PP/4/1/16/44 - [Letter, Max Nicholson to Jack Pritchard, 13/11/33]
[Letter, Max Nicholson to Jack Pritchard, 13/11/33]
1 leaf Letters (typescript)
Pritchard, Fleetwood
Gloag, John
Gloag, John
Federal Program
New Britain (organization)
Technocrats (group)
CCF (organization : Canada)
Socialist League
British Association for the Advancement of Science
New Britain (organization)
Technocrats (group)
CCF (organization : Canada)
Socialist League
British Association for the Advancement of Science
Pritchard, John Craven, recipient
Nicholson has "now had time thoroughly to digest" [Fleetwood Pritchard's?] and [John] Gloag's criticisms "[of [JAXPLAN?] and has modified his first impression, no longer feeling that "they have blown the document itself sky-high but only our tentative proposals for putting it out." He goes on to give his view on the mode of publication of the text and its distribution, stressing that it is "a document for technicians" and not "for general consumption". He advises against publishing in book form, preferring "say 2-500 [roneoed] copies in some light form of cover" sending specimen copies to "the Socialist League, Fed. Prog. Societies, New Britain, Technocrats, British Assn., PEP, Canadian C.C.F., and all other groups likely to be interested on both sides of the Atlantic inviting criticism". He believes that "If we don't get a good reaction from those people we wont [sic] get it from anyone." If reaction was favourable, it would make it possible to judge whether the document "or some modification or alternative should be published in more permanent form."
PP - Pritchard Papers
PP/4 - Political and Economic Planning (PEP)
PP/4/1 - Political and Economic Planning (PEP). Correspondence
PP/4/1/16 - Political and Economic Planning (PEP). Correspondence. Max Nicholson
- PP/4/1/16/44 - [Letter, Max Nicholson to Jack Pritchard, 13/11/33]
PP/4/1/16 - Political and Economic Planning (PEP). Correspondence. Max Nicholson
PP/4/1 - Political and Economic Planning (PEP). Correspondence
PP/4 - Political and Economic Planning (PEP)