Home  / SZ/AEAF/6/14-15 - [Covering note to French intelligence reports on SNCF appraisal the pre-D attacks on marshalling yards' and SNCF recommendations (as of May, 1944) for improving target selection], 8/8/44

SZ/AEAF/6/14-15 - [Covering note to French intelligence reports on SNCF appraisal the pre-D attacks on marshalling yards' and SNCF recommendations (as of May, 1944) for improving target selection], 8/8/44

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[Covering note to French intelligence reports on SNCF appraisal the pre-D attacks on marshalling yards' and SNCF recommendations (as of May, 1944) for improving target selection], 8/8/44
Quantity & Format
1 leaf
United States. Embassy. Great Britain. Economic Warfare Division. Enemy Objectives Unit.
Scope and content
The report to which the note refers are absent. The note states that both reports "emphasise the minor part played by the marshalling yards in German rail transport and the small effect on its efficiency caused by the heavy attacks on french yards prior to D-Day" and favour the alternatives of: attacks on bridges, cuttings and embankments and on German "relief stations" bordering the French and Belgian railway systems; and simultaneous attacks on "selected junctions and forks".

Two copies. Typescript carbon copies.
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