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WGS - W.G. Sebald Audiovisual Archive collected by UEA Archives

Reference code
Level of description
W.G. Sebald Audiovisual Archive collected by UEA Archives
Quantity & Format
4 Sound recording
4 Videorecording
Sebald, WG
Administrative/Biographical history
W.G. Sebald (1944-2001) was appointed to a chair of German literature at UEA in 1987, and in 1989 became the founding director of the British Centre for Literary Translation. His novels include Vertigo (1990), The Emigrants (1992), Austerlitz (1995), and Rings of Saturn (1995).
Immediate source of acquisition or transfer
A collection of audiovisual recordings brought together by the UEA Archives in 2011. They are mostly productions of the University as well as some unpublished interviews. A couple of additional printed items have been added in 2016.
Scope and content
WGS/1/1 [2 television items] [videorecording] 1998. 1 DVD video. (10 min.) Alan Parker receives an Honorary Degree from the University of East Anglia (extract from Look East BBC1 10/7/98) / reporter, Kim Riley -- England's dreaming : Max Sebald and The rings of Saturn (extract from Channel 4 News 10/7/98/) / reporter, Peter Morgan.

WGS/1/2 States of the nation [videorecording] [digital copy]. 1. Germany in transition, December 1989. Norwich : Audio Visual Services, [19--?]. 1 DVD video Julian Hilton talks to Max Sebald and Joachim Fiebach.

WGS/1/3 Reiner Kunze spricht mit Max Sebald [videorecording]. Norwich : UEA, 1975. 1 DVD video (30 min.) [German]

WGS/1/4 Max Sebald spricht mit Franz Reichert [videorecording]. Norwich : UEA,1977. 1 DVD video (30 min.) Discusses the work of Karl Kraus [German]

WGS/2/1 Chris Bigsby interviews Max Sebald, 12/1/01. Part 1 [sound recording] 1 CD [plus digital copy]. A transcript of this recording is in Writers in Conversation with Chris Bigsby. Vol.2. Norwich : Arthur Miler Centre for American Studies, 2001. There is also a print of this in the WGS archive box.

WGS/2/2 Chris Bigsby interviews Max Sebald, 12/1/01. Part 2 [sound recording] 1 CD [plus digital copy].

WGS/2/3 Chris Bigsby interviews Max Sebald, 12/1/01. Part 1 [sound recording] 1 Mini digital audio tape. Master.

WGS/2/4 Chris Bigsby interviews Max Sebald, 12/1/01. Part 2 [sound recording] 1 Mini digital audio tape. Master.

WGS/3/1 An evening for Max - Printed pamphlet for a remembrance evening for Sebald, 2002? Includes extracts from interviews, poems, German pieces and photographs. [Print]
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  • WGS - W.G. Sebald Audiovisual Archive collected by UEA Archives
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