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SZ/OEMU/18/2/1-2 - Note on the effect of oblique impact on penetration of targets, by F.Y., 30/4/42 [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/18/2/3-5 - Penetration of bomb splinters into directory, F.Y., 22/5/42 [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/18/2/6-9 - Comparison between powers of penetration of steel balls, steel cubes and splinters of various kinds, F.Y., 31/7/42 [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/18/2/10-13 - Comparison between powers of penetration of steel balls, steel cubes and splinters of various kinds, F.Y., 5/8/42 [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/18/2/14 - [Handwritten notes dated 5/8/42] [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/18/2/15 - Suggested lines of enquiry [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/18/2/16 - Notes on measurements [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/18/2/17 - Penetration of 53 mgm. steel ball fired into directory [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/18/2/18 - Penetration of 53 mgm. steel ball fired into 20% gelatine [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/18/2/19 - Separate splinters from sample of 100 fragments, 50-100 mg., 2/42 [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/18/2/20 - [Handwritten notes, undated] [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/18/2/21-24 - Comparison between powers of penetration for steel balls, steel cubes, and steel splinters of various kinds, F.Y., 14/8/42 [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/18/2/25-28 - Comparison between powers of penetration for steel balls, steel cubes, and steel splinters of various kinds, F.Y., 18/8/42 [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/18/2/29-31 - Penetration of steel balls into gelatine and meat roll of various thicknesses, F.Y., 21/8/42 [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/18/2/32-34 - Penetration of the steel balls into wood blocks, F.Y., 21/8/42 [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/18/2/35-36 - Calculation of probit curve for a heterogeneous target, F.Y., 11/9/42 [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/18/2/37-40 - The number and weight distribution of the splinters from bombs of type X, F.Y., 12/9/42 [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/18/2/41 - [Handwritten notes, undated] [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/18/2/42 - Note on A.P.I.B. data [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/18/2/43-44 - The penetration of balls, cubes, bars, slabs and splinters into telephone directories, wood and gelatine, O.K., 4/5/44 [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/18/2/45-46 - The relation between initial velocity and residual velocity for projectiles penetrating targets of Duralumin and wood, O.K.., 16/6/44 [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/18/2/47 - Trials with regular and irregular projectiles fired singly at various materials, O.E.M.U. [View Details]
SZ/OEMU/18/2/48 - [Folder of tabulations] [View Details]
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