SZ/BBSU/58/58 - [Minute, Charles Portal to Norman Bottomley, 28/3/45]
[Minute, Charles Portal to Norman Bottomley, 28/3/45]
1 leaf
Bottomley, Norman Howard, recipient
Informs Bottomley that the Prime Minister has agreed to withdraw his minute on the bombing policy and redraft it to deal only with the question of whether it is in the Allies' interests to continue area bombing.
SZ - Zuckerman Archive
SZ/BBSU - British Bombing Survey Unit
SZ/BBSU/58 - [BBSU. Air Ministry files. Documents used in the BBSU overall report III]
- SZ/BBSU/58/58 - [Minute, Charles Portal to Norman Bottomley, 28/3/45]
SZ/BBSU/58 - [BBSU. Air Ministry files. Documents used in the BBSU overall report III]
SZ/BBSU - British Bombing Survey Unit