SMa/4/FLO/1/Q-Z - Third Party Works/FLO/Poems/Q-Z
Reference code
Level of description
Third Party Works/FLO/Poems/Q-Z
Scope and content
The asterisks below denote files that might be of particular interest.
Dates below refer to dates that work was published (if known):
Raine, Craig (3 items), 1979.
Raine, Kathleen (1 item), undated.
Randolph, Thomas (2 items), undated.
Redgrove, Peter (1 item), 2004.
Reid, Christopher (1 item), 1979.
Rich, Adrienne (6 items), 1955-1993.
Roberts, Michele (1 item), 1991.
?Robertson, Robin (1 item), undated.
Robinson, Edwin Arlington (1 item), undated.
Roethke, Theodore (10 items), 1948-1968.
Rohrer, Matthew (2 items), 1997.
Rooney, Padraig (1 item), 1988.
Rosenberg, Isaac (1 item), undated.
Rossetti, Christina (3 items), undated.
Sackville-West, Vita (8 items), 1946.
Salzman, Eva (1 item), 1997.
Sandburg, Carl (1 item), 1918.
Sassoon, Siegfried (1 item), 1961.
Schuyler, James (1 item), 1993.
Sexton, Anne (2 items), 1960.
Shakespeare, William (1 item), undated.
Shelley, Percy Bysshe (1 item), 1820.
Shirley, James (1 item), 1646.
Sidney, Sir Philip (1 item), undated.
Smart, Christopher (1 item), 1761/1939.
Smith, Charlie (4 items), undated.
Smith, Charlotte (1 item), undated.
Snyder, Gary (1 item), 1992.
Soyinka, Wole (1 item), 1969.
Spark, Muriel (1 item), undated.
Spencer, Bernard (1 item), undated.
Spenser, Edmund (3 items), 1590.
St. Vincent Millay, Edna (1 item), undated.
Stevens, Wallace (4 items), 1935-1957.
Stevenson, Anne (2 items), 1996.
Stevenson, Robert Louis (2 items), undated.
Strand, Mark (1 item), 1979.
Stuart, Muriel (1 item), undated.
Summers, Hal (1 item), undated.
Swenson, May (1 item), undated.
Swinburne, Algernon Charles (3 items), undated.
Szirtes, George (1 item), 1998.
*Tennyson, Alfred Lord (7 items), 1830-2000. [Includes correspondence from John E. Bayes, who recommends a poem with unknown title for Flora.]
Thomas, Edward (4 items), 1979.
Thomas, R.S. (5 items), 1993.
Thomson, James (3 items), 1744-1746.
Thorpe, Adam (1 item), 1998.
Tomlinson, Charles (1 item), 1987.
Turner, W.J. (1 item), 1916.
Tusser, Thomas (1 item), 1571.
Twichell, Chase (1 item), 1991.
Unknown (10 items), 1963-2002.
Updike, John (1 item), undated.
Van Duyn, Mona (1 item), undated.
Vaughan, Henry (1 item), 1650.
Wallace-Crabbe, Chris (1 item), undated.
Waller, Edmund (3 items), 1645-1664.
*Warner, Val (1 item), 1999. [Includes poems submitted by Val Warner for A Garden Inclosed (early version of Flora).]
Warren, Robert Penn (1 item), undated.
Warren, Rosanna (1 item), undated.
Watkyns, Rowland (1 item), 1662.
Whitman, Walt (2 items), undated.
Wilbur, Richard (4 items), 1947-1988.
Wilde, Oscar (2 items), undated.
Williams, C.K. (3 items), 1995-1997.
Williams, Hugo (1 item), undated.
Williams, William Carlos (5 items), 1921-1962.
Wilmot, John (1 item), undated.
Woodward, Gerard (3 items), 1991.
Wright, Charles (1 item), 1982.
Wright, James (1 item), undated.
Wright, Judith (5 items), 1949-1994.
Wylie, Elinor (1 item), 1932/1960.
Yeats, W.B. (2 items), undated.
Young, Andrew (1 item), 1950.
*Young, Judith (1 item), 2000. [Includes poems submitted by Judith Young after Sarah Maguire led workshop at Bath Literary Festival.]
