SZ/CSA/172/6 - Summary of precautions taken at Whipsnade Park in relation to the outbreak of foot and mouth disease, 25/11/67
Summary of precautions taken at Whipsnade Park in relation to the outbreak of foot and mouth disease, 25/11/67
3 leaves
Whipsnade Zoo
Similar document for Regent's Park attached [SZ/CSA/172/5].
Similar document for Regent's Park attached [SZ/CSA/172/5].
SZ - Zuckerman Archive
SZ/CSA - [Chief Scientific Adviser's papers]
SZ/CSA/172 - [CSA. Foot-and-mouth disease]
- SZ/CSA/172/6 - Summary of precautions taken at Whipsnade Park in relation to the outbreak of foot and mouth disease, 25/11/67
SZ/CSA/172 - [CSA. Foot-and-mouth disease]
SZ/CSA - [Chief Scientific Adviser's papers]