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SZ/OEMU/47/4/1 - [Letter, E. Ower to SZ, 17/11/42] [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/47/4/2 - [Copy Memorandum, R.V. Odbert to D.Arm.D., 5/11/42] [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/47/4/3 - Comments on questions posed in D.D.O.R. III minute of 5/11/42, 18/11/42 [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/47/4/4 - [Letter, E. Ower to SZ, 19/11/42] [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/47/4/5 - [Letter, E. Ower to SZ, 19/11/42] [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/47/4/6 - Notes on a meeting held... on January 9th, 1943, to consider the best size of anti-personnel bombs and the conclusions reached at the meeting on November 26th, 1942, [undated] [View Details]
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