RD/WLOG/1/5/6 - Promotion of 'Waterlog' in Australia
Promotion of 'Waterlog' in Australia
May-June 1999
Contains correspondence with publishers and papers concerning RD’s visit to the Sydney Writers’ Festival and the promotion of 'Waterlog'. Press-cuttings are included, some are from the Olympic Games.
RD - Roger Deakin Archive
RD/WLOG - 'Waterlog', Swimming, etc
RD/WLOG/1 - 'Waterlog'
RD/WLOG/1/5 - Promotion
- RD/WLOG/1/5/6 - Promotion of 'Waterlog' in Australia
RD/WLOG/1/5 - Promotion
RD/WLOG/1 - 'Waterlog'
RD/WLOG - 'Waterlog', Swimming, etc