LC/10/5/Bradford - E.J. (Eddie) Bradford (W. Midlands)
E.J. (Eddie) Bradford (W. Midlands)
Letter, 2/11/1999. TS. Eddie has read LC’s books in the correct sequence: ‘Killing Floor’, ‘Die Trying’ and ‘Tripwire’. He points out an error in ‘Die Trying’ in which 37yr old Reacher calculates the number of days he has been alive. He incorrectly accounts for too many leap years thus making himself older. “I’m not nit picking just pointing out my observation.”
LC - Lee Child Archive
LC/10 - Fan Correspondence
LC/10/5 - Fan Correspondence A-Z by Surname
- LC/10/5/Bradford - E.J. (Eddie) Bradford (W. Midlands)
LC/10/5 - Fan Correspondence A-Z by Surname
LC/10 - Fan Correspondence