Dates below refer to dates that work was published (if known):
Raine, Craig (3 items), 1979.
Raine, Kathleen (1 item), undated.
Randolph, Thomas (2 items), undated.
Redgrove, Peter (1 item), 2004.
Reid, Christopher (1 item), 1979.
Rich, Adrienne (6 items), 1955-1993.
Roberts, Michele (1 item), 1991.
?Robertson, Robin (1 item), undated.
Robinson, Edwin Arlington (1 item), undated.
Roethke, Theodore (10 items), 1948-1968.
Rohrer, Matthew (2 items), 1997.
Rooney, Padraig (1 item), 1988.
Rosenberg, Isaac (1 item), undated.
Rossetti, Christina (3 items), undated.
Sackville-West, Vita (8 items), 1946.
Salzman, Eva (1 item), 1997.
Sandburg, Carl (1 item), 1918.
Sassoon, Siegfried (1 item), 1961.
Schuyler, James (1 item), 1993.
Sexton, Anne (2 items), 1960.
Shakespeare, William (1 item), undated.
Shelley, Percy Bysshe (1 item), 1820.
Shirley, James (1 item), 1646.
Sidney, Sir Philip (1 item), undated.
Smart, Christopher (1 item), 1761/1939.
Smith, Charlie (4 items), undated.
Smith, Charlotte (1 item), undated.
Snyder, Gary (1 item), 1992.
Soyinka, Wole (1 item), 1969.
Spark, Muriel (1 item), undated.
Spencer, Bernard (1 item), undated.
Spenser, Edmund (3 items), 1590.
St. Vincent Millay, Edna (1 item), undated.
Stevens, Wallace (4 items), 1935-1957.
Stevenson, Anne (2 items), 1996.
Stevenson, Robert Louis (2 items), undated.
Strand, Mark (1 item), 1979.
Stuart, Muriel (1 item), undated.
Summers, Hal (1 item), undated.
Swenson, May (1 item), undated.
Swinburne, Algernon Charles (3 items), undated.
Szirtes, George (1 item), 1998.
*Tennyson, Alfred Lord (7 items), 1830-2000. [Includes correspondence from John E. Bayes, who recommends a poem with unknown title for Flora.]
Thomas, Edward (4 items), 1979.
Thomas, R.S. (5 items), 1993.
Thomson, James (3 items), 1744-1746.
Thorpe, Adam (1 item), 1998.
Tomlinson, Charles (1 item), 1987.
Turner, W.J. (1 item), 1916.
Tusser, Thomas (1 item), 1571.
Twichell, Chase (1 item), 1991.
Unknown (10 items), 1963-2002.
Updike, John (1 item), undated.
Van Duyn, Mona (1 item), undated.
Vaughan, Henry (1 item), 1650.
Wallace-Crabbe, Chris (1 item), undated.
Waller, Edmund (3 items), 1645-1664.
*Warner, Val (1 item), 1999. [Includes poems submitted by Val Warner for A Garden Inclosed (early version of Flora).]
Warren, Robert Penn (1 item), undated.
Warren, Rosanna (1 item), undated.
Watkyns, Rowland (1 item), 1662.
Whitman, Walt (2 items), undated.
Wilbur, Richard (4 items), 1947-1988.
Wilde, Oscar (2 items), undated.
Williams, C.K. (3 items), 1995-1997.
Williams, Hugo (1 item), undated.
Williams, William Carlos (5 items), 1921-1962.
Wilmot, John (1 item), undated.
Woodward, Gerard (3 items), 1991.
Wright, Charles (1 item), 1982.
Wright, James (1 item), undated.
Wright, Judith (5 items), 1949-1994.
Wylie, Elinor (1 item), 1932/1960.
Yeats, W.B. (2 items), undated.
Young, Andrew (1 item), 1950.
*Young, Judith (1 item), 2000. [Includes poems submitted by Judith Young after Sarah Maguire led workshop at Bath Literary Festival.]
SMA - Sarah Maguire Archive
SMA/4 - Third Party Works
SMa/4/FLO - Third Party Works/FLO
SMa/4/FLO/1 - Third Party Works/FLO/Poems
- SMa/4/FLO/1/Q-Z - Third Party Works/FLO/Poems/Q-Z
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