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SW/4 - Screenplays, TV and Radio

Reference code
Level of description
Screenplays, TV and Radio
System of arrangement
Files arranged A-Z by title.
Scope and content
666 The Beast see Beast, The
Beast, The (screenplay and other papers, 1985-2008)
Change in Shadey, The (film, 1985)
Crowley (film; not produced, misc. papers 1989-2004)
Dear Turing
Diary of a Man in Despair (film; not produced)
Eichmann (screenplay, 2007)
Elijah Disappearing
Fat Cats - the musical, 2012
The Good Life
Hamlet, 1948
Hippomania (radio play, 2004)
I’ll be George (radio play, 2001)
Lincoln Brigade (film treatment, 2006)
Magic Rose (film, not produced, undated)
Man Who Was Too Hot, The (film synopsis and script, not produced, 1982-1983)
Master, The (film script, not produced, undated)
Pignight see SW/1
Poonsh (radio play, 1993; 1994)
Porkiss and Beaver (TV series, synopsis (1998) and script [1998?])
Sabina see SW/1
Sentinels (sci.fi. drama serial, unpub., 1996)
Seven Sexual Disasters (film synopsis; not produced, 1988)
Shadey see Change in Shadey, The
Shooting Jerusalem (film, Sprout Pictures ©2009, produced?)
Soul of the White Ant (TV script)
Spaceache (film treatment by SW (1985) of a novel by SW (1983))
Touch, The (play/film script, 1989; screened as The Silent Touch, 1992)
Trip to Jerusalem, The (TV drama production, 1974)
Villa Mimosa and After (film outline; not produced; undated)
Zodiac (script containing episodes, undated)
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