DL/A-Z//KANT - [Correspondence with H.M. Kantor of Zimbabwe attorneys Kantor & Immerman]
[Correspondence with H.M. Kantor of Zimbabwe attorneys Kantor & Immerman]
[re: Doris Lessing’s son’s estate; & the delivery of a talk to the Willia Musarurwa Memorial Trust. This record is not yet complete.]
DL - Doris Lessing Archive
DL/2008 - Doris Lessing Archive 2008 deposit
DL/A-Z - [A-Z Correspondence of Doris Lessing]
- DL/A-Z//KANT - [Correspondence with H.M. Kantor of Zimbabwe attorneys Kantor & Immerman]
DL/A-Z - [A-Z Correspondence of Doris Lessing]
DL/2008 - Doris Lessing Archive 2008 deposit