PP/20/3 - [Furniture Development Council. History]
[Furniture Development Council. History]
17 items Mixed
Parsons, N.
Leonardi, M. J. B.
Wareing, C.
Carr, Richard
Hindley, Ros
Sunley, R. C.
Mitchell, David (of the British Furniture Manufacturers Federated Associations)
Leonardi, M. J. B.
Wareing, C.
Carr, Richard
Hindley, Ros
Sunley, R. C.
Mitchell, David (of the British Furniture Manufacturers Federated Associations)
Furniture Industry Research Association
United Kingdom. Board of Trade
United Kingdom. Department of Trade and Industry
United Kingdom. Board of Trade
United Kingdom. Department of Trade and Industry
Contains an anonymous typescript of the origins of the F.D.C.; a history of the F.D.C. and the Furniture Industry Research Association by Ros Hindley and correspondence with her; correspondence with N. Parsons, M.J.B. Leonardi and C. Wareing at the Board of Trade and the Department of Trade and Industry concerning comments about a draft account of the origins of the F.D.C.; correspondence with Richard Carr containing comments and corrections on a history of the F.D.C.; and correspondence with Ralph Sunley and David Mitchell regarding the history of the F.D.C. Not catalogued to item level.
PP - Pritchard Papers
PP/20 - Furniture Development Council
- PP/20/3 - [Furniture Development Council. History]
PP/20 - Furniture Development Council