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SZ/AEAF/1/17/8-10 - Occupied Territory and Germany [Table, Plan A & B, Bomb estimate/ Cover received], 17/3/44 [View Details]
SZ/AEAF/1/17/1-7 - Bomber Command Estimates. [Table showing average density of bombs in target area] [View Details]
SZ/AEAF/1/17/11-12 - Occupied Territory and Germany [Table, Plan A & B. long tons - Bomb estimates, BC/own], 17/3/44 [View Details]
SZ/AEAF/1/17/13 - Alphabetical list of Transportation Targets selected and cleared for attack, 20/4/44 and Allotment, priority & categorisation of Transportation Targets selected and cleared for attack [View Details]
SZ/AEAF/1/17/14-15 - Transportation targets selected for attack. Germany [View Details]
SZ/AEAF/1/17/16 - Transportation targets selected for attack. Occupied Territory [View Details]
SZ/AEAF/1/17/17 - [Table. Attacks by RAF Bomber Command on Trappes and Le Mans, 6/7th and 7/8th March 1944] [View Details]
SZ/AEAF/1/17/18 - Attacks against locomotives & trains [View Details]
SZ/AEAF/1/17/19 - Railway Targets. Effect on effort of variation in proportion allotted to Bomber Command and the 8th Air Force. [View Details]
SZ/AEAF/1/17/20-21 - [Railroad targets allotted to Bomber Command, VIIIth AIr Force, US IXth Air Force, US XVth Air Force] [View Details]
SZ/AEAF/1/17/22 - [Table: Germany/outside Germany - area, bombs, points of aim, locomotives based, wagons per 24 hours in units of 1000] [View Details]
SZ/AEAF/1/17/23 - [Table showing proportion of bombs falling, on average, within the target area for 15 French and Belgian targets] [View Details]
SZ/AEAF/1/17/24 - Bomber Command attacks on Amiens Rly Centre [View Details]
SZ/AEAF/1/17/25 - [Railway targets Germay/Outside Germany targets - long tons. No. of aircraft] [View Details]
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