LC/10/5/Bruns - Don Bruns
Don Bruns
3 items
Note, 19/6/2000. TS. Don suggests LC listen to his record ‘Last Flight Out’ for a little inspiration “for #6.” Includes a poster of Don on the beach playing his guitar and promoting the record, produced by White Sand Records. [Don is a mystery series writer].
Email, 27/11/2001. Don is excited about the interest his book is getting from St Martin's [Press]. He asks for a blurb from LC. He asks about LC's newest release. He suggests LC should visit Bookends in Lima, Ohio if he is that way [for a book promotion].
Email, 27/11/2001. Don is excited about the interest his book is getting from St Martin's [Press]. He asks for a blurb from LC. He asks about LC's newest release. He suggests LC should visit Bookends in Lima, Ohio if he is that way [for a book promotion].
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- LC/10/5/Bruns - Don Bruns
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