PP/39/1/27/1 - [Letter, Philip Harben to Raymond Postgate, 19/7/39]
[Letter, Philip Harben to Raymond Postgate, 19/7/39]
1 leaf Letters (typescript)
Postgate, R. W. recipient
Philip Harben cannot understand Raymond Postgate's ambivalence towards [Charles] Lloyd Jones' meal and believes Postgate is mistaken about the quantity of wine which will be available.
PP - Pritchard Papers
PP/39 - [Half Hundred Club]
PP/39/1 - [Half Hundred Club. Dinners]
PP/39/1/27 - [Half Hundred Club Dinner, directed by Charles Lloyd Jones, 26/9/39]
- PP/39/1/27/1 - [Letter, Philip Harben to Raymond Postgate, 19/7/39]
PP/39/1/27 - [Half Hundred Club Dinner, directed by Charles Lloyd Jones, 26/9/39]
PP/39/1 - [Half Hundred Club. Dinners]
PP/39 - [Half Hundred Club]
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