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JH/POL/LOC/2 - [Rating of broiler houses] [View Details]
JH/POL/LOC/4 - [Litter Bill 1957] [View Details]
JH/POL/LOC/5 - [Closure of RAF Watton] [View Details]
JH/POL/LOC/6 - [Proposed prison at Griston] [View Details]
JH/POL/LOC/7 - [Rural electricity supplies] [View Details]
JH/POL/LOC/8 - [Petrol rationing] [View Details]
JH/POL/LOC/9 - [Jobs and unemployment] [View Details]
JH/POL/LOC/10 - [Agricultural statistics] [View Details]
JH/POL/LOC/11 - [Television appearance fees] [View Details]
JH/POL/LOC/12 - [Ugandan Asians] [View Details]
JH/POL/LOC/14 - [Boundary Commission] [View Details]
JH/POL/LOC/18 - [Television Bill 1962] [View Details]
JH/POL/LOC/19 - [East of England development] [View Details]
JH/POL/LOC/20 - [British Rail Eastern Region] [View Details]
JH/POL/LOC/21 - [JH's "Diss Express" and "Eastern Daily Press" articles] [View Details]
JH/POL/LOC/22 - [Local authority housing] [View Details]
JH/POL/LOC/23 - [By-passes] [View Details]
JH/POL/LOC/24 - [Closure of RAF Pulham] [View Details]
JH/POL/LOC/25 - [Correspondence with constituents] [View Details]
JH/POL/LOC/29 - [JH's speech notes] [View Details]
JH/POL/LOC/31 - [Missile and nuclear power bases] [View Details]
JH/POL/LOC/32 - [Training boards and local business] [View Details]
JH/POL/LOC/33 - [Opening of the Earsham Mill] [View Details]
JH/POL/LOC/34 - [Anglia Television broadcasting] [View Details]
JH/POL/LOC/35 - [Pine View Developments Limited] [View Details]
JH/POL/LOC/36 - [Trunk roads and principle roads development] [View Details]
JH/POL/LOC/37 - [Engineering] [View Details]
JH/POL/LOC/38 - [Conference on communication and participation in local government] [View Details]
JH/POL/LOC/39 - [Criticisms of the Conservative Party] [View Details]
JH/POL/LOC/40 - [Conservation and the environment] [View Details]
JH/POL/LOC/41 - [Suffolk county structure plan] [View Details]
JH/POL/LOC/42 - [Air Minstry airfields and buildings] [View Details]
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