - [Letter, Lord Rothschild to SZ, 9/9/68] [View Details]
SZ/CSA/163/11 - [Letter, Lord Rothschild to SZ, 9/9/68] [View Details]
SZ/CSA/163/12 - [Letter, Anthony Fish to Lord Rothschild, 6/9/68] [View Details]
SZ/CSA/163/13 - [Letter, Eric Smith to SZ, 9/9/68] [View Details]
SZ/CSA/163/14 - Torrey Canyon - World Wild Life Fund, Hansard, 27/4/67 [View Details]
SZ/CSA/163/15 - First report on Torrey Canyon coast, The Sunday Times, 3/9/67 [View Details]
SZ/CSA/163/16 - Part of minutes of evidence taken before Select Committee on Science and Technology: Sub-Committee on Coastal Pollution, 14/3/68 [View Details]
SZ/CSA/163/17 - Minutes of Evidence taken before the Select Committee on Science and Technology: Sub-Committee on Coastal Pollution, 4/4/68 [View Details]
SZ/CSA/163/18 - [Letter, Lord Rothschild to SZ, 11/5/68] [View Details]
SZ/CSA/163/19 - 'Torrey Canyon' oil pollution in France, survey of June 1968 [undated] [View Details]
SZ/CSA/163/20 - Overlord to tackle oil pollution urged, Eastern Daily Press, 31/8/68 [View Details]
SZ/CSA/163/21 - MP's lash out at beach oil muddle, Daily Mirror, 31/8/68 [View Details]
SZ/CSA/163/22 - Caught bending! MPs' verdict on muddle over the Torrey Canyon disaster, Daily Mail, 31/8/68 [View Details]
SZ/CSA/163/23 - Clash over oil on beaches, Daily Express, 31/8/68 [View Details]
SZ/CSA/163/24 - The battle of the beaches, Daily Express, [undated] [View Details]
SZ/CSA/163/25 - What plans on oil pollution? The Guardian, 31/8/68 [View Details]
SZ/CSA/163/26 - Torrey Canyon - PM blamed for lack of action, The Guardian, 21/8/68 [View Details]
SZ/CSA/163/27 - A fire brigade needed, The Times, 31/8/68 [View Details]
SZ/CSA/163/28 - Whitehall accused of muddle over oil pollution, The Times, 31/8/68 [View Details]
SZ/CSA/163/29 - [Letter, SZ to Harold Wilson, 4/9/68] [View Details]
SZ/CSA/163/30 - [Letter, SZ to James Callaghan, 4/9/68] [View Details]
SZ/CSA/163/31 - New Scientist, vol. 39, no. 613, 5/9/68 [View Details]
SZ/CSA/163/32 - No end of a lesson, Nature, 7/9/68 [View Details]
SZ/CSA/163/33 - Ministerial Committee on Emergencies: Chief Scientific Adviser's Report [View Details]
SZ/CSA/163/34 - Fears for marine life are very real, The Guardian, 25/3/67 [View Details]
SZ/CSA/163/35 - Oil and detergent threaten marine life, The Guardian, 25/3/67 [View Details]
SZ/CSA/163/36 - Designs for an oil sweeper, The Guardian, 27/3/67 [View Details]
SZ/CSA/163/37 - [Letter, SZ to Donald McLachlan, 5/4/67] [View Details]
SZ/CSA/163/38 - [Letter, Christopher Bonham Carter to SZ, 5/4/67 [View Details]
SZ/CSA/163/39 - [Letter, SZ to the Home Secretary, 7/4/67] [View Details]
SZ/CSA/163/40 - [Letter, SZ to Christopher Bonham Carter, 7/4/67] [View Details]
SZ/CSA/163/41 - [Letter, SZ to H.H. Atkinson, 26/7/71] [View Details]
SZ/CSA/163/42 - Folio 47a Evidence on 27 Feb. '68 [undated] [View Details]
SZ/CSA/163/43 - [MS note on detergent calculations, undated] [View Details]
SZ/CSA/163/44 - [Note on evidence given, undated] [View Details]
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