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SZ/OEMU/62/12/3 - Wound ballistics: studies in the mechanism of wound production by rifle bullets, 4/10/35 [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/62/12/1 - Dispersion of bullet energy in relation to wound effects. 'Military Surgeon', 9/21 [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/62/12/2 - Firearms and projectiles: their bearing on wound production. An excerpt from the medical department of the United States Army in the World War [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/62/12/4 - [Letter, Robin Pilcher to , 16/7/40] [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/62/12/5 - Wounds from bomb fragments. 'British Medical Journal': 3/8/40 [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/62/12/6 - Notes on the diagnosis and treatment of gas gangrene: with a suggested scheme for the bacteriological investigation of war wounds, 1940 [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/62/12/7 - Conference on the Treatment of War Wounds: 29/11/40 [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/62/12/8 - [Letter, B. Agard Evans to SZ, 5/6/41] [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/62/12/9-16 - An experimental study of the wounding mechanism of high-velocity missiles [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/62/12/17 - Wounding mechanism of high-velocity missiles. 'British Medical Journal', 17/1/42 [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/62/12/18-21 - An experimental study of the wounding mechanism of high velocity missiles, 25/10/41 [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/62/12/22 - An experimental study of the wounding mechanism of high velocity missiles. Abstract] [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/62/12/23 - Wounding mechanism of high-velocity missiles. 'British Medical Journal', 14/2/42 [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/62/12/24 - Wound ballistics: mechanism of production of wounds by small arms bullets and shell fragments. 'War Medicine': vol.3, pp.337-350, 4/43 [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/62/12/25 - Light armour in modern warfare. British Medical Journal, 19/7/40 [View Details]
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