SZ/AEAF/1/11 - AEAF Planning. Bridges (Estimates of effort for bridges)
Sub file
AEAF Planning. Bridges (Estimates of effort for bridges)
29 items
Bridges Bombing, Aerial.
Contains 29 items, 20 of which are multiple copies of papers produced by SZ between 2/5/44 and 6/6/44 on the number of sorties and bombs needed for air attacks on bridges (chiefly railway bridges) in northern France, and his report Times taken for re-establishment of traffic through bombed rail centres and junctions and across rivers, 11/8/44. The remainder are associated papers and tables and two copies of a briefing minute dated 17/8/44 by Sidney Bufton, Director of Bomber Operations, for the Chief of the Air Staff referring to a minute that had been sent to the Prime Minister by Lord Cherwell. In his paper Bufton presents the case for deploying the bomber effort available [for Operation Overlord] to attacks on bridges rather than rail centres.
SZ - Zuckerman Archive
SZ/AEAF - [Allied Expeditionary Air Force]
SZ/AEAF/1 - [AEAF Planning]
- SZ/AEAF/1/11 - AEAF Planning. Bridges (Estimates of effort for bridges)
SZ/AEAF/1 - [AEAF Planning]
SZ/AEAF - [Allied Expeditionary Air Force]
- SZ/AEAF/1/11/1 - Attacks on Seine bridges, 2/5/44
- SZ/AEAF/1/11/2 - [Attacks on rail bridges and trains]
- SZ/AEAF/1/11/3 - Bombing of road bridges over the Loire, 5/5/44
- SZ/AEAF/1/11/4 - [Table of bridges damaged by fighter-bomber aircraft]
- SZ/AEAF/1/11/5 - Bridges, 3/6/44
- SZ/AEAF/1/11/6-9 - Effort required for destruction of bridges (Interim Statement), 5/6/44
- SZ/AEAF/1/11/10-19 - Effort required for destruction of bridges [2nd interim Statement)
- SZ/AEAF/1/11/20-26 - Times for re-establishment of traffic through bombed rail centres and junctions and across rivers, 11/8/44
- SZ/AEAF/1/11/27-28 - The Bombing of Bridges (Brief on Lord Cherwell's Minute to the Prime Minister), 17/8/44
- SZ/AEAF/1/11/29 - Attack on bridges