LC/10/5/Villanueva - Terry Villanueva (Colo.)
Terry Villanueva (Colo.)
Child, Lee -- Characters
Names in literature
Names in literature
Terry faxes (10/12/2001) a signed consent form (7/12/2001) to LC and Maggie. This gives LC and his publishers the rights to use Terry’s name in fictional works. Also included is a copied certificate which entitles the bearer to have their name included as a minor character in LC’s next Jack Reacher novel.
LC - Lee Child Archive
LC/10 - Fan Correspondence
LC/10/5 - Fan Correspondence A-Z by Surname
- LC/10/5/Villanueva - Terry Villanueva (Colo.)
LC/10/5 - Fan Correspondence A-Z by Surname
LC/10 - Fan Correspondence