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RD/WTF/1 - Cowpasture Lane

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Cowpasture Lane
Scope and content
Contains a summons issued by the plaintiff RD on the defendant William Battell concerning the obstruction of Cowpasture Lane, the ploughing thereof and the cutting down of hedges and trees. Also included is a petition from the local community for right of way and tree preservation along Cowpasture Lane; a printed article on the campaign for Cowpasture Lane, including the lane’s history; and sketches by RD of the lane showing cross-sections of the ditches, and details of the trees and flora.

Also includes a letter from the Dept. of Environment and Transport wherein William A. Battell of Rectory Farm appeals against refusal of consent to remove tree stumps, 21/3/85; a 1986 letter from Mid Suffolk Council concerning attempts to agree a management programme with Mr Battell; correspondence with the Council concerning RD’s plans for maintenance and conservation of Cowpasture Lane in conjunction with Suffolk Trust for Nature Conservation; a lengthy letter by RD to the Waveney Valley Project on his concerns for Cowpasture Lane, 27/10/89; a ms by RD describing Cowpasture Lane being used as grazing land, 1998; and notes on hedge-grubbing [a possible draft for a press article].

Following a public enquiry in 2005, the status of Cowpasture Lane was confirmed as a byway open to all traffic from Mellis Green to Thornham Magna. This meant that the lane could not be ploughed and could be reinstated. Correspondence to this effect, with the Planning Inspectorate, Suffolk County Council and Sue Clifford of Common Ground, is included.
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