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SZ/OEMU/57/2/1 - Casualty survey team: proposed changes, 14/5/42 [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/57/2/2 - [Letter, J.R. Illingworth to SZ, 21/5/42] [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/57/2/3 - Information required on housing problems arising as a result of air raids, 19/5/42 [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/57/2/4 - Weights of H.E. in raids on Exeter, Bath, Norwich and York [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/57/2/5 - Casualties in raids on Bath and Exeter [undated] [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/57/2/6 - The Birmigham survey Oct. 1941-May 1942: suggestions regarding statistical data [undated] [View Details]
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