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RD/WLOG/1/5/1 - Vintage; festivals in Australia [View Details]
RD/WLOG/1/5/2 - Literary festivals & bookshop readings for the promotion of 'Waterlog' [View Details]
RD/WLOG/1/5/3 - Launch party [View Details]
RD/WLOG/1/5/4 - Correspondence with Chatto & Windus re promotion and sales of 'Waterlog' [View Details]
RD/WLOG/1/5/5 - Correspondence with Chatto & Windus and Random House re launch & promotion [View Details]
RD/WLOG/1/5/6 - Promotion of 'Waterlog' in Australia [View Details]
RD/WLOG/1/5/7 - General promotion of 'Waterlog' [View Details]
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