LC/10/5/Flood - S. Flood (Lincs.)
S. Flood (Lincs.)
Characters in literature
Letter, 29/6/2009. MS. With envelope and self-addressed envelope. Stephen is a retired Headteacher who volunteers with helping young people who are struggling with literacy. He asks LC about creating character. “Your work is littered with well-crafted characters. How do you begin to ‘work up’ a character? Where do you draw inspiration for your characters? Do your characters evolve or fulfil a pre-planned plot?”
LC - Lee Child Archive
LC/10 - Fan Correspondence
LC/10/5 - Fan Correspondence A-Z by Surname
- LC/10/5/Flood - S. Flood (Lincs.)
LC/10/5 - Fan Correspondence A-Z by Surname
LC/10 - Fan Correspondence