SZ/AEAF/1/11/10-19 - Effort required for destruction of bridges [2nd interim Statement)
Effort required for destruction of bridges [2nd interim Statement)
4 leaves
Marauder (fighter plane)
Follows up SZ's paper of 5/6/44 [SZ/AEAF/1/11/6-9] dealing with the period covered by the earlier paper and attacks on bridges subsequently up to 24/6/44. The paper included attacks by heavy bombers. The estimates of effort required "show no great changes over these reported in the earlier staement". The ineffectiveness of 500 lb bombs is reiterated but it is noted that "1000 and 2000 lb bombs [dropped by B26 Marauders] were successful in producing complete collapse."
[SZ/AEAF/1/11/10] is a typescript draft, heavily amended in MS in SZ's hand; [SZ/AEAF/1/11/11-13] are typescript final texts and [SZ/AEAF/1/11/14-19] are duplicated copies as circulated by AEAF.
Ten copies.
[SZ/AEAF/1/11/10] is a typescript draft, heavily amended in MS in SZ's hand; [SZ/AEAF/1/11/11-13] are typescript final texts and [SZ/AEAF/1/11/14-19] are duplicated copies as circulated by AEAF.
Ten copies.
SZ - Zuckerman Archive
SZ/AEAF - [Allied Expeditionary Air Force]
SZ/AEAF/1 - [AEAF Planning]
SZ/AEAF/1/11 - AEAF Planning. Bridges (Estimates of effort for bridges)
- SZ/AEAF/1/11/10-19 - Effort required for destruction of bridges [2nd interim Statement)
SZ/AEAF/1/11 - AEAF Planning. Bridges (Estimates of effort for bridges)
SZ/AEAF/1 - [AEAF Planning]
SZ/AEAF - [Allied Expeditionary Air Force]