UEA/ALU/1/2 - Memorabilia from Geoffrey Lewis (English 1963-1966)
Memorabilia from Geoffrey Lewis (English 1963-1966)
19 items Mixed
File of memorabilia from one of our first students who started at UEA in October 1963, Geoffrey Lewis. He was active in UEA's Dramatic Society. Includes press cuttings, posters, photographs of the Village and a letter home dated 6 October 1963. In this letter to his mother Geoffrey writes "believe me too when I say I am a privileged person to be a founder member of a new and revolutionary university." Included is a covering letter from his widow. Geoffrey died in February 2014.
UEA - UEA Collection
UEA/ALU - UEA Alumni
UEA/ALU/1 - Memorabilia from alumni
- UEA/ALU/1/2 - Memorabilia from Geoffrey Lewis (English 1963-1966)
UEA/ALU/1 - Memorabilia from alumni
UEA/ALU - UEA Alumni