PC/18/4/5 - Role of translation in the child’s multicultural world (Vancouver, Grey Owl, Montreal) [Speech] by PC, undated
Role of translation in the child’s multicultural world (Vancouver, Grey Owl, Montreal) [Speech] by PC, undated
7 leaves Speech
Begins: ‘I was born in India …’
Heavily annotated and re-paginated pages. Possibly used partially in later articles.
Heavily annotated and re-paginated pages. Possibly used partially in later articles.
PC - Patricia Crampton Archive
PC/18 - Memoirs
PC/18/4 - Interviews, talks and articles (set aside for memoir)
- PC/18/4/5 - Role of translation in the child’s multicultural world (Vancouver, Grey Owl, Montreal) [Speech] by PC, undated
PC/18/4 - Interviews, talks and articles (set aside for memoir)
PC/18 - Memoirs