SZ/CSA/56/2/39 - Defence: When 'independence' had to stop. The Observer, 27/2/66
Defence: When 'independence' had to stop. The Observer, 27/2/66
1 leaf Press cuttings
Andrew Wilson argues that the radical departure in the Defence Review is Britain's acceptance of the interdependence principle. He discusses the pros and cons of aircraft carriers and F-111 bombers, and finds the bomber a more favourable investment and weapon. The issue of interdependence is debated. This relates to a situation in which Britain would never again undertake a major military operation on her own. Any large operation would involve the United States, New Zealand and Australia. The pros and cons of such dependence is discussed.
SZ - Zuckerman Archive
SZ/CSA - [Chief Scientific Adviser's papers]
SZ/CSA/56 - [CSA. Defence Review - 1966]
SZ/CSA/56/2 - [CSA Defence Review - 1966. Newspaper cuttings]
- SZ/CSA/56/2/39 - Defence: When 'independence' had to stop. The Observer, 27/2/66
SZ/CSA/56/2 - [CSA Defence Review - 1966. Newspaper cuttings]
SZ/CSA/56 - [CSA. Defence Review - 1966]
SZ/CSA - [Chief Scientific Adviser's papers]