PP/22/3/57 - [Dr Stephenson's comments on David Hardman's letter, and Molly Pritchard's opinion, 3/8/61]
[Dr Stephenson's comments on David Hardman's letter, and Molly Pritchard's opinion, 3/8/61]
2 leaves
Pritchard, Molly
Stephenson, G., recipient
PP/22/3/48, PP/22/3/49, PP/22/3/50, PP/22/3/51, PP/22/3/52, PP/22/3/53, PP/22/3/54, PP/22/3/55, PP/22/3/56, PP/22/3/62
Two copies of a note written by Molly Pritchard concerning Henry Morris' medical condition and situation when she visited Dr Stephenson at Hill End Hospital. Also includes Dr Stephenson's comments on David Hardman's letter of 27/7/61. Enclosed with [PP/22/3/48-PP/22/3/56, PP/22/3/62].
Two copies of a note written by Molly Pritchard concerning Henry Morris' medical condition and situation when she visited Dr Stephenson at Hill End Hospital. Also includes Dr Stephenson's comments on David Hardman's letter of 27/7/61. Enclosed with [PP/22/3/48-PP/22/3/56, PP/22/3/62].
PP - Pritchard Papers
PP/22 - Henry Morris
PP/22/3 - Henry Morris 1961. Illness and Death
- PP/22/3/57 - [Dr Stephenson's comments on David Hardman's letter, and Molly Pritchard's opinion, 3/8/61]
PP/22/3 - Henry Morris 1961. Illness and Death
PP/22 - Henry Morris