LC/10/5/Bannister - Celia M. Bannister (Isle of Man)
Celia M. Bannister (Isle of Man)
Swearing in literature
Letter, [1999?]. TS. Celia enjoyed ‘Killing Floor’ and the fact that it contained no swear words. “I have never read a thriller, police procedural, who-done-it in years without the ‘F’ words being scattered through the text like confetti.” She also appreciated that the really nasty violence “was reported rather than described in morbid detail as it was taking place.”
LC - Lee Child Archive
LC/10 - Fan Correspondence
LC/10/5 - Fan Correspondence A-Z by Surname
- LC/10/5/Bannister - Celia M. Bannister (Isle of Man)
LC/10/5 - Fan Correspondence A-Z by Surname
LC/10 - Fan Correspondence