DL/A-Z//LODG - [Correspondence with David Lodge]
[Correspondence with David Lodge]
1 Letters (typescript)
Bradbury, Malcolm
001 is a letter from David Lodge to Doris Lessing, congratulating her on winning the British Literature Prize and regretting that he could not attend the prize giving, since he was reading at the University of East Anglia. Mentions meeting Lessing at the funeral of Malcolm Bradbury.
DL - Doris Lessing Archive
DL/2008 - Doris Lessing Archive 2008 deposit
DL/A-Z - [A-Z Correspondence of Doris Lessing]
- DL/A-Z//LODG - [Correspondence with David Lodge]
DL/A-Z - [A-Z Correspondence of Doris Lessing]
DL/2008 - Doris Lessing Archive 2008 deposit