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AH/12/ABB - Correspondence with Basil Abbott [View Details]
AH/12/ADD - Correspondence with David Addey [View Details]
AH/12/AKI - Correspondence with Tomiya Akiyama (The Soka Gakkai) [View Details]
AH/12/AND - Correspondence with J.M. Anderson [View Details]
AH/12/BAN - Correspondence with Margaret Bant (of Ontario, Canada) [View Details]
AH/12/BAT - Correspondence with A.G. Bates [View Details]
AH/12/BEA - Correspondence with Paul Beale (of Loughborough) [View Details]
AH/12/BEL - Correspondence with Eleanor Belmont (of New York) [View Details]
AH/12/BEN/ANDREW - Correspondence with Andrew and Mary Bennett [View Details]
AH/12/BEN/AUDREY - Correspondence with Audrey Bennett [View Details]
AH/12/BEN/CHRIS - Correspondence with Chris Bennett (of Nova Scotia) [View Details]
AH/12/BLA - Correspondence with Angela Blackburn (Broads Authority) [View Details]
AH/12/BOW - Correspondence with Stanley W. Bowler (photographic consultant) [View Details]
AH/12/BRE - Correspondence with Simon Brett (Crime Writers' Association) [View Details]
AH/12/BROB - Correspondence with Jan Broberg [View Details]
AH/12/BROW - Correspondence with S.W. Brown [View Details]
AH/12/BRU - Correspondence with Louise Brundall [View Details]
AH/12/BUL - Correspondence with Peter Buller (Chairman, Norwich Writers’ Circle) [View Details]
AH/12/BURN - Correspondence with George Burnett [View Details]
AH/12/BURT - Correspondence with Maurice Burt [View Details]
AH/12/CHA - Correspondence with Kathleen Chambers [View Details]
AH/12/CHU - Correspondence with Robert (Bob) Church [View Details]
AH/12/CIS - Correspondence with Peter Císaŕ (academic in Prague) [View Details]
AH/12/CLAF - Correspondence with Yvonne Claffey [View Details]
AH/12/CLAR - Correspondence with Richard Clark (of Galena, Illinois) [View Details]
AH/12/CLE - Correspondence with Cyril Clemens [View Details]
AH/12/COG - Correspondence with Alan Cognoni (of Tasburgh, Norwich) [View Details]
AH/12/COL - Correspondence with F. Collins [View Details]
AH/12/COLLIN - Correspondence with Shirley Collin (Norwich Writers’ Circle) [View Details]
AH/12/COLLINS - Correspondence with F. Collins [View Details]
AH/12/COS - Correspondence with M. Costley (San Pedro, Calif.) [View Details]
AH/12/CUR - Correspondence with Susan Curran (Rampant Horse Books) [View Details]
AH/12/DAI - Correspondence with The Daily Telegraph [View Details]
AH/12/DAN - Correspondence with Jayne Daniel [View Details]
AH/12/DAV/J - Correspondence with Jean Davies (of Cwymbran, Gwent) [View Details]
AH/12/DAV/M - Correspondence with Maldwyn Davies [View Details]
AH/12/EAR - Correspondence with Julian Earwaker [View Details]
AH/12/EASTERN/D - Correspondence with the Eastern Daily Press [View Details]
AH/12/EASTERN/E - Correspondence with the Eastern Evening News [View Details]
AH/12/FER - Correspondence with M. Ferguson (of Stratford Ontario) [View Details]
AH/12/FOS - Correspondence with David Foster (aka Mrs Nancy Livingston; of Ipswich) [View Details]
AH/12/GEO - Correspondence with B. George [View Details]
AH/12/GLA - Correspondence with Josephine Glasin [View Details]
AH/12/GRA - Correspondence with Lesley Grant-Adamson [View Details]
AH/12/HARD - Correspondence with Douglas F. Hardy [View Details]
AH/12/HARE - Correspondence with Bernard Hare [View Details]
AH/12/HARRIS - Correspondence with A.J.R. (Jack) Harris [View Details]
AH/12/HARRISON - Correspondence with Ethel Harrison [View Details]
AH/12/HEF - Correspondence with Sammy Hefner (of Leland, North Carolina) [View Details]
AH/12/HEN - Correspondence with Lesley Henderson [View Details]
AH/12/HOB - Correspondence with C. Hobbis [View Details]
AH/12/HOL - Correspondence with J. Hollis [View Details]
AH/12/HOP - Correspondence with Kenneth Hopkins [View Details]
AH/12/HUD - Correspondence with Miles Huddleston (Constable Publishers) [View Details]
AH/12/HUN - Correspondence with Christine Hunter [View Details]
AH/12/ION - Correspondence with Anatoly Ionesov (Director, International Museum of Peace and Solidarity) [View Details]
AH/12/JAM - Correspondence with Russell James (Crime Writers' Association) [View Details]
AH/12/JOH - Correspondence with B. Johnston [View Details]
AH/12/KIN - Correspondence with Alan King [View Details]
AH/12/LEI - Correspondence with Keith Leitz [View Details]
AH/12/LIV - Correspondence with K. Liverman [View Details]
AH/12/MCC - Correspondence with R.A. McClune [View Details]
AH/12/MCK - Correspondence with Mrs McKimmie [View Details]
AH/12/MET - Correspondence with Linda Metzger (Editor, Gale Research Company) [View Details]
AH/12/MIL - Correspondence with Anna Milford (freelance journalist) [View Details]
