SZ/OEMU/36/1 - [OEMU. CDRC - Air raid damage casualties, 1940-1945]
[OEMU. CDRC - Air raid damage casualties, 1940-1945]
27 items Mixed
Reports and maps relating to air raid damage. The maps are of cities which were heavily bombed, mainly Birmingham and Hull. Reports relate to the prediction of aerial bomb damage, and identification of bombs by assessment of the damage they caused. The effects of the raids on industry and also domestic life are described. A chronological list of air attacks on Great Britain and Northern Ireland between 3/9/39 and 1/6/44 is included.
SZ - Zuckerman Archive
SZ/OEMU - Ministry of Home Security, Oxford Extra-Mural Unit
SZ/OEMU/36 - [OEMU. CDRC - Air raid damage casualties. Reports]
- SZ/OEMU/36/1 - [OEMU. CDRC - Air raid damage casualties, 1940-1945]
SZ/OEMU/36 - [OEMU. CDRC - Air raid damage casualties. Reports]
SZ/OEMU - Ministry of Home Security, Oxford Extra-Mural Unit
- SZ/OEMU/36/1/1 - An investigation of probable air raid damage, 21/6/40
- SZ/OEMU/36/1/2 - Quantitative study of the total effect of air raids, 8/4/42
- SZ/OEMU/36/1/3 - The total effects of air raids, 5/5/42
- SZ/OEMU/36/1/4 - The identification of bombs from damage, 2/2/42
- SZ/OEMU/36/1/5 - The identification of bombs from damage, 6/8/42
- SZ/OEMU/36/1/6 - The effects of air raids on industry in Hull: a survey of material damage to flour and oil-seed mills and some other works, 1/6/42
- SZ/OEMU/36/1/7 - The effects of air raids on factories engaged in the engineering industry in Birmingham: a partial survey of the material damage to factories, 5/6/42
- SZ/OEMU/36/1/8-9 - Applications of mathematical statistics to the assessment of the efficacy of bombing. Part I. Theoretical assessment of material damage in random bombing, 3/9/42
- SZ/OEMU/36/1/10-11 - Applications of mathematical statistics to the assessment of the efficacy of bombing. Part II. Theoretical assessment of systematic bombing, 7/9/42
- SZ/OEMU/36/1/12-13 - Applications of mathematical statistics to the assessment of the efficacy of bombing. Part III. The contamination of H.E. craters by gas bombs, 1/9/42
- SZ/OEMU/36/1/14-15 - The fitting of the normal bivariate surface to observed bomb scatters, 17/9/43
- SZ/OEMU/36/1/16 - Chronological record of air attacks on Great Britain and Northern Ireland, 28/9/45
- SZ/OEMU/36/1/17-18 - Bomb density: West Midlands [undated]
- SZ/OEMU/36/1/19-20 - Bombing density map of Hull [undated]
- SZ/OEMU/36/1/21-22 - Night bombing of Birmingham from 15/16 Oct 1940 to 20/21 Aug 1941 [undated]
- SZ/OEMU/36/1/23-24 - Hull - aggregate distribution of night bombing [undated]
- SZ/OEMU/36/1/25-26 - Sample of air raid damage: Centre of Birmingham [undated]
- SZ/OEMU/36/1/27 - Birmingham. Damage to workshops of a factory situated in built-up area. Part plan [undated]