SZ/OEMU/62/12/24 - Wound ballistics: mechanism of production of wounds by small arms bullets and shell fragments. 'War Medicine': vol.3, pp.337-350, 4/43
Wound ballistics: mechanism of production of wounds by small arms bullets and shell fragments. 'War Medicine': vol.3, pp.337-350, 4/43
14 pp. Pamphlets
Gunshot wounds
SZ - Zuckerman Archive
SZ/OEMU - Ministry of Home Security, Oxford Extra-Mural Unit
SZ/OEMU/62 - [OEMU. Reprints collection]
SZ/OEMU/62/12 - [Reprints: bomb splinter wounds]
- SZ/OEMU/62/12/24 - Wound ballistics: mechanism of production of wounds by small arms bullets and shell fragments. 'War Medicine': vol.3, pp.337-350, 4/43
SZ/OEMU/62/12 - [Reprints: bomb splinter wounds]
SZ/OEMU/62 - [OEMU. Reprints collection]
SZ/OEMU - Ministry of Home Security, Oxford Extra-Mural Unit