PP/16/3/1/8/53 - [Running commentary, Jack Pritchard and Lena Neumann, April 1954 - March 1955]
Sub item
[Running commentary, Jack Pritchard and Lena Neumann, April 1954 - March 1955]
38 pp
Lawn Road Flats -- Management
Exercise book containing 255 entries on the general management of Lawn Road Flats. Entries are written by Jack Pritchard and Lena Neumann and directed to one another. Answers, to the questions posed and comments made, appear in subsequent entries.
PP - Pritchard Papers
PP/16 - Lawn Road Flats (Isokon Lawn Road Limited), and the Windsor, Manchester and Birmingham Flat Schemes
PP/16/3 - [Lawn Road Flats: Management, Services and Maintenance: 1934-1952
PP/16/3/1 - Lawn Road Flats: Management, 1934-1968
PP/16/3/1/8 - Lawn Road Flats: Management - Miscellaneous correspondence, 1935-1969
- PP/16/3/1/8/53 - [Running commentary, Jack Pritchard and Lena Neumann, April 1954 - March 1955]
PP/16/3/1/8 - Lawn Road Flats: Management - Miscellaneous correspondence, 1935-1969
PP/16/3/1 - Lawn Road Flats: Management, 1934-1968
PP/16/3 - [Lawn Road Flats: Management, Services and Maintenance: 1934-1952
PP/16 - Lawn Road Flats (Isokon Lawn Road Limited), and the Windsor, Manchester and Birmingham Flat Schemes