AH/12/MITCHAM - Correspondence with Gil Mitcham [View Details]
AH/12/MITCHLEY - Correspondence with Jack (and Yvonne) Mitchley (of Harlow, Essex) [View Details]
AH/12/MOC - Correspondence with Patricia Mockridge [View Details]
AH/12/MUR - Correspondence with N. & V. Murrell [View Details]
AH/12/MUY - Correspondence with C.A. Muylle (Editor, 'Who’s Who in Europe') [View Details]
AH/12/NOR - Correspondence with Constance Norwood [View Details]
AH/12/OSE - Correspondence with Tadhg O Seaghdha (Nua Publications Ltd) [View Details]
AH/12/PAT - Correspondence with James Pattinson [View Details]
AH/12/PEL - Correspondence with Helen Pell [View Details]
AH/12/PEN - Correspondence with Otto Penzler (McGraw-Hill publishers) [View Details]
AH/12/PLU - Correspondence with Marriyan Plunkett [View Details]
AH/12/POU - Correspondence with A. Poulter (Office of Arts and Libraries) [View Details]
AH/12/POW - Correspondence with M.B. Powell [View Details]
AH/12/PRI - Correspondence with Anthony Price [View Details]
AH/12/RAP - Correspondence with Douglas Rapkin [View Details]
AH/12/REI - Correspondence with Brenda Reid (Head of Drama, Anglia Television) [View Details]
AH/12/RIC - Correspondence with Marion (& Robin) Richmond (Ming Books) [View Details]
AH/12/RIN - Correspondence with Harry Rintoul (of Winnipeg, Manitoba) [View Details]
AH/12/ROBE - Correspondence with Robert Hale & Company (publishers) [View Details]
AH/12/ROBI - Correspondence with Sheila M. Robinson [View Details]
AH/12/ROS - Correspondence with Michael Rose [View Details]
AH/12/ROW - Correspondence with Betty Rowlands (writer of the foreword to 'Landed Gently') [View Details]
AH/12/RUS - Correspondence with Martin Russell (editor, Red Herrings) [View Details]
AH/12/SAW - Correspondence with Clyde Lynwood Sawyer (screenwriter of N.Y.) [View Details]
AH/12/SAXTON/B - Correspondence with Brian and Judith (Judy) Saxton [View Details]
AH/12/SAXTON/D - Correspondence with Dorothy Saxton [View Details]
AH/12/SCH - Correspondence with Fred Schroeder (University of Minnesota) [View Details]
AH/12/SEL - Correspondence with Norman Sellers (a reader) [View Details]
AH/12/SIM - Correspondence with A.E. (Tony) Sims [View Details]
AH/12/SIN - Correspondence with Olga Sinclair (President, Norwich Writers’ Circle) [View Details]
AH/12/SOC - Correspondence with The Society of Authors [View Details]
AH/12/STB - Correspondence with St Bruno Pipe Offer [View Details]
AH/12/STE - Correspondence with Enid and Chris Stephenson (Hungate Bookshop) [View Details]
AH/12/STJ - Correspondence with St James Press Ltd [View Details]
AH/12/SUR-AUD - Correspondence with Audrey [Surname unknown] [View Details]
AH/12/SUR-CAR - Correspondence with Caroline [Surname unknown] [View Details]
AH/12/SUR-EDN - Correspondence with Edna [Surname unknown] (of North Walsham) [View Details]
AH/12/SUR-GRA - Correspondence with Grace [Surname unknown] (author) [View Details]
AH/12/SUR-JOA - Correspondence with Joan [Surname unknown] [View Details]
AH/12/SUR-MIK - Correspondence with Mike and Sally [Surname unknown] (of Oundle, Peterborough) [View Details]
AH/12/SYMONDS - Correspondence with Mrs Symonds [View Details]
AH/12/SYMONS - Correspondence with Julian Symons (of Deal, Kent) [View Details]
AH/12/TAYLOR/B - Correspondence with Beatrice Taylor (Crime Writers’ Association) [View Details]
AH/12/TAYLOR/J - Correspondence with Judith Taylor (of Dochfour Estate Office, Dochgarroch, Inverness) [View Details]
AH/12/THR - Correspondence with Peter Threadkell (Workers’ Educational Association) [View Details]
AH/12/THU - Correspondence with B. Thurlow (a reader) [View Details]
AH/12/TIM - Correspondence with The Times [View Details]
AH/12/UND - Correspondence with Richard Underwood [View Details]
AH/12/UNI/BOS - Correspondence with University of Boston [View Details]
AH/12/UNI/EAS - Correspondence with University of East Anglia [View Details]
AH/12/UNI/WYO - Correspondence with the University of Wyoming [View Details]
AH/12/VAN - Correspondence with Mr and Mrs Peter van Lith (and Erik & Nienke) [View Details]
AH/12/VIN - Correspondence with Daniel Viney [View Details]
AH/12/WALD - Correspondence with Sally Walding [View Details]
AH/12/WALK - Correspondence with Peter Walker (crime writer ‘Nicholas Rhea’) [View Details]
AH/12/WAR - Correspondence with Frank Warden [View Details]
AH/12/WES - Correspondence with J. Western (of Sarnia, Ontario) [View Details]
AH/12/WHO - Correspondence with Who’s Who [View Details]
AH/12/WHO/EUR - Correspondence with Who’s Who in Europe [View Details]
AH/12/WIL - Correspondence with Sunday Wilshin [View Details]
AH/12/WRI - Correspondence with the Writers’ Guild of Great Britain [View Details]
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