Home  / PP/4/1/16/54 - [Letter, Max Nicholson to Jack Pritchard, 12/3/76]

PP/4/1/16/54 - [Letter, Max Nicholson to Jack Pritchard, 12/3/76]

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Level of description
[Letter, Max Nicholson to Jack Pritchard, 12/3/76]
Quantity & Format
1 leaf Letters (typescript)
Personal name
Spicer, Robert S.
Barry, Gerald Reid,
Lindsay, Kenneth
Nicholson, Max,
Pritchard, John Craven,
Administrative/Biographical history
Scope and content
Max Nicholson replies to Jack Pritchard's "devilishly difficult letter", recalling their early involvement with PEP and in particular the time of their first meeting (between 14/2/31 and 21/3/31), and referring to Gerald Barry, through whom Jack was invited to "the Ivy dinner on 1st and 15th March" - at one of which Jack coined "PEP as a name", Kenneth [Lindsay], and Robert Spicer's association with Tec Plan. Jack Pritchard was, apparently, due to be interviewed (about his life?) and had sought Nicholson's help in recalling events relating to PEP. Nicholson sends greetings to Molly Pritchard and expresses the hope that "Piers will find some way of bringing us together" when Nicholson is "at the Nebb for Easter".
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