SZ/OEMU/59/52/5 - [Letter, Mr Carruthers to J. Douglas, 16/12/44]
[Letter, Mr Carruthers to J. Douglas, 16/12/44]
1 leaf Letters (MS)
Douglas, J. W. B. recipient
Gives numbers of people evacuated from London boroughs. The figures include the numbers of accompanied children, and the numbers of unaccompanied children.
SZ - Zuckerman Archive
SZ/OEMU - Ministry of Home Security, Oxford Extra-Mural Unit
SZ/OEMU/59 - [OEMU. Casualty survey. Effects of blast; and air raid effects on morale]
SZ/OEMU/59/52 - [Casualty survey. Population and evacuation figures of London boroughs, 1940-1945]
- SZ/OEMU/59/52/5 - [Letter, Mr Carruthers to J. Douglas, 16/12/44]
SZ/OEMU/59/52 - [Casualty survey. Population and evacuation figures of London boroughs, 1940-1945]
SZ/OEMU/59 - [OEMU. Casualty survey. Effects of blast; and air raid effects on morale]
SZ/OEMU - Ministry of Home Security, Oxford Extra-Mural Unit