SZ/BSU/5/1/18 - [Letter, L.D. Southin to J.C.M. Lowe, 14/9/43]
[Letter, L.D. Southin to J.C.M. Lowe, 14/9/43]
1 leaf Letters (typescript)
Lowe, J. C. M. recipient
Encloses some German books on bombs [not included].
SZ - Zuckerman Archive
SZ/BSU - [Bombing Survey Unit]
SZ/BSU/5 - [BSU. Correspondence and memoranda]
SZ/BSU/5/1 - [BSU. Correspondence and memoranda, 1943]
- SZ/BSU/5/1/18 - [Letter, L.D. Southin to J.C.M. Lowe, 14/9/43]
SZ/BSU/5/1 - [BSU. Correspondence and memoranda, 1943]
SZ/BSU/5 - [BSU. Correspondence and memoranda]
SZ/BSU - [Bombing Survey Unit]