SZ/BSU/5/1/136 - [Signal, SZ to Arthur Tedder, 6/12/43]
[Signal, SZ to Arthur Tedder, 6/12/43]
1 leaf
Tedder, Arthur William, recipient
SZ states that he is at Tedder's service at any time in Palermo.
SZ - Zuckerman Archive
SZ/BSU - [Bombing Survey Unit]
SZ/BSU/5 - [BSU. Correspondence and memoranda]
SZ/BSU/5/1 - [BSU. Correspondence and memoranda, 1943]
- SZ/BSU/5/1/136 - [Signal, SZ to Arthur Tedder, 6/12/43]
SZ/BSU/5/1 - [BSU. Correspondence and memoranda, 1943]
SZ/BSU/5 - [BSU. Correspondence and memoranda]
SZ/BSU - [Bombing Survey Unit]