LC/10/5/Surname-Ka - Karen [Surname unknown] (Calif.)
Karen [Surname unknown] (Calif.)
Letter, [2009?]. TS. Karen writes on headed notepaper of Herbert Management Associates, Los Angeles. It was “a treat” to see LC and Maggie in Los Angeles. She had the best time at the Reacher Creature pj party. It was “an absolute delight” to spend time with LC and some of his biggest fans and fellow writers. Karen is an old lady who was daunted at the thought of going downtown in LA for a party staring at 21:00 but she “had a blast.” She thanks LC for including her.
LC - Lee Child Archive
LC/10 - Fan Correspondence
LC/10/5 - Fan Correspondence A-Z by Surname
- LC/10/5/Surname-Ka - Karen [Surname unknown] (Calif.)
LC/10/5 - Fan Correspondence A-Z by Surname
LC/10 - Fan Correspondence