SZ/OEMU/62/12 - [Reprints: bomb splinter wounds]
[Reprints: bomb splinter wounds]
25 items Mixed
Splinters -- Wounds and injuries
Wound ballistics
Wound ballistics
Contains cuttings and reprints of journal articles, and comments on these articles. The effectiveness of splinters, missiles and projectiles in causing wounds is investigated. The resultant injuries are described, and where possible, appropriate preventative measures are suggested.
SZ - Zuckerman Archive
SZ/OEMU - Ministry of Home Security, Oxford Extra-Mural Unit
SZ/OEMU/62 - [OEMU. Reprints collection]
- SZ/OEMU/62/12 - [Reprints: bomb splinter wounds]
SZ/OEMU/62 - [OEMU. Reprints collection]
SZ/OEMU - Ministry of Home Security, Oxford Extra-Mural Unit
- SZ/OEMU/62/12/3 - Wound ballistics: studies in the mechanism of wound production by rifle bullets, 4/10/35
- SZ/OEMU/62/12/1 - Dispersion of bullet energy in relation to wound effects. 'Military Surgeon', 9/21
- SZ/OEMU/62/12/2 - Firearms and projectiles: their bearing on wound production. An excerpt from the medical department of the United States Army in the World War
- SZ/OEMU/62/12/4 - [Letter, Robin Pilcher to , 16/7/40]
- SZ/OEMU/62/12/5 - Wounds from bomb fragments. 'British Medical Journal': 3/8/40
- SZ/OEMU/62/12/6 - Notes on the diagnosis and treatment of gas gangrene: with a suggested scheme for the bacteriological investigation of war wounds, 1940
- SZ/OEMU/62/12/7 - Conference on the Treatment of War Wounds: 29/11/40
- SZ/OEMU/62/12/8 - [Letter, B. Agard Evans to SZ, 5/6/41]
- SZ/OEMU/62/12/9-16 - An experimental study of the wounding mechanism of high-velocity missiles
- SZ/OEMU/62/12/17 - Wounding mechanism of high-velocity missiles. 'British Medical Journal', 17/1/42
- SZ/OEMU/62/12/18-21 - An experimental study of the wounding mechanism of high velocity missiles, 25/10/41
- SZ/OEMU/62/12/22 - An experimental study of the wounding mechanism of high velocity missiles. Abstract]
- SZ/OEMU/62/12/23 - Wounding mechanism of high-velocity missiles. 'British Medical Journal', 14/2/42
- SZ/OEMU/62/12/24 - Wound ballistics: mechanism of production of wounds by small arms bullets and shell fragments. 'War Medicine': vol.3, pp.337-350, 4/43
- SZ/OEMU/62/12/25 - Light armour in modern warfare. British Medical Journal, 19/7/40