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SZ/BBRM/4/1-2 - Report on demolition of top level tunnels at Marquise-Mimoyecques, France by the Royal Engineers, May 1945, 13/6/45 [View Details]
SZ/BBRM/4/3-4 - Report on damage to domestic property and shelters in Paris, 28/7/45 [View Details]
SZ/BBRM/4/5 - Report on material damage caused by bombs to bridges, [View Details]
SZ/BBRM/4/6 - House damage and casualties. Comparison of R.E.8 estimates and German figures, 28/2/44 [View Details]
SZ/BBRM/4/7 - German 1 k.g. incendiary bomb. Effectiveness against British houses, [undated] [View Details]
SZ/BBRM/4/8 - Photographic interpretation. The accuracy of interpretation of damage to industrial buildings from air photographs, [undated] [View Details]
SZ/BBRM/4/9 - Building construction analysis. The accuracy of the analysis of building construction from air photographs, 29/5/45 [View Details]
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