PP/16/4/1/7 - [Letter, Secretary, Isokon (Lawn Road) Ltd to P.C. Evans, 13/12/38]
[Letter, Secretary, Isokon (Lawn Road) Ltd to P.C. Evans, 13/12/38]
1 leaf Letters (typescript)
Evans, P. C.
Evans, P. C. recipient
Enquires about the terms on which Mr Evans requires his flat. If he is to take it on permanently it will be redecorated by [Isokon].
PP - Pritchard Papers
PP/16 - Lawn Road Flats (Isokon Lawn Road Limited), and the Windsor, Manchester and Birmingham Flat Schemes
PP/16/4 - Tenants of Lawn Road Flats, 1934-1968
PP/16/4/1 - General correspondence and memoranda of Lawn Road Flats tenants, 1934-1954
- PP/16/4/1/7 - [Letter, Secretary, Isokon (Lawn Road) Ltd to P.C. Evans, 13/12/38]
PP/16/4/1 - General correspondence and memoranda of Lawn Road Flats tenants, 1934-1954
PP/16/4 - Tenants of Lawn Road Flats, 1934-1968
PP/16 - Lawn Road Flats (Isokon Lawn Road Limited), and the Windsor, Manchester and Birmingham Flat Schemes