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JH/EDU/1 - [G.B.A.] [View Details]
JH/EDU/2 - [G.B.A. and H.M.C. Joint Working Party] [View Details]
JH/EDU/3 - [Headmasters' Conference] [View Details]
JH/EDU/4 - [Independent Schools Information Service] [View Details]
JH/EDU/6 - [Public schools reorganisation] [View Details]
JH/EDU/7 - [Public Schools Commission] [View Details]
JH/EDU/8 - [Comprehensive schools and education] [View Details]
JH/EDU/9 - [National Education Association] [View Details]
JH/EDU/10 - [Schools and their reactions to the comprehensive system] [View Details]
JH/EDU/11 - [Girls' Public Day School Trust] [View Details]
JH/EDU/12 - [Council for Independent Education] [View Details]
JH/EDU/13 - [Cost of school places] [View Details]
JH/EDU/14 - [School buildings] [View Details]
JH/EDU/15 - [Schools Council] [View Details]
JH/EDU/16 - [Boarding Schools Association] [View Details]
JH/EDU/17 - [School meals] [View Details]
JH/EDU/18 - [Violence in schools] [View Details]
JH/EDU/20 - [Initial Teaching Alphabet] [View Details]
JH/EDU/21 - [Incorporated Association of Preparatory Schools] [View Details]
JH/EDU/22 - [Plowden report] [View Details]
JH/EDU/23 - [Central Advisory Council for Education - publications] [View Details]
JH/EDU/24 - [Sixth form conferences] [View Details]
JH/EDU/25 - [School leaving age] [View Details]
JH/EDU/26 - [Central Tutorial School for Young Musicians] [View Details]
JH/EDU/27 - [Secondary education] [View Details]
JH/EDU/28 - [Student Union reform] [View Details]
JH/EDU/29 - [Student grants] [View Details]
JH/EDU/30 - [Student housing] [View Details]
JH/EDU/31 - [Conservative Party Education Policy Group] [View Details]
JH/EDU/32 - [Conservative Party Higher Education Policy Group] [View Details]
JH/EDU/33 - [Colleges of Education Conference] [View Details]
JH/EDU/34 - [C.E.A. Conference on Educational Expenditure] [View Details]
JH/EDU/35 - [Higher education - cost effectiveness] [View Details]
JH/EDU/36 - [Higher education - organisation and expansion] [View Details]
JH/EDU/37 - [Burnham Committee] [View Details]
JH/EDU/38 - [Committee on Higher Education] [View Details]
JH/EDU/39 - [University Grants Committee] [View Details]
JH/EDU/40 - [Medical colleges] [View Details]
JH/EDU/41 - [The Independent University at Buckingham] [View Details]
JH/EDU/42 - [Architectural Association School of Architecture] [View Details]
JH/EDU/43 - [British Association for Commercial and Industrial Education] [View Details]
JH/EDU/44 - [Open University] [View Details]
JH/EDU/45 - [Council for National Academic Awards] [View Details]
JH/EDU/46 - [Careers guidance] [View Details]
JH/EDU/47 - [Rothschild report on government research and development] [View Details]
JH/EDU/48 - [Adult education and the Russell report] [View Details]
JH/EDU/49 - [Workers' Educational Association] [View Details]
JH/EDU/51 - [Association of Education Committees] [View Details]
JH/EDU/52 - [Conservative National Advisory Committee on Education] [View Details]
JH/EDU/54 - [Conservative Party publications] [View Details]
JH/EDU/55 - [Reg Prentice - press cuttings] [View Details]
JH/EDU/56 - [Conservative Party members' speeches] [View Details]
JH/EDU/57 - [National Union of Conservative and Unionist Associations] [View Details]
JH/EDU/58 - [Education Bill 1970 - recommittal] [View Details]
JH/EDU/59 - [White Paper 'Education: a framework for expansion'] [View Details]
JH/EDU/60 - [VAT on independent education] [View Details]
JH/EDU/64 - [Mentally handicapped children] [View Details]
JH/EDU/65 - [Educational deprivation and children with special needs] [View Details]
JH/EDU/66 - [Education welfare officers] [View Details]
JH/EDU/68 - [Audio-visual aids in education] [View Details]
JH/EDU/69 - [Literacy] [View Details]
JH/EDU/70 - [Statistics, census figures and predictions] [View Details]
JH/EDU/71 - [General correspondence] [View Details]
JH/EDU/72 - [Miscellaneous education papers] [View Details]
JH/EDU/73 - [MS notes on education] [View Details]
JH/EDU/74 - [Press cuttings] [View Details]
JH/EDU/75 - [Education - publications] [View Details]
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