DL/A-Z//GRANT L - [Correspondence with Linda Grant]
[Correspondence with Linda Grant]
1 Letters (typescript)
Linda Grant writes to Doris Lessing. She states that after she won the Orange Prize, people asked her whether Lessing was an influence. She classes Lessing's The Golden Notebook among the books that became part of her "internal system", forming her "world view", "political consciousness" and "sensibility". She thanks Lessing for shaping her so fundamentally that she took her influence for granted. Lessing hand writes "letter 6.10.00"
DL - Doris Lessing Archive
DL/2008 - Doris Lessing Archive 2008 deposit
DL/A-Z - [A-Z Correspondence of Doris Lessing]
- DL/A-Z//GRANT L - [Correspondence with Linda Grant]
DL/A-Z - [A-Z Correspondence of Doris Lessing]
DL/2008 - Doris Lessing Archive 2008 deposit