SZ/BSU/5/2/85 - [Letter, SZ to Sir Arthur Tedder, 17/5/44]
[Letter, SZ to Sir Arthur Tedder, 17/5/44]
1 leaf Letters (typescript)
Emmens, C. W.
Tedder, Arthur William, recipient
Provides Tedder with a copy of the fifth paper of the Bombing Survey Unit [not included] which deals with the technical problem of the relation of bombs and fusing to the damage of railway lines and stock. Most of the information was analysed by Squadron Leader Emmens.
SZ - Zuckerman Archive
SZ/BSU - [Bombing Survey Unit]
SZ/BSU/5 - [BSU. Correspondence and memoranda]
SZ/BSU/5/2 - [BSU. Correspondence and memoranda, 1944]
- SZ/BSU/5/2/85 - [Letter, SZ to Sir Arthur Tedder, 17/5/44]
SZ/BSU/5/2 - [BSU. Correspondence and memoranda, 1944]
SZ/BSU/5 - [BSU. Correspondence and memoranda]
SZ/BSU - [Bombing Survey Unit]